Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Yuqing's face was scrunched up and his eyes were full of complaints.    


Ji Jingchen quickly signed his name on the contract, glanced at him and raised his eyebrows.    


"Don't put on that expression, or I'll just put the laptop away."    


When Ji Yuqing heard that, he immediately picked up the book and started to read furiously.    


At the competition venue.    


Wen Tiantian and Miss Daisy were equally engrossed in the competition.    


The restoration of cultural relics required a great deal of patience and energy in order to create a tiny gap and use exquisite techniques to restore it to its original membrane shape.    


No one said a word as they stared at the two of them.    


On the big screen, every move of the two were projected.    


His slender fingers nimbly manipulated the tools in his hand, opening, closing and creating a gap before slowly vanishing.    


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but cry out in alarm.    


So there was such a miraculous and sacred profession in this world. It was practically the work of God.    


Who said that the broken thing couldn't be repaired? Wasn't it being repaired now?    


Not even a crack could be seen!    


The few masters sitting in the judges' seats would explain their moves from time to time in detail. Therefore, it was not difficult even for an outsider to understand.    


Very quickly, half of the competition time had already passed.    


Wen Tiantian's movements were orderly and orderly, her every step following the norm.    


Seeing that she had been repairing the few cracks on the surface but had ignored the hidden danger, he could not help but shake his head in regret.    


"Seems like Wen Tiantian didn't discover the hidden trick in the bottle she took out. If it wasn't repaired, then she would have lost the match."    


On the other hand, the first thing Miss Daisy had to do after the item was to repair the hidden gap.    


Master Chu, who was sitting below the stage, also frowned and was full of worry.    


Did Wen Tiantian really not discover the trap?    


But now that the match had already begun, no one could interfere. The only thing they could do was rely on the contestant's own performance.    


On the other side, in the M.I Group's CEO's office.    


Ji Yuqing was doing his best to quickly browse through the pictures that Ji Jingchen gave him.    


The content was very simple. There were almost no words on it, only pictures.    


Even Ji Yuqing seemed to understand it at a glance and was able to understand it very quickly.    


But because Wen Tiantian's match was still going on, he couldn't concentrate and was always easily distracted.    


Ji Jingchen, who was sitting beside Ye Zichen, saw it.    


Seeing that Ji Yuqing didn't even read a few minutes' worth of books, he looked up to see Wen Tiantian in the video.    


He opened his mouth and said, "You still have ten minutes. If you don't pass the test before Tiantian ends, I'll confiscate the laptop."    


Ji Yuqing was enjoying the show. When he heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied.    


However, he had no choice but to quickly withdraw his gaze and concentrate on his book.    


After he finished reading, he swiftly accepted the examination.    


Although Ji Jingchen's test was very simple, but for a child not even one year old, it was already a fantasy.    


During their examination, Miss Daisy had already completed her own recovery.    


The crowd burst into an uproar once again. There were still twenty minutes until the end of the competition!    


Miss Daisy completed it ahead of time!    


Furthermore, looking at Miss Daisy's confident expression, it was clear that victory was within her grasp.    


As for Wen Tiantian?    


Not only had she not fully recovered, even the scouts had said that she had failed to find the trap hidden in the Nine Dragons Cup.    


Under these circumstances, how could she possibly finish repairing it?    


The people below the stage shook their heads.    


Originally, they had high hopes for Wen Tiantian, but now, it seemed that they would lose the first round.    


"Are you still talking about Cultural Relics Restoration Community's new star?"    


"I don't think so. If we can't even find the crack, how do we compete? If we lose in the first round, who will still have the confidence to continue competing in the future? "    


"That's right. I thought that I would definitely win today, so I bought a ticket to watch. I didn't expect that I would lose. This really disappoints me."    


"If I had known this would happen, I would have changed people. At such a young age, you're already so into the limelight. This isn't good."    


"Don't you know? I heard that Wen Tiantian has a good relationship with the few masters in the Old Palace, and she's also the CEO of Ruan Group. She even has Ji Jingchen as her backer, so of course she's here because she wants to come? "    


They sighed.    


"Just a good national tournament and they're actually ruining it. This is really displeasing."    


"Losing isn't a matter for her alone, it concerns the entire country!"    


Everyone was whispering to each other. Their voices were filled with displeasure towards Wen Tiantian.    


However, Wen Tiantian was not affected by these people. Instead, she was carefully completing her own recovery.    


Miss Daisy, who had completed her task ahead of everyone else, looked at Nie Tian with a complacent expression, her eyes filled with disdain.    


He had originally thought that the first person to represent the nation's Cultural Relics Restoration Community would be very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be just like this.    


This match had been too easy.    


While she was lost in thought, she suddenly saw Wen Tiantian's actions from the corner of her eyes. However, her expression suddenly froze on the spot.    


Zhang Xuan widened his eyes in shock!    


The others didn't notice Wen Tiantian's final action, which seemed insignificant, but they were still complaining.    


Only Master Daisy, who was standing not far from her, looked on with a terrified expression.    


After the final twenty minutes passed, Wen Tiantian accurately finished her repair at the last minute and pressed the bell on the table.    


However, almost no one had placed any hope on her. Even the trap couldn't be found. How was she going to win this time?    


All of a sudden, everyone in the stands sighed. Even Master Chu had a worried look on his face.    


Only Miss Daisy was frowning.    


In the previous twenty minutes, she seemed to have seen something else!    


The current her was no longer as confident as she had been. Instead, she constantly looked at Wen Tiantian and the Nine Dragons Cup cup in front of her.    


As soon as the competition was over, several judges stepped forward and graded the two pieces.    


The first thing she checked was the pot that Miss Daisy had finished first.    


After the several masters had seen it, they all nodded in satisfaction.    


"Miss Daisy's restoration skills are truly amazing!"    


"The degree of completion is admirable."    


Miss Daisy's group of teammates all nodded in satisfaction.    


Only the master of the sack frowned worriedly.    


Zhang Laiyi, who was sitting down, sneered. His voice was full of mockery.    


"I've already said this before. It would be better not to let these children participate in this kind of competition. You wouldn't listen, would you? If we lose in the first match, how will we compete in the future? "    


"People from other countries will definitely look down on our repair techniques. This is such a shame!"    


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