Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian stretched out her finger and casually pressed on the keyboard.    


The piano made a monotone without rhythm.    


He wondered if he could still hear Wen Hongyu's piano playing.    


The butler and the kitchen maid looked at each other and thought, "Madam can't bear to part with Mr Wen and Madam." They started to miss each other the moment they separated.    


They didn't know how to comfort Wen Tiantian, so they silently prayed for Ji Jingchen to come back.    


After all, Mr Ji was the one who understood Wen Tiantian's heart the best. He knew how to persuade her not to feel sad.    


Ji Jingchen came back soon after. When he saw the sad Wen Tiantian, he immediately understood her thoughts.    


He didn't say anything and just brought Wen Tiantian back to her room.    


"Are they gone?"    


Wen Tiantian sighed softly. Without waiting for Ji Jingchen to say anything, she said self-deprecatingly, "It must be very contradictory. I was the one who let them go, but now their hearts are empty."    


She thought of the many scenes she saw with Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu.    


She didn't think so before, but now she realized that every single detail of their interactions with each other was deeply engraved in her mind.    


"You are doing this for their own good. There is no contradiction. It's one thing to miss them, it's another to let them go back and rest. "    


Hearing his words, Wen Tiantian felt her heart calming down.    


He continued, "When Mom and Dad left, they reminded me to take good care of you."    


"So, Tiantian, don't worry about them anymore. If you are always immersed in the sadness of parting, how will I report this to my father-in-law and mother-in-law?"    


Ji Jingchen slightly curled his lips and told her half-jokingly.    


Wen Tiantian was taken aback for a moment before coming to a realization. Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu were much more worried for her than she was.    


This made her feel somewhat guilty, but she was more grateful to her parents.    


Thank them for their constant concern.    


"I understand," Wen Tiantian nodded seriously. "For them, I will take good care of my body."    


She shouldn't think so much about it. Only by taking good care of her body would she be able to repay Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu.    


Wen Tiantian actively cooperates with the treatment of the family doctor, cooperates with Ji Jingchen to convalesce the body.    


Even so, her condition did not improve much.    


After a few days, an unexpected guest arrived at the castle.    


"Ann'ge? "Why are you here?"    


Wen Tiantian looked at Min Ann'ge in surprise. He wasn't in the hospital to take care of Luan Zhi and her child, so why did he come to her place?    


Min Ann'ge smiled at her. Although he was tired these days, with the children and Luan Zhi around, he felt full of energy.    


Wen Tiantian was also aware of his surprising vigor.    


He couldn't help but smile and say, "Looks like Luan Zhi and Baby are very healthy."    


Min Ann'ge felt embarrassed after she exposed him.    


Wen Tiantian looked at Min Ann'ge's funny face. She never expected herself to see such an expression from him.    


It could be seen how much Min Ann'ge valued Luan Zhi and the child.    


However, he actually wasn't at the hospital taking care of Luan Zhi and the child, but instead came to the castle looking for her. There must be something important.    


Sure enough, Min Ann'ge nodded, "Yes, there is."    


As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket.    


When Wen Tiantian saw this, she immediately came to her senses. "It was written by Luan Zhi?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded.    


"She had something she wanted to say to you, but she was still in the hospital recuperating. I'm going to take her home for a rest in a few days, so don't go out during this time. "    


Min Ann'ge pointed out.    


Wen Tiantian understood.    


"Does this mean what you mean, or is it Luan Zhi's family?"    


After Luan Zhi's baby was born, the people from Luan Family had heard the news and rushed over.    


Min Ann'ge said honestly, "It was Luan Zhi's family's idea, but I also think so."    


Wen Tiantian took the letter from Min Ann'ge's hand. She didn't expect Luan Zhi, a usually impatient person, to obediently write letters every day. It seemed that Min Ann'ge had restricted her, right?    


She giggled and said, "Wait a moment, can I give her a reply?"    


The butler quickly went to the kitchen to bring some snacks and tea.    


Ji Jingchen was still at the company during this time, and there was still a period of time before he could get off work.    


In other words, she no longer needed to restrict the strange rules that Ji Jingchen had set!    


Wen Tiantian was overjoyed. She quickly started to read Luan Zhi's letter.    


Most of the contents of the letter were secretly complaining about Min Ann'ge not letting her go out. Although it was a grumbling tone, it was filled with joy.    


At the end, the two of them were giving the child a difficult name.    


Wen Tiantian's mind stirred as she asked, "Haven't you thought of the good child's name yet?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded. He was a bit troubled and slightly frowned.    


"I didn't think so before, but now I find it's really hard to choose a name."    


Min Ann'ge said dejectedly, "I just couldn't find a suitable one."    


Actually, it wasn't that he couldn't think of anything. It was just that his daughter was doted upon and there were too many people who would give her a name.    


The matter of naming her children was indeed a source of distress, but it was also a form of happiness. Thus, Wen Tiantian decided not to rob them of their happiness.    


He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I think there will definitely be a suitable one."    


Min Ann'ge nodded. He could feel the joy in the birth of this tiny life.    


Every minute, every second, he could feel his love for them increase by one point.    


There was a joyful smile on his face as he said happily, "If your child is born, you can also …"    


Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly remembered Wen Tiantian's situation and stopped talking.    


"Sorry …"    


Wen Tiantian smiled. "It's okay. When my baby is born, I'll be able to feel your feelings, right?"    


She gave him the written letter.    


"Oh right, when will Luan Zhi be discharged?"    


"Three days later."    


Wen Tiantian nodded thoughtfully upon hearing Min Ann'ge's reply.    


After sending Min Ann'ge off, Wen Tiantian was still deep in thought.    


Luan Zhi was discharged from the hospital three days later, and she was unable to see her for a month.    


I might as well take advantage of the fact that Luan Zhi is still in the hospital to visit her.    


The butler, who was standing beside Wen Tiantian, could guess what she was thinking when he saw her thoughtful expression.    


"Madam, do you want to visit Miss Luan?"    


the butler asked softly.    


Wen Tiantian didn't hide anything from him, "I want to go to the hospital to see her. Didn't you agree to Min Ann'ge's request and help their child think of a few names?"    


"That is true, but Mr Ji might not agree."    


The butler honestly told Wen Tiantian, "Mr Ji is concerned about your health and might not agree to your request."    


Even without the butler saying anything, Wen Tiantian knew that Ji Jingchen would probably not agree to her request.    


After all, the last time she went to the hospital, she almost fell ill when she came back.    


With her current physical condition, staying home to rest was the best choice.    


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