Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge!    


Luan Zhi looked at the person in front of her with surprise. She had not expected his computer to appear. A few hours ago, he had said that he was working.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but be shocked when the other party's cold gaze fell on her.    


She was used to Min Ann'ge's gentle appearance, but recently, she would always see him angry.    


Her ice-cold gaze caused Luan Zhi to be slightly nervous.    


"Why are you here?"    


Min Ann'ge didn't reply. His gaze was locked on Luan Zhi.    


"You guys went to eat at Zhang Ann'yuv's house?"    


he asked again, apparently concerned about the question.    


Luan Zhi was stunned for a moment before she said with a frown, "He invited us to dinner today."    


Duo Duo nodded her head and said happily, "That's right. Uncle Zhang is so awesome. He can cook so many delicious dishes."    


She said happily, but Min Ann'ge frowned with obvious displeasure on his face.    


As Luan Zhi walked over, she realized that the other party's face was a little ugly. There were still stubble on his chin and his eyes were green. It was unknown how long it had been since he had had a good rest.    


She frowned and said, "Haven't you had a good rest? "How long has it been since you slept?"    


Min Ann'ge stood up. From the moment Luan Zhi came in, his gaze had been on her the entire time.    


He took a step forward and stood in front of Luan Zhi, saying firmly, "Don't go out with Zhang Ann'yuv in the future."    


Luan Zhi frowned slightly when she heard this.    


Although Zhang Ann'yuv liked him and he tried his best to avoid interacting with him, Min Ann'ge shouldn't be able to see through this.    


Luan Zhi was a little dissatisfied. Was the other party still going to restrict her life?    


She had never known that Min Ann'ge would be so powerful.    


"Zhang Ann'yuv is my friend, you have no right to restrict my making friends."    


Min Ann'ge's face darkened.    


He knew that Zhang Ann'yuv liked Luan Zhi, but he didn't want to expose her. Rather than letting Luan Zhi know that she liked him, he might as well keep it a secret forever.    


Min Ann'ge hesitated for a moment and could only say, "No matter what, don't touch Zhang Ann'yuv anymore."    


Luan Zhi retorted, "It wasn't easy for you to come here and say these things to me?"    


Min Ann'ge's face was ashen. After a while, he finally said: "Of course not."    


During this period, the company had officially started operating. Coupled with his cooperation with Wen Tiantian, he was extremely busy. He only slept for a short three hours a day in order to quickly finish his work and come over to see Luan Zhi and Duo Duo.    


Unexpectedly, he finally made it here, but what welcomed him was such a scene.    


Now, Min Ann'ge was extremely regretful. Why did he agree to let Luan Zhi stay here?    


That Zhang Ann'yuv did not listen to his warning and continued to get closer and closer to Luan Zhi.    


Furthermore, according to his previous investigations, that person had been paying attention to Luan Zhi's condition since a long time ago. How could he give up so easily?    


Min Ann'ge looked at Duo Duo, who was looking at them, suppressed the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart and said calmly.    


"The previous work has been completed. I'll stay here for a while."    


"Yes." Luan Zhi nodded. However, I still have classes to attend, so I won't be able to accompany you forever. "    


"I can stay with dad!" Duo Duo hurriedly opened her mouth.    


She had been waiting for Min Ann'ge to come over, but now, she finally got one. She held onto Min Ann'ge's sleeve and didn't want to let go.    


"Then that's it."    


Luan Zhi turned around and returned to her room after she finished speaking, but her heart was full of regret.    


She was obviously looking forward to Min Ann'ge's visit, but why did it become like this?    


Listening to the conversation between Duo Duo and Min Ann'ge outside the door, he frowned as if a heavy burden was pressed on his heart.    


Luan Zhi wanted to ease the relationship between her and Min Ann'ge. She didn't want anyone to appear, but they always did.    


The next day, when Luan Zhi was ready to go to class, she saw Zhang Ann'yuv standing outside the door.    


"Why are you here?"    


She looked back anxiously, worried that Min Ann'ge would see her.    


Zhang Ann'yuv stood at the door with a smile on his face.    


"Didn't you say that I would bring you to the company today?"    


"Did you?" Luan Zhi was a little anxious. "Go to the school first. I'll head there myself."    


However, Zhang Ann'yuv still didn't want to give up and said: "Isn't today's classroom a little far away? I can drive you there. "    


"But I …"    


Before Luan Zhi could finish her sentence, a voice suddenly came from behind her.    


"Luan Zhi is with me."    


Luan Zhi didn't need to turn around to feel the coldness that came from behind her.    


In the next second, a hand reached over and forcefully pulled Luan Zhi into its embrace.    


Zhang Ann'yuv's expression froze for a moment when he saw Min Ann'ge's sudden appearance, then he slowly revealed a smile. "So it's Mr Min."    


Min Ann'ge didn't have any expression on his face. On the contrary, he looked cold.    


"Today, I'll send Luan Zhi to school. I won't need you in the future."    


Zhang Ann'yuv looked at Luan Zhi calmly. "What do you think?"    


Before Luan Zhi could open her mouth, she felt the hand on her waist tighten.    


She nodded at Zhang Ann'yuv and said, "You should go to school. I'll go there myself later."    


"Alright, I'll wait for you in the classroom."    


Then, Zhang Ann'yuv finally left.    


Luan Zhi was about to leave when Min Ann'ge pulled her back and slammed the door.    


"What are you doing? I'm going to class. "    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer, he just turned around and looked at Duo Duo. He smiled and said, "Duo Duo, let's send mom to school today, okay?"    


Duo Duo's eyes lit up and she happily nodded her head.    




Luan Zhi didn't expect him to call Duo Duo along. Looking at the sparkling eyes in front of her, she could only nod.    




"Great!" "With a cheer, Duo Duo pulled Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi out." "Daddy, let's go!"    


Luan Zhi was dragged outside by them and was hesitating on how Min Ann'ge would send them there.    


As soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw a black car parked in front of the entrance.    


"When did you get the car ready?"    


"I've prepared some backup."    


Min Ann'ge said as he opened the car door. "Get in the car."    


Luan Zhi felt helpless. Spare? She remembered, the last time he came, it was a different car, right?    


The car drove directly to the school building.    


Luan Zhi got out of the car and walked towards the classroom.    


Just as he took two steps, he turned around and saw Min Ann'ge and Duo Duo following him.    


"Aren't you going back?"    


Min Ann'ge, however, did not intend to leave. He confidently said, "Anyway, I've seen other places, but I've never seen Master Hu Lin's class before, so I can watch it with you today."    


Luan Zhi looked at him in shock. She didn't expect Min Ann'ge to make such a request.    


"But …"    


Min Ann'ge had already brought Duoduo inside, saying, "I will talk to Master Hu Lin myself, and wait for his permission before coming in."    


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