Lovely Substitute Bride



When Wen Tiantian finally escaped from Ji Jingchen's "demonic palms", she walked out of the bedroom with her hands on her waist with difficulty, complaining about Ji Jingchen's atrocities last night.    


When he raised his head, he saw the butler and the cook.    


The two of them had a smile on their face, and the ridiculing look in their eyes was obvious. It made Wen Tiantian blush, and for a moment, she didn't know how to face the person in front of her.    


"Miss, breakfast is ready."    


"Got it."    


Wen Tiantian replied with her head lowered.    


A laugh came from the kitchen maid. Wen Tiantian was startled, but she quickly ran downstairs.    


They finished their meal under their loving and strange gazes.    


"Miss, Sir said that you can have a good rest at home today."    


When Wen Tiantian heard those words, she finally calmed down with great difficulty, but she started to panic again. She hurriedly shook her head.    


"No need, no need, I still have to go to Elder Peng's place today, I'll be back soon."    


Waving her hand, she stood up and turned to leave.    


"But Miss …"    


The butler was about to speak, but Wen Tiantian didn't dare to stay and quickly turned to leave.    


How dare she continue to rest at home?    


It wasn't easy for Ji Jingchen to leave, of course, he had to go out for a while.    


Every time she obeyed and had a good rest, Ji Jingchen would pull her along and continue testing her body's recovery status as soon as he came back at night.    


Untiring, untiring.    


Even when Wen Tiantian said pitifully that she was tired, Ji Jingchen only looked at her in surprise.    


"Didn't I let you rest all day?"    


There was a clear sentence in her eyes: Look how considerate I am. I'll give you some time to rest.    


Wen Tiantian wanted to cry, but no tears came out.    


He must not fall into Ji Jingchen's trap again!    


Wen Tiantian thought as she gritted her teeth and sped up. She quickly got into the car and arrived at the restaurant that she and Elder Peng had agreed to meet.    


Ever since they won the competition with Lee Jiawei on the program, many people started to rely on their relationship in order to find Wen Tiantian for the show or to help repair the treasures in their possession.    


However, due to Ji Jingchen's relationship, many people's requests were blocked.    


They had no other choice but to find Elder Peng and Elder Zhang.    


Both of them knew Wen Tiantian's character. Although she had managed to hold back a lot of people, there were some who held high positions and held great authority, who could not be refused.    


The person that Wen Tiantian wanted to see today was someone that would appear frequently on the news.    


The other side even specifically called for Wen Tiantian to do it herself.    


As soon as she entered the restaurant, Wen Tiantian raised her head and saw a familiar back view.    


It was extremely tall, and it was very eye-catching amongst the crowd.    


Upon closer inspection, she realized that it looked somewhat like Luan Zhi, who she hadn't seen for a long time.    


The few of them went upstairs. The moment Wen Tiantian saw the manager beside her, she was instantly sure that the person in front of her was Luan Zhi.    


Just as he was about to open his mouth to shout, he realized that the other party was a well-known model. If he were to open his mouth, his identity might be exposed.    


Just as they were hesitating, they saw a few of them turn around and leave their line of sight.    


Wen Tiantian had no choice but to retract the words that were on the tip of her tongue, planning to meet with Luan Zhi in the next few days.    


When he reached the restaurant, the other three people had already arrived.    


Wen Tiantian looked over and saw that Elder Peng and Elder Zhang had serious expressions and their backs were ramrod straight.    


With a single glance, he could tell that the other party was definitely a powerful figure.    


Taking two steps forward, Wen Tiantian turned her head to take a look. Even she couldn't help but straighten her body and open her eyes wide.    


"Old General Xu!" "Why are you here?"    


The old man in the iron-gray suit had an amiable smile on his face.    


"I'm here for your help, Miss Wen."    


Wen Tiantian hadn't had a chance to chat with this old gentleman during the previous competition when she discovered that he had already disappeared.    


Old General Xu was someone who appeared in textbooks many times. Wen Tiantian was ecstatic as she did not expect to see him again.    


"Sorry I'm late." She lowered her head apologetically.    


"It doesn't matter. Actually, I requested something from you this time."    


Old General Xu waved his hand.    


Elder Zhang also nodded. He couldn't help but tease: "Being able to escape from Ji Jingchen, that control maniac, it's already pretty good that you can reach your destination successfully."    


Wen Tiantian's face flushed when she heard this.    


Elder Zhang had a reason for saying this.    


A few days ago, when the two of them informed her about this matter, Ji Jingchen happened to pick up the phone.    


Wen Tiantian didn't notice at first, but when she heard that he was bargaining over the phone, she thought it was because he was at work and inwardly sighed at the person on the other end of the line.    


What kind of powerful person could make Ji Jingchen so patient?    


After asking around, Ji Jingchen said that he was negotiating with Elder Zhang.    


However, the negotiations had actually been to stop him from using the excuse of repairing the antique and to take up Wen Tiantian's time in the future.    


Ji Jingchen was too stubborn. He only stopped when Elder Zhang told him that his son was about to give birth to a second baby.    


Hearing Elder Zhang's words, Wen Tiantian suddenly remembered.    


That day, after the call, Ji Jingchen seemed to have pulled her along and went back to the bedroom to measure her body's recovery …    


Upon recalling those scenes, the temperature on Wen Tiantian's face gradually rose again.    


She sat down quickly and ordered a cup of coffee.    


"I came here this time to ask Miss Wen to repair a piece of porcelain that was left behind by my ancestors."    


Old General Xu handed over a photo as he spoke.    


Wen Tiantian took it and looked at it. She could see that the owner of the vase was very fond of it. However, because it was not properly maintained in the early stages, tiny cracks had appeared on its surface. It was not difficult to repair it.    


Since Elder Peng was present, it was inconvenient for Wen Tiantian to speak.    


"This piece of porcelain is expensive. My master repaired it more perfectly than I did. Old General Xu, you …"    


Old General waved his hand.    


"I can only relax and let you come. There are many people who possess superb repair techniques, but you are the only one who can repair the internal soul of something. "Wen Tiantian, you're special."    


Wen Tiantian held the photo in her hand and turned around to look at Elder Peng. Seeing him nod, she finally said, "Alright, I will do my best."    


"Alright, I believe you."    


After Wen Tiantian finished discussing the specific problems during the repair, she was still thinking if Ji Jingchen had gone back yet.    


He raised his head and saw a luxury advertisement on the wall of the coffee shop. The spokesperson was Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi's facial features were on the Euclidean side, and her every gesture and gesture exuded the air of a French aristocrat.    


Noticing that Elder Zhang was also looking at the photo, Wen Tiantian couldn't help but say, "Recently, Luan Zhi has become very popular with everyone."    


However, Elder Zhang frowned.    


"I haven't seen any news of this little girl in a long time."    


Because the Zhang Family and Luan Family had some business cooperation, Elder Zhang and Luan Zhi's parents had some friendship, which was why they paid more attention to Luan Zhi's matter.    


He hadn't noticed it before, but after seeing the ad on the screen and listening to Wen Tiantian talk about it, he did some calculations and realized that he hadn't heard anything about Luan Zhi in almost two months.    


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