Lovely Substitute Bride



"The operation needs to be done as soon as possible."    


"Poison? Didn't you say that you didn't find anything? " Wen Tiantian almost broke down when she heard this. How could such a young child survive an operation?    


She didn't dare think about it. His gaze fell onto Ji Jingchen's equally anxious face.    


What should he do?    


"Nurse, when is this operation done?" Ji Jingchen was somewhat rational.    


"Do it now, now. Procrastination is even worse. The poison could spread at any time. "    


"Then the risk of surgery …"    


"How can there be time to worry about risk now? The child was getting weaker and weaker. It's a race against time. "    


The nurse was a little anxious, and her tone became more severe. She knew the seriousness of the situation. She was even more familiar with the two people in front of her, and their identities were respected. However, since the patient was the oldest, he was no longer in the mood to pay attention to his tone and attitude.    


Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen looked at each other and said in unison:    


"Do it."    


"Hurry up and do it."    


Under the nurse's guidance, the two of them signed the family notice with trembling hands. Wen Tiantian knew that if she signed this, it would mean that the baby's life was at stake. It was the most critical moment.    


The nurse quickly re-entered the examination room, followed by several nurses rushing out, and the baby's cot was pushed out.    


At that moment, Wen Tiantian's heart almost stopped beating.    


What's wrong?    


Why was it released so quickly?    


Wen Tiantian wanted to step forward, but her hands had already lost all their strength. She couldn't even move the wheelchair.    


Ji Jingchen staggered forward and held onto a nurse. Before he could say anything, he was pushed away by the nurse.    


"Family members, please step aside. The patient is going to the operation room."    


This sentence was undoubtedly a shot in the arm. Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen finally realized that there was still hope.    


Fortunately, it was not the words "we did our best".    


"Tiantian, don't be afraid. It can also be operated on. " Ji Jingchen embraced Wen Tiantian, who was sitting on the wheelchair, and followed the group of doctors and nurses outside the operation room.    


"Ding ~" A red light lit up on the door of the operating room — "Operation in progress".    


"Brother Jing." Tears rolled down Wen Tiantian's face.    


It was all his fault.    


It would have been great if he didn't want to eat the things that Ji Honghai gave him.    


Even if you didn't eat it, he would still force it in.    


Because that was his goal.    


Not only did he want Ji Jingchen to lose the corporation and everything, he also wanted his niece Wen Tiantian to die with him.    


Perhaps he never considered Wen Tiantian his niece.    


Such a selfish person would forever only think of himself, even if it was his family. Even his wife, who shared a bed with him, could easily hit him and scold him. His world was only his own.    


Ji Jingchen patted Tiantian's back, but he couldn't say any words of comfort because even he was confused.    


Ji Jingchen contacted Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu. They are the baby's grandparents, so they have the right to know. However, he tried his best to make the situation less serious, as he did not want the two elders to worry too much.    


In less than half an hour, Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu had already rushed over.    


As soon as she arrived, Ruan Lee draped a blanket over Wen Tiantian's shoulders, her eyes filled with infinite regret.    


"Mom, dad, you came."    


As soon as the words left her mouth, Wen Tiantian realized how hoarse her voice was. Her thick nasal voice and red, swollen eyes hinted that she had just cried.    


"Tiantian, did you know? At that time, mother placed you at the entrance of Morninglight Orphanage and it was also as painful as a knife being twisted in your heart right now. "    


The mother and daughter had the same experience and experience, bringing their relationship a step closer.    


"Mom." Wen Tiantian understood her mother's predicament.    


Only by being a real mother could he experience the pain of being separated by his flesh and blood.    


"Not afraid. The blessed have their own nature. Look, aren't you fine now? I believe that my little grandson will also be safe and sound. "    


Wen Tiantian nodded. The tears that had just stopped welled up in her eyes once again.    


"Mom, accompany Tiantian for a while, I'll go buy some food."    


After being tormented for so long, Tiantian was probably hungry. Although she might not be able to eat much, she still needed to eat some.    


Ji Jingchen actually wanted to avoid them. He was afraid that if he looked at Wen Tiantian's tears and pain, he would not be able to hold back from regretting his decision and letting Tiantian give birth to him.    


After turning the corner of the stairs, Ji Jingchen punched the wall.    


Her red eyes held back her tears. Her lips were tightly pursed, and her teeth were tightly clenched. Her hideous appearance frightened the passersby.    


No one is allowed near.    


After tidying up his clothes, he walked out, took out his phone and called the bodyguard outside the cell.    


"Let's do it." Don't let him die too easily. "    


Cruelty words came out of his mouth.    


Those who hurt me must think of the consequences.    


The well-trained bodyguard replied, "Yes."    


Wen Honghai, who was in the water prison, would not know that this would be his last moment of gentleness. In the next few days, he would be greeted by the baptism of hell.    


When Ji Jingchen brought back some food from outside the hospital, more people had gathered outside the operation room.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, the castle's steward and cook, and even Yao Yan had come.    


Ji Jingchen turned his head and walked to Wen Tiantian's side. She had a cup of chicken soup on her knees, obviously written by the chef.    


"Drink more before eating, and warm your stomach."    


Ji Jingchen advised Wen Tiantian.    


Ji Jingchen had become much more clear-headed after the cold wind blew outside the hospital. He was the pillar of the family, the pillar of the family. No one could fall on their own. This was the realization of being a man.    


So he had to be strong so that his sweetness could see hope.    


"I don't want to drink anymore. I'm hungry. "    


After two more sips, Wen Tiantian, for once, took the initiative to ask for food.    


Ji Jingchen wished for nothing more. He had prepared a lot of words to persuade her, but it was all useless now.    


He knew that she was also a strong woman.    


He loved this kind of strength. It made his heart ache even more.    


In fact, there were times when he wished that she wasn't so strong, that she could cry into his arms and let him protect her from all harm.    


"Sweet, slow down and eat."    


Yao Yan watched on from the side. After she was done eating, she took out a booklet from her bag and handed it over to Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian received it doubtfully and opened it to take a look.    


On the first page, a pregnant woman and a group of children were dancing around her. This pregnant woman was obviously Wen Tiantian.    


The second page was a picture of Tiantian in her wedding dress, the wedding dress was filled with the young children's paintings.    


On the third page, there was an old granny. She was the Principal.    


On the fourth page, Wen Tiantian, who was wearing a skirt, was holding the hand of a smaller child. The other hand of the child was placed on Ji Jingchen's palm.    


Page Five...    


The entire booklet was filled with paintings of the children of the orphanage.    


Although the lines were crooked and the color was really bold, but the endless love contained within overflowed from the picture book …    


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