Lovely Substitute Bride



As soon as he walked in, he saw Ji Yuqing also sitting inside with a magazine in his hands. He had his head lowered and his eyebrows furrowed tightly.    


"Yuqing, did something happen?"    


Hearing the sound, Ji Yuqing quickly raised his head.    


As soon as he saw it was Wen Tiantian, he quickly stuffed the magazine under his butt and shook his head.    


Wen Tiantian frowned as the doubt in her heart grew stronger.    


"What's going on?"    


"She walked over and stretched out her hand." Show it to me. "    


Ji Yuqing looked at Wen Tiantian. After a while, he finally took out the magazine from under his butt and handed it to Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian received it just as the magazine was being opened.    


She took a quick glance at it and saw that the title above was bright red and thick.    


— — Wen Tiantian bribes the judges. This is the biggest scam in history!    




Wen Tiantian frowned as she read the contents of the letter. Her eyes widened in disbelief.    


"What's going on?"    


She turned her head in surprise and looked at the butler and the cook.    


"You already knew?"    


No wonder their attitude when they went downstairs earlier was a little strange.    


The butler nodded awkwardly.    


"This is the content of the news this morning. When you see it, sir told us not to tell you about it, and not to worry you."    


"Then, is Ji Jingchen District's company going to deal with this matter?"    


"That's right." The butler quickly replied, "But we all believe that Madam would never do such a thing. They are definitely slandering us! It will be cleared up soon. "    


However, Wen Tiantian was not as relaxed as they were.    


Since this news could be directly placed in the magazine, the scope of its influence must be quite large. Ji Jingchen actually had to personally appear.    


"Mama …"    


Ji Yuqing pulled Wen Tiantian's hem, his eyes full of guilt.    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head to look at him, saying, "It's alright. I won't blame you. But just what happened?"    


His eyes rested on the photographs.    


The photos were real, but at that time, it was not certain what Zhang Laiyi and Newman were talking about.    


Wen Tiantian took out her cell phone and opened Weibo. The next second, her cell phone started to vibrate rapidly.    


She almost couldn't hold on.    


It wasn't easy for the news to subside a little, and all the messages and private messages on the interface were already filled up.    


She was about to click on it when the butler quickly stepped forward and said worriedly, "Madam, there's bad news up there. Everyone has been cheated."    


They had checked the internet before Wen Tiantian came down, and many of them were scolding her.    


They were worried that Wen Tiantian would be in a bad mood if she saw it.    


"It doesn't matter."    


Wen Tiantian clicked on the news and it was filled with curses.    


She had originally thought that just the two photos didn't explain anything. In addition to the fact that Wen Tiantian had met with many difficulties during the competition which were obviously targeted, the audience would have known that she had never done such a thing.    


However, she didn't expect that in the eyes of others, these things would become part of her plan, and that's why she did it.    


The only reason was that under such circumstances, no matter how hard he tried to analyze it, he would never win!    


Since it was impossible for her to win, Wen Tiantian must have bribed someone.    


Under such logic, many people actually believed it.    


Although Wen Tiantian had prepared herself mentally, her heart still sank when she saw these comments.    


When the kitchen maid saw this, she said with heartache, "Madam, don't be sad. These people are too impulsive. After a while, the matter will be resolved."    


"I'm fine."    


Wen Tiantian looked at them soothingly and said, "I'm rather curious what Newman and Zhang Laiyi are talking about in these two photos."    


She and Master Chu had always suspected that there was some sort of conspiracy between the two of them, but they couldn't get any evidence. With these photos, they might be able to find something.    


As for the baseless news, it will disappear today, right?    


However, things didn't go as smoothly as Wen Tiantian had expected.    


At noon, another time came!    


Just when everyone was discussing about Wen Tiantian, Zhang Laiyi suddenly announced that although Wen Tiantian didn't bribe the judges, she had bribed a lot of the contestants who competed with her.    


The photos that were taken were the ones he was discussing this with Newman.    


In addition, he also said that other than bribing contestants, the problems that Wen Tiantian had encountered during the previous competition, the sudden changes to the rules, and the broken pieces of the competition were all controlled by her to make people feel that she was very powerful.    


Zhang Laiyi cried and complained in the declaration, saying that he wasn't willing to do it either. However, he was threatened by Ji Jingchen and Wen Tiantian, so he had no choice but to obey.    


When everyone saw this news, they were all excited!    


Zhang Laiyi has a very high popularity in the country, many people have dubbed him a master level figure.    


Even he was certain that he would be the one to say it!    


Because of his declaration, many people were even more furious. Feeling that they had been cheated, they all rushed into Wen Tiantian's Weibo and cursed.    


He originally thought that this matter would gradually end, but he didn't expect that it would once again cause a commotion because of Zhang Laiyi's few words!    


Office of the Top President of the M.I. Group.    


Ji Jingchen's face was gloomy. Zhang Laiyi's voice echoed in the office.    


Ye Zichen squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Laiyi, who was on the screen. Zhang Laiyi seemed to have a sharp blade that could cut out a piece of flesh from his body.    


The video had just ended. Zhong Lee, who was standing on the side, frowned and said worriedly, "Everyone on the internet now believe that news because of Zhang Laiyi."    


Ji Jingchen crossed his hands and his eyes were dark.    


"What about the media?"    


"Although we've already sent out the news and can't spread this sort of news, it's already spread far and wide. Most of it is spread by the people on the internet."    


The room became quiet, not a single sound could be heard.    


Zhong Lee lowered his head nervously and frowned.    


After a long while, Ji Jingchen finally opened his mouth.    


"What about the people we caught at the meeting that day?"    


"They're already locked up, but their bones are very hard, so they won't open their mouths."    


Ji Jingchen stood up, touched his sleeves and walked outside.    


"Then break their bones."    


The cold words seemed to come from the countdown of death in the darkness.    


Just as he finished speaking, the office door closed with a bang.    


The black car slowly stopped in an ordinary looking residential area. The car door opened and Ji Jingchen walked out with a dark expression. His eyes were filled with frost.    


There were two bodyguards in black standing in front of the building. When they saw Ji Jingchen, they slightly lowered their heads and opened the door.    


Ji Jingchen did not stop and walked straight in.    


He walked straight into the basement of the district, the surroundings were completely silent, even the air seemed to have frozen.    


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