Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian's face turned red. She wanted the gardener to tear the two snowmen who were kissing apart.    


However, Ji Jingchen was very satisfied with this. He even asked the gardener and the group of people to take care of it every day. Before the winter passed, they absolutely could not let this pair of snowmen melt.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but blush every time she passed by the garden.    


The kitchen maid was a little worried, "Although Miss has been staying in the ancient castle all this time, but since it's a wedding, I can't forget the path we should take. It's better to start from the Ruan Family, so as to not cause too much trouble."    


Although Ji Jingchen didn't want Wen Tiantian to leave the castle, he heard from the chef that this might be detrimental to Wen Tiantian, so he could only agree.    


Ever since Wen Tiantian moved out of Ruan Family Manor last time, she never went back to live with them. Later on, Mrs Ruan and Wen Hongyu left for the Villa, but Xu Ping and the others didn't follow them.    


This house had been left behind by the Ruan Family a hundred years ago, so its original value was already over a hundred million.    


He thought the mansion would be deserted with only Xu Ping and a few people left.    


But just as Wen Tiantian walked through the Ruan Family gate, she heard a burst of wanton laughter coming from inside.    


She was slightly surprised. It seemed that the top-grade steward and the others were still used to their current lives.    


Wen Tiantian walked in confidently, but the volume of her voice was getting louder and louder, carrying an unbridled laughter with it.    


The voices of these two people were a little unfamiliar. Before, when Wen Tiantian lived in Ruan Family Great House, she didn't seem to have heard them.    


Could it be a new player had come?    


She walked into the living room with a puzzled expression. When she saw the two people sitting inside, she immediately frowned.    


"Why are you here?"    


The people sitting in the living room were Ruan Jian'guo's daughter and wife, Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan.    


When Wen Tiantian had made a bet with Ruan Jian'guo, Ruan Jiani had come to the set to cause trouble to help her father, so Wen Tiantian was very familiar with her.    


As for Liu Meilan beside him, although Wen Tiantian had never seen her before, she had also seen her information.    


After Ruan Jian'guo's embezzlement incident was exposed, the two of them went to jail and disappeared. They didn't expect to see their figures in Ruan Family Big House.    


Liu Meilan sat cross-legged on an armchair in front of them. The two of them chatted and laughed as they ate the melon seeds that were scattered all over the ground.    


When Wen Tiantian walked in from outside earlier, the laughter she heard was that of the two of them talking.    


Why were they here?    


He hadn't received any news at all.    


Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan, relying on their relationship with Ruan Family, had not left ever since they forced their way into the big house.    


Even though Xu Ping used all kinds of methods, he was still unable to chase them away.    


After the two had settled down, they had even taken Ruan Family Main Hall as their home, doing whatever they wanted and causing many people to feel extremely miserable, but there was nothing they could do.    


He originally wanted to leave after the two had had enough fun, but he didn't think that the more they stayed, the more peaceful they became. They had no intention of leaving at all.    


It was at this moment that Wen Tiantian, who had rushed back because of her marriage, ran into them.    


When Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan heard the sound, they turned around and saw Wen Tiantian. They gritted their teeth as they glared at her.    


"Wen Tiantian!"    


Ruan Jiani gritted her teeth and jumped up from her chair, rushing towards Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian moved slightly to the side, avoiding her work.    


She looked at the two of them.    


"How did you get in? "Get out!"    


Ruan Jiani missed and almost fell to the ground, gritting her teeth.    


"Why did you chase us away? I am also a descendant of Ruan Family, so of course I have the qualifications to live here! "You destroyed my home, so I'll stay at your house!"    


"What is it? "You still want to send me to jail?"    


Liu Meilan also recognized the person in front of her. She hated Wen Tiantian even more as she said sarcastically, "You yourself live in someone else's house. You eat and drink well. You don't allow us to live here. If the elders of the Ruan Family were to know that the current manager is someone like that, I wonder if he would be angered to death. "    


"That's right, I've decided to stay here anyway. No one will be able to chase me away."    


After saying that, Ruan Jiani turned around and plopped down on a chair, unwilling to move no matter what.    


Xu Ping's group, who had heard the commotion, rushed over and saw Wen Tiantian standing in the living room. Immediately, their expressions changed.    


Originally, they had planned to not trouble Wen Tiantian and Mrs Ruan and directly chase them out. However, they were too thick-skinned, beyond his imagination. Even if he had tried his best, it would have been of no use.    


Now that he saw Wen Tiantian, he hurriedly walked forward.    


Upon seeing the melon seeds on the floor, his complexion turned even more unsightly.    


These days, Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan living in the mansion had brought him quite a bit of trouble. It was one thing to throw things around and even break some of the things passed down by his ancestors.    


Everyone was tormented beyond words, but even until now, they still had not shown any signs of repentance.    


He hurried over and bowed to Wen Tiantian, apologizing, "I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't inform you about this before. "    


Wen Tiantian asked when she saw Xu Ping, "What happened to the two of them?"    


Xu Ping glanced at the rogue mother and daughter. "They came here after Ruan Jian'guo's punishment was announced that day. In order not to disturb you and Mrs Ruan, they didn't inform you, but they couldn't get away no matter what …"    


"Miss, it's our fault."    


Wen Tiantian waved her hand.    


"It has nothing to do with you."    


Wu had seen Ruan Jiani's roguish level before on the set.    


Xu Ping didn't dare to use violence due to his status, he could only beat around the bush.    


However, with Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan's personalities, even if they understood the meaning behind Xu Ping's tone, they would definitely not leave.    


And from the looks of it, they were determined to live here.    


Xu Ping blamed himself. When Mrs Ruan left, she told him to take care of Wen Tiantian and not let her be bullied.    


But now, he couldn't even protect this mansion, and he even wanted Wen Tiantian to step in …    


He sighed and said, "It looks to me like they're going to stay here forever. What should we do?"    


"Of course we have to stay here forever!" Hearing Xu Ping's words, Liu Meilan who was sitting at the side spoke and said confidently: "This is the house that the ancestors of Wen Family passed down for generations, we are members of the Wen Family, so we can obviously live here too. Why can't we live here if she can live here?"    


"Don't forget that the other half of Wen Tiantian's bloodline is her Wen Family. Our Jiani is the true person with the Ruan Family and isn't someone that Wen Tiantian can compare to."    


As he spoke, he glanced at Wen Tiantian in dissatisfaction.    


"Who knows if she will give such a large family to someone from Wen Family in the future?"    


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