Lovely Substitute Bride



Looking at the picture book in her hands, Wen Tiantianxin Lake moved slightly.    


The children want their baby to be healthy and healthy. They say they want their baby to become an angel who stays in the world forever and never go back to the sky.    


These pure desires contained a pure heart.    


Ji Jingchen stretched out his hands in front of him and wrapped them around Wen Tiantian's tightly clenched hands.    


So warm...    


There are so many people with her, baby. You must not leave your mother behind.    


How strong is the baby's desire to survive.    


The first time he had planned to operate, the baby's fetal movement had saved him.    


I believe that he won't give up so easily this time.    


Wen Tiantian forced out a smile, her heart feeling slightly less pained.    


A group of nine people were sitting at the entrance of the operation room.    


Ji Jingchen was sitting closest to the door of the operation room. Wen Tiantian's wheelchair was a step closer to Ji Jingchen. The two of them leaned against each other and quietly waited for the result of the operation.    




The red light in the operation room was extinguished, and everyone's gaze shifted towards the door.    


The door opened and a doctor wearing a mask came out, letting out a long breath.    




Wen Tiantian quickly stood up and walked over.    


"How is it?"    


The doctor saw so many people gathered around him, staring at him. As the attending physician, he was under a lot of pressure.    


"The operation was successful."    


Wen Tiantian immediately let out a sigh of relief when she heard this. It was as if all the strength in her body had been completely drained.    


Next, a hospital bed was pushed out by several nurses.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the small ball lying on the snow-white bed. Her delicate face was covered by a breath mask, almost covering half of her face.    


The top of his heart was filled with intense pain, mixed with the joy of surviving a calamity.    


Tears rolled down his face again, tears of joy.    


Ji Jingchen pressed his face against hers and gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks.    


"He made it. He's great."    


The two of them had never been so proud and arrogant before.    


A group of people surrounded the sickbed. This was the first time the butler, cook, and Yao Yan saw Young Master.    


"Everyone move aside, the baby still needs to recuperate quietly."    


Only then did they reluctantly step aside and closely followed the bed.    


This little person had touched the hearts of his entire family the moment he was born.    


By the time everything settled down, it was already late at night.    


"Mom, you and dad can go back and rest. It should be fine. "    


Wen Tiantian said. She didn't want the two of them to suffer together.    


He couldn't let this tiring out his body that he had painstakingly nurtured.    


Knowing that she wouldn't be of much help here, Tiantian also calmed down. Ruan Lee and Wen Hongyu left a few words of advice to Ji Jingchen.    


The two of them had recently lived in the Ruan Family Old House and did not return to the Villa.    


As for Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, they were persuaded to leave by Wen Tiantian early on. After all, they also had a baby to take care of now.    


He must have been worried after coming out for such a long time.    


"You've worked hard too. I have received the hearts of the children. At this late hour, the children will definitely miss you a lot. Especially Minghao, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep soundly. "    


Wen Tiantian looked at Yao Yan. Ever since she broke away from the Wen Family, she had already pulled herself together and was no longer that weak woman from before.    


"Minghao has become a lot more obedient recently. He's having a good time with Dou Dou and co. now." When you're out of the hospital, you can walk and go back to see how the kids miss you. "    


Yao Yan didn't linger any longer and prepared to leave.    


The butler respectfully said, "Madam, please let me send her there."    


"Alright, then I'll be troubling you, butler."    


Wen Tiantian had never treated him as a servant and had always treated him as an elder. He had always protected Ji Jingchen and grew up. This achievement could not be underestimated and was worthy of this respect.    


The kitchen lady wanted to stay and take care of Wen Tiantian, but was rejected. Wen Tiantian wanted to drink her pot of soup for an excuse, how could she not go back to rest?    


Unable to refuse Wen Tiantian, the cook had to go back.    


It was a rare thing that his wife had always treated all of them as equals.    


When everyone left, she and Ji Jingchen were the only ones left in Wen Tiantian's ward.    


Now, Ji Jingchen had treated the hospital as his permanent residence and stayed in the hospital night after night.    


He had specially arranged a room next door, and it was a close call to take care of him.    


"Brother Jing."    


Wen Tiantian called out to Ji Jingchen, who was about to turn off the lights and leave.    


"I'll stay here today."    


After saying that, Wen Tiantian moved to the side to make room, patting the empty seat beside her.    


When Ji Jingchen heard Wen Tiantian's address, he smiled and a sweet feeling rose in his heart.    


It was rare to hear such a term now, but every time he heard it from Wen Tiantian's mouth, it made him feel like he was back in the old days, his heart was filled with ripples.    


But the bed was small.    


He moved the other bed over and the two became a large bed.    


They lay side by side.    


"Will anything happen to the baby?"    


Hearing Wen Tiantian's question, Ji Jingchen couldn't help but reach out his hand to touch Wen Tiantian's palm with his ten fingers, consoling her,    


"It's fine now. The doctor said that everything is fine now. "    


"Yes." Brother Jing. I'm so tired. "    


"If you are tired, go to bed early. It's late, and the patient needs to rest more. "    


Ji Jingchen watched her slowly close her eyes and watched for a while. Just when he thought Tiantian had fallen asleep, Tiantian spoke again.    


"Brother Jing …"    




"Brother Jing."    


"I'm here."    


Ji Jingchen tightened his grip. Her slightly red and swollen eyes made his heart ache.    


"Darling, I'm here. I've always been."    


"When the baby's ready, let's go for another honeymoon."    


"Alright. As long as you get better and want to go to the ends of the world, I'll accompany you all. "    


"That's great. "Brother Jing …"    


Wen Tiantian's voice became softer and softer.    


He had been in a state of nervousness all day, which had consumed a lot of his physical strength. Even he, who was not sick, was a little disappointed, let alone a little woman who had just recovered from a serious illness.    


Ji Jingchen couldn't help but extend his arm and place it under Wen Tiantian's neck. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head. His actions were extremely gentle.    


Good night.    


My love.    


The wind whistled past and it was dark except for a little bit of light in front of Wen Tiantian.    


In her arms was a newborn baby. He had lost his breath.    


Wen Tiantian sat on the ground, her upper body bent and her hands tightened.    


"Baby sleep, hurry up and sleep, outside it's dark and the wind is blowing, baby sleep, hurry and sleep …" A low singing voice came from Wen Tiantian's mouth, her voice trembling and shaky.    


Her upper body began to tremble slightly.    


A few human figures could be vaguely seen on the other side of the darkness. They were whispering to each other and their voices gradually became louder. The sky and earth started spinning in Wen Tiantian's mind.    


"Look." A freak was born. "    


"I don't think I'm breathing."    


"Shame …"    


"Retribution …"    


Words stabbed at her heart, but she had already dried her tears.    


He did not retort nor did he become dispirited.    


He kept singing, bending over to protect the child in his arms from the wind, even though the child no longer felt the cold.    


Baby, no matter what you do, it's still your mother's baby.    




"Tiantian, wake up. "Tiantian."    


Ji Jingchen looked at the person in his arms.    


Wen Tiantian struggled continuously as beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. She muttered the word "baby" but could not wake up no matter how hard she tried.    


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