Lovely Substitute Bride



The man leaning against the door frame raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her.    


"I thought it was Min Ann'ge."    


"You want to see him that much?"    


Ji Jingchen walked in with a slightly jealous voice.    


Wen Tiantian knew Ji Jingchen was doing it on purpose, but she still explained, "We were just talking about work."    


With that, he recalled the situation and sighed.    


"I know." Ji Jingchen said, "Your promotional event was suspended yesterday. Shouldn't we release a trailer today?"    


"Yes, but the risks on the internet are against us …"    


"So you want to stop the promotions?" Ji Jingchen borrowed her words.    


Wen Tiantian shook her head.    


"If we release the news now, we will push the filming crew to the heart of the matter and cause many netizens to retaliate. It will also be detrimental to the movie's release."    


"But if they don't publish it, they won't have a chance to understand how much this movie of yours really does care about the movie, and they won't be able to feel the film's charm."    


Ji Jingchen said as he walked to Wen Tiantian's side and placed his hand on her shoulder.    


It was a light movement that gave Wen Tiantian endless courage.    


"Or are you not confident in your movie?" Ji Jingchen continued.    


"Of course not."    


Wen Tiantian raised her head, ready to explain her difficulties to Ji Jingchen.    


But when she met his gaze, she couldn't say a word.    


These eyes were so firm that they had never wavered.    


She suddenly remembered what Ji Jingchen had told her before.    


If he wanted to go against the current, he would have to suffer more than anyone else.    


However, if he didn't have any confidence in himself, he would never be able to reach the other side.    


These words echoed in his mind. Looking at Ji Jingchen's eyes, the worry in his heart gradually disappeared and was once again filled with confidence.    


After a while, Wen Tiantian nodded again, and her voice became firm.    


"I'll get them to release the trailer right now and start promoting it."    


With that, she stood up, tiptoed and kissed Ji Jingchen on the cheek, then hurriedly left.    


Ji Jingchen didn't expect her to make such a sudden move and couldn't react in an instant.    


When he raised his head to take a look, all he saw was the figure of Wen Tiantian's back as she left.    


Ji Jingchen raised his hand and gently touched the spot where he kissed before with a doting smile on his face.    


"So perfunctory?"    


"I've said it before, I'm very expensive …"    


On the other side, Wen Tiantian had already left the study room in a hurry and informed the crew of the release of the edited trailer, starting the first round of promotions.    


Hearing Wen Tiantian's decision, the people from the advertising team hesitated.    


Right now, the netizens were boycotting the entire film crew. They were in the limelight, and if they started advertising now, they would definitely be heavily boycotted.    


Wen Tiantian had always been cautious. Why was she so impulsive this time?    


Since Wen Tiantian was adamant about her decision, they had no choice but to agree and post the promotional video in their hands.    


Everyone was prepared to accept the criticism and scoldings of the netizens, but no one expected that due to the release of the promotional video, the entire matter would proceed in a direction that even they could not imagine.    


It had laid an important foundation for their future success!    


At the same time, quite a few people on the internet were currently refreshing their web pages.    


Everywhere he went, he was filled with news about Min Ann'ge and Wen Tiantian's movie.    


Almost everyone was boycotting and refusing to watch this movie. They wanted to get Min Ann'ge out of the entertainment circle!    


Furthermore, every time it refreshed, there would be different comments appearing.    


Everyone was on the same side, and Min Ann'ge's scandal was constantly brought up, making more and more people hate this movie.    


At this moment, the crew's work account suddenly released a promotional video of the movie.    


When everyone saw this, they immediately swarmed over. Before they had even seen what the promotional video looked like, they had already criticized the crew greatly and strongly, demanding that they immediately withdraw it.    


In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of people had already left their comments. Everyone was cursing.    


However, the film crew did not show themselves for a long time.    


After twenty minutes, someone finally switched on the video out of curiosity.    


The moment the screen opened, the video went dark.    


Everyone was filled with doubt as they looked on in disdain.    


Indeed, there was no good movie. Even the trailer was like that. There was no selling point for this movie at all!    


While he was thinking, a fluorescent light flashed on the black screen.    


A few words slowly emerged from the darkness, accompanied by faint, starry lights.    


A little heat, a little light.    


Even a firefly could emit a little light in the dark.    


Don't wait for the torchlight.    


As the captions appeared bit by bit, the video flashed and a majestic city wall suddenly appeared!    


A desolate home!    


An image appeared, causing one's heart to palpitate.    


While he was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared on the screen and occupied everyone's attention.    


It was a desolate and resolute figure!    


He stood in the desolate garden, surrounded by scattered corpses.    


The black and white screen was filled with sadness, indignation, and determination!    


This scene alone was enough to shock everyone!    


This figure stayed on the screen for three seconds.    


When everyone saw this back, they felt that it was somewhat familiar, but they couldn't figure out who this person was.    


This was because the other party's ability to grasp the plot and his emotional performance had already reached the limit. However, from the back view, this person seemed to be very young.    


In the entire entertainment circle, what little fresh meat could be so good at acting?    


As everyone was thinking, the person standing in the middle of the screen slowly turned his head.    


He did not turn around. Instead, he turned his head and looked behind him.    


With just a glance, he saw into the hearts of everyone present!    


Min Ann'ge!    


It was Min Ann'ge!    


Everyone could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


Never in their wildest dreams did they expect that the person who had shocked them was Min Ann'ge, whom they had been slandering nonstop these past few days.    


The person on the screen was standing in the abandoned garden, surrounded by a few corpses.    


He stood there silently, his gaze penetrating the heart.    


At that moment, the black and white scene gradually turned into color. Little by little, with Min Ann'ge as the center, it gradually dyed the entire world.    


Everyone was so shocked that their hearts felt refreshed.    


Just as everyone slowly let out a sigh of relief, the screen changed again.    


The towering city walls.    


A desolate and magnificent scene.    


People struggling at the bottom of society.    


There was also a scene of a battle that made people's blood boil.    


Each plot was precisely linked together, one after another pushing towards the climax.    


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