Lovely Substitute Bride



Very quickly, the few of them threw themselves into their work.    


Before Ji Jingchen left, Wen Tiantian had promised to eat and rest on time.    


But once she started working, Wen Tiantian completely forgot about it.    


Add to that the few masters who worked with her, everyone's eyes were filled with relics and work, no one could remember eating.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already noon.    


Wen Tiantian, on the other hand, didn't notice that it was already time to eat and was still working hard.    


Ji Yuqing, who was sitting on the side, frowned when he saw the clock on the wall.    


With the help of the baby carriage, he walked on his short legs and slowly moved closer and closer.    


Wen Tiantian was in the middle of researching a new method of repair and was immersed in it when she suddenly felt something tug on her leg.    


When she looked down, she saw Ji Yuqing holding onto the baby carriage as he looked up at her.    


"Yiya!" He spoke a few words, his face serious.    


Seeing this, Wen Tiantian finally remembered.    


Looking at the time, it was indeed already noon.    


Wen Tiantian had no choice but to put down the tools in her hands and bend down to look at Ji Jingchen.    


"Yuqing is so awesome. He's really supervising me. "Alright, let's go eat."    


Wen Tiantian picked him up and turned to look at the other masters.    


"Masters, it's getting late. Let's go eat first and come back in the afternoon."    


The few of them looked at the time and finally reacted. One by one, they nodded and left.    


Wen Tiantian brought Ji Yuqing into the restaurant. The butler and the servants had just finished preparing lunch and were about to call for Wen Tiantian.    


Unexpectedly, Wen Tiantian had already walked in with Mr. Xiao and was extremely shocked.    


In the past, the moment Wen Tiantian started working, she would completely forget about eating and sleeping.    


Unexpectedly, Wen Tiantian had already arrived when the meal was just ready.    


When they saw Ji Yuqing sitting valiantly on Wen Tiantian's lap, they immediately understood.    


Mister had given the little mister an order to take care of Wen Tiantian's daily life. They were a little worried about completing the mission, but they didn't expect the little mister to be so smart.    


The butler smiled with satisfaction and nodded: "Young master is so powerful. I can't believe he would help you out at such a young age."    


Ji Yuqing raised his head and wanted to say that he was not helping Ji Jingchen, but worrying about his mother's health.    


Wen Tiantian smiled and said, "It's all thanks to him. Otherwise, I would have missed lunch again."    


As he said that, he brought Ji Yuqing over to sit.    


After the meal, Wen Tiantian quickly returned to work.    


Just as he was about to leave, he saw that Master Chu had already brought a few people with him.    


The few people beside him had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were about Master Chu's age, had serious expressions, raised their heads, and had a very arrogant attitude.    


Looking left and right, he walked in.    


Wen Tiantian was puzzled when she saw them.    


Master Chu explained: "These two are the representatives sent from other countries. In half a month, we will participate in the competition together with you. I came here today to get to know all of you and get to know you. "    


Wen Tiantian nodded when she heard what he said and looked towards the other two.    


So it was the representatives from other countries.    


Wen Tiantian was well versed in the art of restoration of cultural relics at home, but not abroad.    


Even though they knew that most of the restoration techniques for cultural relics in various countries were in the same direction, there were still some differences.    


Besides, she had recently heard that a completely new method of restoration had been invented abroad. It would be great if she could see it for herself.    


"Hello." Wen Tiantian gave them a slight nod of greeting.    


But the two only shot her a glance, and arrogantly said to Master Chu behind them: "Is this the contestant you are competing in? I thought it was some big shot, but I didn't expect to find someone so young. "    


Another person said: "I think you guys look down on this competition, or did you decide to give up before the competition even began?"    


"I thought that the heavens had a unique insight into the restoration of cultural relics. I didn't expect it to be like this. I remember that the last time I came here, one or two people were able to compete with me. "Now it seems that I have high expectations for you."    


"How boring! If I knew that the contestant you guys chose was like this, I wouldn't have come over. "    


Then he laughed out loud and said in a cold voice, "It seems that we will win this time!"    


The two of them spoke with pride before turning around and preparing to leave.    


Wen Tiantian originally thought that they were here to spar and repair their techniques. However, the moment she opened her mouth, her words made everyone frown.    


Even Master Chu looked unhappy.    


"Newman, you said earlier that you wanted to spar with each other, which was why I let you guys come over. I didn't want you to slander our repair technology here!"    


"Isn't it?" Newman even boasted shamelessly, "With this little girl's level, you want to win against us? It's simply a dream! "    


"That's right, I don't think there's a need to continue this competition. We can divide the losses right now and save yourself the shame when you get it."    


Wen Tiantian frowned all night after hearing those words. Her expression became serious.    


"Mr. Newman, right? "Do you mean to say that your healing level is far above all of us?"    


The moment Wen Tiantian opened her mouth, the two of them finally turned their heads and looked at her with their chin held high in a very arrogant manner.    


"Yes, what do you want?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded.    


"That's easier said than done. It would be better to face the enemy the next day. Since you guys have come here today, why don't you all come and have a duel? Wouldn't you all know?"    


When the two foreigners heard Wen Tiantian, they looked at each other in surprise. Then, they started laughing. There was an undisguised ridicule in their tone.    


"You want to compete with us? With just you? Even if I let go of one hand, you still won't be my match! "    


Wen Tiantian only smiled and said, "Don't be too full of yourself."    


But neither of them agreed.    


Wen Tiantian just said, "Didn't you say you were very powerful? Then what are you afraid of? "    


When the two of them heard this, their eyes widened in anger.    


"What do you mean? When did we say we were scared? "    


"But Wen Tiantian was very indifferent." Since you're not afraid, why don't you come and fight with us now so that you can get a better understanding of each other's abilities? "    


Hearing this, the two of them looked at each other and suddenly raised their voices.    


"Great!" Since you came here to seek your own death, you can't blame us for it! "    


Wen Tiantian nodded. She was not afraid of his threats at all. She only said, "Let's begin then."    


Master Chu frowned. He didn't expect Wen Tiantian to make such a request and the two of them even agreed. Their eyes were filled with worry.    


"Tiantian, why are you so impulsive?"    


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