Lovely Substitute Bride



"There's no need to contact them." Ji Jingchen finally spoke: "I've already called them to the scene, just question them on the spot."    




Zhang Laiyi's expression changed as he looked at the person in front of him in panic.    


Ji Jingchen slightly raised the corner of his mouth, it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.    


"Since we're going to confront each other, of course everyone will be present."    


With a slight wave of his hand, a group of foreigners was brought in. They were the few foreigners who had competed with Wen Tiantian before. Now, all of them were present!    


When he saw them, Zhang Laiyi's face turned even paler, devoid of any color. His eyes flashed.    


Ji Jingchen asked in a fluent foreign language, "Did Wen Tiantian use money or threats to make you lose on purpose in the match between you two?"    


The group looked at each other and shook their heads.    


"I lost to Wen Tiantian because my skills were inferior."    


"To be honest, under those circumstances, I also didn't expect her to win, because I've already given it my all. I didn't expect the result to still be like this."    


"In this competition, the person I admire the most is Wen Tiantian. I definitely can't be threatened by her if I want to fight again."    


"It's a very pleasant experience to compete with her. Everyone says so."    


When the reporters heard this, they became even more confused and their gazes landed on Zhang Laiyi.    


If these people weren't threatened or tempted, then why would Zhang Laiyi say those words?    


A reporter was puzzled, "If they didn't, why were Zhang Laiyi and Newman filmed together?" And he's even talking about a trade. "    


Zhang Laiyi took a step back and tried to find the reason in panic.    


"That's because …"    


"Because it was a promise between Newman and Zhang Laiyi." Wen Tiantian beat him to it and raised her voice to speak.    


His cold gaze fell on the young man's body, filled with vigor.    


"You and Newman agreed that you would deliberately lose to them in the competition. That's why you discussed things with Newman several times, right?"    


Zhang Laiyi was so scared that he immediately shook his head. With so many people on the scene, how could he dare to admit it?    


He quickly retorted, "Don't slander me! How could I have done such a thing as betraying my country, betraying myself? And in the end, I lost to you. "    


Seeing that she didn't want to admit it, Wen Tiantian frowned.    


Just as she was about to open her mouth, Ji Jingchen stopped her and turned to look at Zhang Laiyi.    


"Regarding this, as long as Newman appears and confronts you on the spot, we should know what you guys have discussed and what deal you have made."    


When Zhang Laiyi heard that, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Ye Zichen in fear.    




Hadn't he already boarded the plane and left?    


While he was thinking, a few bodyguards walked in with Newman.    


Newman was still struggling.    


"Let me go! "Let go!"    




He was directly pushed in and fell to the ground.    


Newman quickly got up and turned his head to look. He noticed that there were so many people standing in front of him.    


Noticing that Ji Jingchen and Wen Tiantian were also in front of him, he immediately noticed something bad and turned his head to look in Zhang Laiyi's direction.    


What was going on?    


Ji Jingchen's gaze turned even colder, as if it was real.    


"Tell everyone, what kind of agreement did you make with Zhang Laiyi?"    


When Newman heard this, he panicked. His forehead instantly broke out in cold sweat as he shook his head.    


"We didn't do anything between us. At most, we were just friends. Those pictures we took before were just for dinner. You guys shouldn't spray out blood …"    


Before he finished, Ji Jingchen pressed the button in his hand.    


Then a voice came from the room.    


— —    


"Did you see today's news? If the plan went well and they were forced to do it, under the pressure of the masses, the Association of Cultural Relics Cultivators would revoke Wen Tiantian's title as champion. At that time, the winner will still be Master John. "    


"When that day comes, we should be able to continue with our previous agreement, right?"    


"Of course you can. No matter what, as long as Master John wins, the agreement between us will be established. The position of the National Museum's curator will be open to you at any time."    


— —    


Zhang Laiyi and Newman's faces instantly changed!    


Wasn't that what they were talking about on the phone?    


When was it recorded? Why didn't he notice it at all?    


As the recording continued, their expressions became uglier and uglier. There was not a single trace of blood on their faces, and cold sweat continued to drip from their foreheads.    


When all the reporters heard these words, they were shocked and looked at the two people in front of them with shocked expressions.    


"This is too much!" It's actually all their schemes! "    


"He actually betrayed his country just for the position of curator of a museum?"    


Not only did he lose to them voluntarily, he even tried to frame Wen Tiantian! Do you even have any shame? "    


"I didn't expect you to be such a person, and everyone called you master in vain. This is too embarrassing, we don't have a master like you!"    


All of them were fuming and scolding at him.    


Zhang Laiyi quickly explained.    


"It's not like that. Wen Tiantian's obstacles from before were all done by me. How could I do such a thing?"    


Ji Jingchen said coldly, "Are you still unwilling to speak the truth? Then I shall have you give up completely! "    


After saying that, a few bodyguards brought another few people in.    


Everyone recognized him when they saw him.    


"Aren't they the fans who rushed up to destroy Wen Tiantian's work in the finals?"    


When Zhang Laiyi saw them, his legs went soft and he fell onto the ground.    


Ji Jingchen glanced at him and said to the others, "Tell me what kind of deal you guys have with Zhang Laiyi."    


The few of them were already scared out of their wits by Ji Jingchen's trick that day, their faces were pale and defeated.    


He hurriedly said, "We did have an agreement with Zhang Laiyi, and it was all his doing!"    


"That's right, he gave us the money to destroy Wen Tiantian's work on purpose. We definitely can't let Wen Tiantian win!"    


"We heard it clearly. Wen Tiantian didn't even know about this. It really has nothing to do with us. Let us go."    


When all the reporters heard this, their faces turned even uglier as they looked fiercely at Zhang Laiyi.    


The sharp gazes seemed to want to burn a few holes into him.    


Zhang Laiyi sat paralyzed on the ground, he was already in a trance.    


Newman saw that something was not right, so he directly kicked him.    


He scolded, "Everything is your own idea. It has nothing to do with me!"    


After saying that, he took his things and prepared to leave.    


A few bodyguards quickly stopped him.    


Ji Jingchen's voice sounded from behind him.    


"No one can leave until this matter is over."    


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