Lovely Substitute Bride



Zhang Ann'yuv was a designer. He had already released a few works and had a bit of fame, but in the end, he still decided to study under Master Hu Lin's name.    


Even though they had foreign blood in them, they had always grown up in the country. The two of them could get along immediately and chat happily.    


"I've heard Master Hu Lin's lessons before and have benefited greatly from it. After thinking for a while, I still feel that I should take this opportunity to study properly. After all, sharpening the blade does not delay the chopping of wood."    


Luan Zhi nodded, deeply comprehending.    


"I've seen your previous designs. There are a few sets that are very unique. I like them very much."    


Zhang Ann'yuv said, "Really? Which sets do you like? I can show you the design drawings. "    


Luan Zhi quickly waved her hand.    


"No need, it's better to hide something this private."    


Zhang Ann'yuv smiled and said, "There's no need to be on guard against you."    


Luan Zhi waved her hand.    


"After all, I also want to become a designer. We'll meet again when the time comes."    


"I've seen your previous show, but I've never seen the clothes you designed. I'm really looking forward to it."    


Luan Zhi felt slightly embarrassed.    


"Actually, I don't know much about design."    


As the two of them were talking, Zhang Ann'yuv raised his head and looked in the direction of her house.    


"What's wrong?" Luan Zhi asked.    


Zhang Ann'yuv's eyes were full of vigilance.    


"Someone has been standing at your door. There have been quite a few thieves around recently, so it's best to be careful. "    


Luan Zhi raised her head doubtfully and saw a tall figure wearing a black windbreaker standing in front of her house.    


He lowered his head slightly and wore a hat. He could see the beautiful curve of his chin.    


Although she could only see a corner of it, she quickly recognized it.    


Joy appeared on the face of Duo Duo who was beside him. She quickly ran over with her short legs.    


"Daddy, Duo Duo misses you!"    


Duo Duo immediately rushed over and threw herself into Min Ann'ge's arms.    


Min Ann'ge hugged her, but his expression was hard to see. His gaze fell heavily on Luan Zhi.    


While carrying Duo Duo, he walked over with an impressive aura.    


In that instant, Luan Zhi was actually slightly afraid.    


Before she left, she didn't tell Min Ann'ge about her decision. Later, on the eve of departure, she left a letter on the table. It was as if she escaped.    


According to her plan, the movie Min Ann'ge was currently filming would not finish for another week.    


By then, he would have already settled down here. Even if Min came chasing after him, he wouldn't be able to do anything.    


However, she never would have thought that Min Ann'ge would come to her just on the second day.    


She was stunned on the spot. When she saw the man walking towards her, she immediately felt guilty.    


Min Ann'ge's gaze was always on her. Although he did not speak, his gaze carried a questioning look.    


Min Ann'ge stood still in front of him. Only then did his gaze fall on Zhang Ann'yuv, who was at the side, and asked with a cold voice, "Who is he?"    


Luan Zhi was worried that he would misunderstand, so she said, "He's called Zhang Ann'yuv, also Master Hu Lin's student."    


Zhang Ann'yuv nodded and recognized Min Ann'ge's identity.    


"Are you Luan Zhi's husband? "Hello."    


She reached out her hand, but Min Ann'ge looked at him warily and then turned to look at Luan Zhi.    


"I have something to talk to you about."    


What should come will eventually come.    


Luan Zhi nodded. She had already guessed what would happen. She turned around and said to Zhang Ann'yuv, "Sorry, but I will have to trouble you today. You can go back first. I have some things to discuss with him."    


Zhang Ann'yuv noticed that there was something wrong between the two of them and looked at her worriedly.    


"Is there really no problem?"    


He was worried that there would be some conflict between the two of them, but this sentence made Min Ann'ge furrow his brows and a clear anger appeared in his eyes.    


"I'm fine, you go first."    


Luan Zhi nodded to him, and Zhang Ann'yuv finally turned around and left.    


Luan Zhi lowered her head slightly and said, "This time, I can …"    


Before she finished, Min Ann'ge suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her wrist, then turned around and walked back.    


Luan Zhi followed behind him in surprise.    


"What are you doing?"    


Min Ann'ge walked forward quickly without stopping.    


"I already got Brother Jian to book the plane ticket, we're going back now."    


Upon hearing these words, Luan Zhi's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly shook off his hand.    


"I'm not going back. "I've already explained it clearly to you in the letter. It was not easy for me to get this opportunity. I want to study design here."    


Min Ann'ge frowned and turned his head to look at Duo Duo beside him. His tone became a little softer.    


"Duo Duo, you get on the car first. Wait for Mom and Dad to finish talking, then you'll get on the car soon, okay?"    


Duo Duo looked at the person in front of her, then turned around and got into the car.    


As soon as the car door closed, Min Ann'ge said: "I don't agree. We can learn at home, right? And for such an important matter, why didn't you inform me in advance? "    


"We are husband and wife. Do you have to tell me that after you leave? Have you ever thought about how I feel? "    


Luan Zhi lowered her head stubbornly.    


"I know this isn't a good method, but I also have my own difficulties."    


Min Ann'ge's gaze fell on him with a heavy gaze. It was as if it was real, causing Luan Zhi to blame herself more and more.    


But this was her decision, and she would persevere.    


"Leaving behind only a letter and disappearing along with it, is that your problem?"    


Luan Zhi clenched her fists and pierced her fingertips into her palm.    


"If I had asked you before I left, would you have agreed?"    




The moment Min Ann'ge opened his mouth, his voice stopped abruptly.    


He would not agree.    


Under these circumstances, how could he let Luan Zhi leave him and go abroad to study design alone?    


He couldn't wait for Luan Zhi to finish her work and stay home to rest. How could she be so tired?    


Seeing the expression on his face, Luan Zhi had already guessed what Min Ann'ge was thinking and shook her head in disappointment.    


"See, I already knew that if I told you about it, you would definitely not agree. That's why I decided to do it later and tell you about it after I left."    


Min Ann'ge frowned deeply as he struggled in annoyance.    


"Even so, you should still …"    


"Min Ann'ge." Before he could finish, Luan Zhi shouted at him, interrupting his words. I also want to pursue my dreams, and I have my own things to do. The reason why I married you was not to keep me at home as a worm. "    


"I want to pursue my own dream. I want to achieve my own career just like Wen Tiantian. Do you understand?"    


Luan Zhi's voice rose slightly, full of excitement and longing for the future.    


Min Ann'ge insisted, "There are also similar teachers and schools in the country."    


"That's different. Min Ann'ge, you know the difference. You know how important a dream is to a person. You know that better than anyone else, don't you? "    


Of course Min Ann'ge knew. However, how could he be at ease if he wanted Luan Zhi to leave him and struggle abroad alone?    


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