Lovely Substitute Bride



The carriage stopped in front of the castle.    


Wen Tiantian was confused along the way, not knowing what Ji Jingchen was going to do.    


What's more, Ji Jingchen had a very serious expression along the way. He pursed his lips tightly and his eyes were deep, making people think that he was angry.    


The moment the car stopped, he got out of the car, opened the door on the other side, and pulled Wen Tiantian who was a step too slow out, walking inside.    


"What are you trying to do?"    


Wen Tiantian didn't understand and hugged Ji Yuqing tightly.    


Ji Yuqing saw the serious expression on Ji Jingchen's face. He thought Ji Jingchen was going to be mad at him, so he opened his mouth and pressed it on Ji Jingchen's arm.    


The soft baby teeth did not intimidate him at all, but instead seemed to shout at his wrist.    


Ji Jingchen stopped moving and looked down at him with a frown.    


"Don't act like a spoiled child."    


When Ji Yuqing heard this, he immediately became angry.    


He was angry! Fighting!    


When was he acting like a spoiled child?    


Ji Jingchen raised his head and patted his head to comfort her. Then, he pulled Wen Tiantian and walked inside.    


Ji Yuqing felt very frustrated and just pouted without saying anything.    


As soon as he entered, Ji Jingchen directly threw Ji Yuqing to the butler.    


The butler had just heard the sound of a car and knew that Ji Jingchen had returned. He was about to come out and greet him when he saw Ji Yuqing being brought over and stuffed into his pocket.    


Zhang Xuan was stunned.    




"I'll leave him in your care and sleep with you tonight."    


Ji Jingchen didn't stop walking and directly said that and went upstairs.    


Hearing this, the butler opened his eyes wide. He looked down in surprise and Ji Yuqing looked at each other.    


After a while, he finally said, "Little mister, why don't you rest with me tonight? I can tell you a story."    


The old steward, who had never had a grandson, was ecstatic. He had a kind smile on his face that was full of wrinkles.    


Ji Yuqing's face was sullen with dissatisfaction. His expression was very serious, but he had no choice but to follow him back to his room.    


Anyway, he really didn't like it when his grandpa housekeeper coaxed him to sleep. He just needed to use those boring stories.    


Every time he heard it, he would be bored to sleep.    


Wen Tiantian was dragged upstairs by Ji Jingchen, still confused.    


"Is Yuqing going to rest with the butler today? "I'll look for a few books, but the butler doesn't know what Yuqing likes …"    


She turned to go downstairs.    


When he turned around, he was stopped by Ji Jingchen.    


"Ignore him."    


"What's wrong?" Wen Tiantian looked at him with a puzzled expression.    


Ji Jingchen stepped forward and held Wen Tiantian up by her waist.    


"You can take care of yourself now."    


After which, he walked to the bedroom door and opened it.    


Without turning on the lights, he put Wen Tiantian on the bed.    


Lowering her head slightly, she bent down and used both hands to support Wen Tiantian's body, trapping her.    


Upon seeing the scene before her, Wen Tiantian instantly understood what was going on. Her face turned slightly red.    


"You … It's still early. "    


Although the match today was extremely long and lasted from morning until night, it was only eight o'clock …    


Ji Jingchen's eyes were abnormally deep and deep. Deep within them, there was an emotion that caused Wen Tiantian's heart to palpitate.    


No matter how many times he looked at it, he couldn't help but sink into it.    


"It's getting late."    


When he spoke, his voice was hoarse.    


It was no wonder why the other party hadn't spoken a single word since the start of the competition. The moment he opened his mouth, he would surely break his cultivation realm, right?    


"You still have a match tomorrow, so starting early won't affect your rest."    


Upon hearing this reason, Wen Tiantian's eyes widened.    


That works too?    


If you really want to rest up, aren't you supposed to …    


"Scoundrel …"    


Wen Tiantian complained in a low voice.    


A voice like a kitten's croak entered the contestant's ears. He lifted the corner of his mouth into a charming smile.    


"Is this how you act shamelessly? It's not like it's your first time knowing me, right?"    


He leaned closer, bowed his head, and buried his head in Wen Tiantian's neck.    


The scorching hot breath sprayed on her skin, causing her to tremble uncontrollably. Her heartbeat began to quicken.    


Ji Jingchen continued, "What's more, who asked you to say something like that?"    


Wen Tiantian forced herself to calm down and asked in confusion, "What did I say?"    


How could she not remember?    


"Say, I'm your most important person."    


Wen Tiantian tilted her head, her eyes revealing traces of innocence.    


"Is something wrong?"    


Her face was slightly red as she lay underneath him. Their bodies were close together, so they could clearly feel the curvature of Wen Tiantian's body. However, her expression was innocent.    


Sexy and purity were two completely different qualities perfectly combined in her.    


Ji Jingchen's heart trembled and his gaze became even deeper.    


He laughed softly.    


When he spoke again, his voice was already hoarse to the extreme.    


"Indeed, nothing is wrong."    


He lowered his head and kissed Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian immediately raised her hand to push his chest.    


"Wait, do you really not need to care about Yuqing? I don't think he's happy. "    


"When was he happy?"    


The match didn't bother her at all. On the contrary, she narrowed her eyes at Wen Tiantian.    


"Beneath me, I'm actually still thinking about others. It seems that I'm not working hard enough."    


Wen Tiantian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


"What other people? That's Yuqing."    


"Even Yuqing can't."    


Ji Jingchen was very persistent. He held Wen Tiantian's two wrists, carefully avoiding the fingers that had been overused previously.    


He lifted Wen Tiantian's hand and pressed it against the head of the bed. Then, he casually pulled his own tie and tied her hand up.    


However, her movements were very gentle and did not make her uncomfortable. She could only remain motionless.    


"What are you doing?"    


Ji Jingchen gently massaged Wen Tiantian's fingers.    


"In order to prevent your hand from getting too tired, it's better not to touch it for the time being. Rest a bit more."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she was immediately helpless. She did not know whether to say that Ji Jingchen was considerate or to deliberately sit on the spot and say that he was being naughty.    


The other party was pressing down on her, but he purposely missed his own weight. Although he was kissing Wen Tiantian and exploring everything in an overbearing manner, his hands were massaging every single acupoint on her hand.    


Before long, the tiredness on Wen Tiantian's hands faded.    


Gradually, the hands of the competition started to move up from Wen Tiantian's palm, stroking her arm, and finally grabbing onto her cheeks.    


The kiss went from her lips to her neck, bit by bit.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but move, but her hands were tied and she couldn't move them at all.    


His shirt had already been taken off, but it didn't feel cold. On the contrary, it became hotter because of Ji Jingchen's actions.    


Only after a long while did the contestant finally raise his head.    


Hidden currents surged within his deep pupils.    


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