Lovely Substitute Bride



"Tiantian, if you keep on thinking like that, the baby in your stomach will get jealous." Luan Zhi said seriously.    


Wen Tiantian was momentarily enlightened.    


Would he be jealous?    


However, she didn't know how long her body would be able to hold out for.    


"Thank you, Luan Zhi."    


Wen Tiantian didn't want to think too much into it, but when she saw that Luan Zhi and her daughter were safe, she couldn't help but think of herself.    


Despite her best care, she could feel her body weakening.    


She didn't dare to tell Ji Jingchen or Wen Hongyu as she was afraid that they would be worried.    


But now, it had been induced by Luan Zhi's production.    


Luan Zhi waved at Wen Tiantian. "Tiantian, come here."    


Wen Tiantian walked over and took her hand.    


"Tiantian, I believe everything will be fine." Luan Zhi tightened her grip on Wen Tiantian's hand. "My luck has always been very good. Now, I will share my luck with you. I hope that you can be safe."    


"Not only you, but the baby in your belly will be safe as well."    


Luan Zhi's words infected everyone present.    


Even Ji Jingchen was visibly moved.    


"Yes, we will definitely be safe and sound …"    


Wen Tiantian mumbled in a low voice, as if she was trying to convince herself.    


Luan Zhi had just finished giving birth and needed more time to recuperate. Wen Tiantian and the others had just chatted with her for a while before they were chased out by the nurse.    


"Luan Zhi is under my care, you don't have to worry. Especially Tiantian, do not let this affect your mood. "    


Min Ann'ge also knew that Wen Tiantian was seriously ill. It was already pretty good to be able to see her.    


Like Luan Zhi, he hoped that Wen Tiantian would be safe.    


"But I …"    


Wen Tiantian wanted to stay a moment longer, but she saw a disapproving gaze from Ji Jingchen.    


She had to give up. "Then we'll come back another day."    


Min Ann'ge nodded. "Let me send you out."    


Before the three of them reached the hospital, Min Ann'ge saw a familiar figure.    


"Isn't that uncle and aunt?"    


Min Ann'ge looked at Wen Tiantian strangely. "They came to visit Luan Zhi as well?"    


But just as he asked, he felt something was wrong.    


If Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu were here to visit Luan Zhi, why didn't they come along with Wen Tiantian and the others?    


Moreover, this time wasn't quite right. If they were worried about Luan Zhi, they would have arrived earlier.    


After all, production was the most critical time.    


Of course, Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen could think of what Min Ann'ge could think of.    


Wen Tiantian subconsciously looked at Ji Jingchen. She was at a loss of what to do.    


"Let's follow them and take a look."    


Ji Jingchen suggested.    


He recalled that at the castle, Ruan Lee had coughed in the bathroom many times, but Wen Hongyu had been nice to her and looked worried.    


This gave him a bad guess.    


This was Wen Tiantian's family matter, so Min Ann'ge couldn't interfere.    


He said goodbye to Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen. The panicking Wen Tiantian did not say much, but told him to take good care of Luan Zhi.    


After Min Ann'ge left, Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen followed.    


Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu were in a hurry, so they didn't notice them.    


Finally, Wen Tiantian saw them enter the cardiology department.    


"Don't tell me … don't tell me it's my mother's disease …"    


Wen Tiantian instantly tensed up. Ruan Lee stayed with Wen Hongyu at the Manor to recuperate because she had myocarditis.    


They came this time to take care of her. If Ruan Lee's myocarditis were to recur because of this, she definitely wouldn't forgive herself.    


However, the truth caused Wen Tiantian to fall into an icy pit.    


They didn't ask directly. Instead, when Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu walked into the cardiology room, they took note of this room.    


After which, they moved to the side.    


"Ji Jingchen, tell me, did my mom really have a relapse?"    


Wen Tiantian asked absentmindedly.    


Ji Jingchen wanted to tell her that he wasn't, but all the evidence indicated that Ruan Lee was indeed sick.    


It could be myocarditis, or it could be some minor ailment.    


However, the fact that she and Wen Hongyu came to the cardiology department today was enough to prove that her illness was not as simple as a minor illness.    


Even if it is not a recurrence of myocarditis, it may be some other medical condition that requires rest.    


Ji Jingchen avoided Wen Tiantian's question and just comforted her softly, "I will send them back to the villa to recuperate."    


This was already telling her from the side that Ruan Lee was indeed sick.    


Wen Tiantian closed her eyes in distress. "I was the one who made her sick. I was the one who …"    


If she hadn't insisted on having a child, if she hadn't been so weak, Ruan Lee wouldn't have come to take care of her.    


that you don't have to see a doctor.    


Ji Jingchen stretched out his arm and pulled Wen Tiantian into his embrace, "This is not your fault. Furthermore, we can't be sure if Mother is sick or not. Maybe it's just a symptom of some discomfort. "    


"You don't have to comfort me anymore. I know my mom's personality. If it wasn't for the fact that she wasn't feeling well, she wouldn't have come to the hospital."    


Wen Tiantian sighed.    


This also made Ji Jingchen feel helpless.    


"No matter what, I'll just ask the doctor later."    


Ji Jingchen said in a deep voice.    


No matter what, he couldn't let Wen Tiantian keep on blaming herself. She had to keep thinking about it.    


Sure enough, Wen Tiantian nodded in agreement after hearing Ji Jingchen's words.    


He then asked worriedly, "The hospital won't just provide information about the patient, right?"    


If they asked, the doctor might not tell them the truth.    


"But we are the patient's family, and we are only trying to understand the illness. We won't ask deeper questions."    


Although the hospital had its rules, it would not divulge the patient's information. But if it was a family member asking, it should be possible.    


Ji Jingchen's words made a lot of sense. Wen Tiantian nodded slightly and said, "Alright, let's wait a little longer then. We'll ask about it when they come out."    


She didn't want Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu to know that she had noticed.    


Otherwise, Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu would definitely worry about her.    


"Don't think too much. If it really is a relapse of myocarditis, I will arrange for them to go back to the villa to rest," Ji Jingchen consoled. "I'll do some work for the company, so you don't have to worry about that."    


Wen Tiantian firmly believed in Ji Jingchen.    


He also felt very guilty, "I'm sorry, I'll have to trouble you again."    


"As long as you're fine, I'll do anything."    


Ji Jingchen looked at her seriously with determination.    


As long as she was fine...    


Wen Tiantian lowered her gaze. She was afraid that she couldn't even promise this to Ji Jingchen.    


The two of them waited for a while and soon noticed that Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu had left the cardiology department.    


To prevent Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu from finding out, Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen chose a place far from cardiology.    


As a result, they were unable to clearly see the expressions on Ruan Lee's and Wen Hongyu's faces, and could only judge Ruan Lee's condition.    


After they had left, Ji Jingchen and Wen Tiantian returned to the cardiology department and followed their memories to find the ward they had just entered.    


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