Lovely Substitute Bride



"The three of us will go together."    


After Min Ann'ge finished his sentence, he looked at Luan Zhi with a burning gaze.    


Luan Zhi was taken aback, but quickly retracted her gaze.    


He didn't know why, but he used to be able to calmly face Min Ann'ge's gaze. But recently, he felt that Min Ann'ge's gaze was extremely hot, to the point that no one dared to look him straight in the eyes.    




Duo Duo immediately ran over and held Min Ann'ge's hand. "Mama, let's go to the amusement park that we discovered last time. Didn't we agree to go there together?"    


Luan Zhi hesitated for a second, but the other party had already pulled her forward.    


Min Ann'ge followed behind, looking at the two's back, he revealed a smile, his eyes filled with gentleness.    


Luan Zhi was his, and Duo Duo was his. No one could even dream of snatching her away.    


There was a perfect entertainment and business street near the university. Min Ann'ge had come here before and was familiar with the environment here.    


Duo Duo ran back and forth in a novel manner, enthusiastically introducing the scenery around her.    


Seeing that Duo Duo was so happy, Xiao Ming acted as if he didn't know what was going on and matched Duo Duo's mood.    


Unknowingly, the three of them strolled from afternoon all the way to evening.    


"It's late, let's go back." Luan Zhi said.    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand and called over Duo Duo, who was playing the game. He turned his head and his gaze fell on Luan Zhi.    


"Did Master Hu Lin give all of you lessons?"    


Luan Zhi shook her head.    


She was also a bit curious before, but this time, it seemed that everyone performed very well during class time, so Master Hu Lin didn't arrange for any lessons.    


In the past, there would always be a lot of things to do.    


"Then let's eat before we go back." Ji Jingchen said.    


Luan Zhi started and was about to refuse when Duo Duo jumped up in joy.    


"Alright, alright. Previously, Mom and I saw that there was a restaurant here and she said that she wanted to go with Dad, right?"    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he turned around and looked in the direction of Luan Zhi.    


"You want to come with me?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her face instantly blushed.    


It was just that when she was passing by the restaurant earlier, she casually said those words. Who would have thought that they would be remembered by Duo Duo? She even mentioned them in front of Min Ann'ge.    


Her face was red as she quickly said, "No, it's just that the restaurant is suitable for eating …"    


As he spoke, he turned around and was about to leave.    


Just as she took a step, Min Ann'ge suddenly pulled her back. With a light tug, Luan Zhi had no choice but to take a few steps back and fall into his arms.    


Min Ann'ge put his arm around her waist and hugged Luan Zhi from behind, lowering his head slightly.    


A low and deep voice sounded in Luan Zhi's ears.    


"Is that really all? "You don't want to eat with me?"    


Luan Zhi froze where she was, feeling her back pressed tightly against his chest. Even though she was wearing clothes, it was summer now, and the heat from his body passed through the thin fabric and onto her body, as if it was burning her skin.    


"I …"    


He opened his mouth, but was unable to say anything for a long time.    


Min Ann'ge lowered his head slightly. He could see the tip of Luan Zhi's ears slowly turn red. Her lips were raised in an obvious curve and her eyes were filled with gentleness and a smile.    


He said softly, "Let's go and see what it is like to go to a restaurant that you want to go with me."    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi's face turned even redder. "It's not what you said."    


However, Min Ann'ge did not say anything else and walked forward with Duoduo.    


"Mom, hurry up and follow me!"    


Luan Zhi looked at the two of them and sighed. She had no choice but to follow them.    


The restaurant Min Ann'ge and Duo Duo had seen before wasn't big. With Min Ann'ge's identity, if he went in and out of places with more people, it would cause a huge commotion even if he went abroad.    


The smaller restaurants were less crowded and dimly lit, making it a good place to eat together.    


When Min Ann'ge walked in and saw the size and decoration of the restaurant, the corner of his mouth raised a little bit.    


Obviously, whether it was the dishes, the size of the restaurant, or the location, they had all taken his identity into consideration. They could enter and leave at will, and would not attract the attention of others.    


Apparently, it was made specifically for him.    


Realizing this, she looked towards Luan Zhi with a smile.    


Noticing her opponent's burning gaze, Luan Zhi didn't dare to look back.    


Although he tried his best to appear calm, his actions were still somewhat stiff.    


Seeing her small movements, the smile in Ji Jingchen's eyes increased.    


It was in the corner, leaning against the window, but it wasn't a street view. It was a sea in the evening.    


A breeze blew past his face, and wisps of cool wind blew through the curtain onto his face, instantly dispersing the scorching heat and uneasiness of the entire afternoon. It caused one's mood to gradually calm down.    


The staff at the restaurant did not notice Min Ann'ge's identity and left after ordering the dishes.    


Luan Zhi had been tense, afraid that others would notice that they were causing a disturbance.    


The dining time was very quiet. On the other hand, Duo Duo and Min Ann'ge seemed to be in harmony and were not affected by anyone else.    


"Dad, the food here is very delicious, right?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded. His eyes were filled with gentleness.    


"Indeed, you can come often."    


Upon hearing those words, Luan Zhi, who was sitting on the other side, widened her eyes in astonishment.    


"You want to live here?"    


Min Ann'ge looked up with a smile in his eyes.    


"Do you want me to stay?"    


Luan Zhi didn't know whether to shake her head or nod.    


Fortunately, Min Ann'ge didn't continue asking. He stood up and said, "If you wish, I can come over often."    


Luan Zhi froze for a moment before whispering, "But …" Is it going to be expensive? "    


Min Ann'ge didn't expect her to reply like this. He was stunned for a moment before he started laughing.    


Luan Zhi's face instantly flushed red as she looked towards him in dissatisfaction.    


"What are you laughing at?"    


Min Ann'ge's eyes were filled with a smile. Seeing Luan Zhi's embarrassed and angry expression, he forcefully suppressed the smile on his face, but his eyes were still full of smiles.    


"Indeed, a plane ticket is a big problem."    


Just as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.    


Luan Zhi's face turned even redder. She pulled Duo Duo and headed outside, grumbling under her breath.    


"Am I wrong?"    


Min Ann'ge quickly chased after him.    


"That's not what I meant."    


He pulled Luan Zhi back and said, "I just think that's good, Mrs. Min."    


Luan Zhi stopped abruptly and turned to look at her in surprise.    


Min Ann'ge slightly raised his eyebrows and asked: "Is there something wrong?"    


They were married long ago, and Luan Zhi was Mrs. Min, but that was a rare name.    


Luan Zhi shook her head, flustered and anxious. "Where are you staying tonight?"    


Min Ann'ge lowered his head. Under the light from the roadside, his smiling gaze seemed especially gentle. It was extremely touching when it landed on Luan Zhi's body.    


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