Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian and Ji Yuqing returned to the office together. There were still a few minutes until the end of work, and the office staff was preparing to leave.    


He looked at everyone and said: "I didn't expect to find fingerprints in the warehouse. After checking them, we should be able to find the thief, right?" "Unfortunately, it's almost time to get off work, so I can only call the police over tomorrow."    


Ji Yuqing nodded.    


"If we had caught the thief earlier, Mama wouldn't have to work so hard."    


When the people in the office heard their conversation, they looked over in confusion.    


"Did you find the prints?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded.    


"That's right, it's on the southern wall. It's just that it's a little strange. That side is very far from the door and isn't near where the stolen items are. Why would there be fingerprints on it?"    


Ji Yuqing thought about it and said, "It must be because the other party doesn't have a key and can still enter the warehouse."    


"I think so too. After the police investigate this matter tomorrow, there should be some results."    


Wen Tiantian said as she glanced at Xu Haicheng, who was sitting on the other side.    


"Everyone, let's go back today. Chen Yuan, lock up the warehouse tonight. Don't let anyone go in and clean those fingerprints."    


"No problem!" Chen Yuan said firmly, "This time, I will definitely stand guard outside the door."    




Wen Tiantian nodded slightly at her and turned to leave.    


Xu Haicheng sat on the spot and frowned, but he was still a bit worried.    


Did Wen Tiantian really find the fingerprints?    


He remembered that time, he had clearly wiped it clean …    


Could it be that he accidentally left it on the wall when he entered?    


If the police came and found the owner of the fingerprint, they would quickly lock onto him if they found the passage.    




He stood up quickly. He must find a chance tonight to erase the prints again.    


Late at night.    


A figure appeared in the museum.    


He did not head for the door of the warehouse. Instead, he turned around and went into the room next to the warehouse. He opened the door and walked in quietly.    


He opened the oil painting that Wen Tiantian and Ji Yuqing had found, opened the door to the tunnel and walked inside.    


He took out a towel and quickly wiped it on the wall.    


Only when he was sure that there were no fingerprints did he let out a sigh of relief and prepare to leave.    


However, when he lifted his hand to push, he discovered that the door was locked tightly and did not budge at all.    


What was going on?    


He panicked and tried to push, but the door wouldn't budge.    


The door to the warehouse was also locked from the outside. If no one opened the door from the outside, it would be impossible for him to get out.    


The man paced up and down the warehouse in a hurry, but he was trapped in vain.    


Early morning.    


Wen Tiantian came to the National Museum, followed by a few other employees and policemen. Everyone came to the door of the warehouse.    


"Are you sure no one is going in?"    


Chen Yuan checked it and nodded.    


"I was the only one who had the key last night, and the lock was not unlocked. I've seen the surveillance records before, and no one has come. "    


"That's good. Open the door."    


Chen Yuan opened the door and a group of people rushed in.    


"Wen Tiantian, you said that where are the fingerprints?"    


Wen Tiantian's gaze swept across the room and saw a certain figure inside. She smiled and said, "Regarding this, Director Xu Haicheng's words should be very clear."    


Hearing that, everyone looked over at the same time. They were surprised to see Xu Haicheng in the warehouse.    


"Director Xu, why are you here?"    


Xu Haicheng panicked and quickly said, "You finally all came. Yesterday, I was trapped in this warehouse. Before I went out, I found the door was locked from the outside. I was trapped here for the whole night."    


When Chen Yuan heard this, she was puzzled.    


"Was Master Xu inside when I locked the door last night?"    


Xu Haicheng nodded.    


"I was just curious about the fingerprint and came to take a look. I didn't expect it to be locked."    


"I'm so sorry."    


Xu Haicheng waved his hand and looked at Wen Tiantian. His eyes were filled with pride and arrogance after his scheme succeeded. "Wen Tiantian, can you tell us where the fingerprint is now?"    


Wen Tiantian's gaze fell on his body, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.    


"I'm sorry I lied to everyone, but there are no fingerprints."    




When the group of people behind him heard this, they immediately exploded in an uproar.    


"No fingerprints? Then what did you call us here for? "    


"How ridiculous!"    


Xu Haicheng's expression immediately changed and he frowned. Are you lying to us? And it even caused me to be locked up here for the whole night! "    


He turned to walk out.    


"I don't have time to play games here with you. I'm going back to work."    




Wen Tiantian raised her hand to stop him. Although there are no fingerprints, there is still updated evidence. "    


She turned to Ji Yuqing. "Yuqing, can you turn off the light?"    


"Yes, Mama!"    




The light in the entire warehouse instantly dimmed, and everyone was enveloped in darkness.    


Xu Haicheng had a bad premonition. He quickly looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary, so he finally let out a sigh of relief.    


"What exactly do you want us to see? Don't lie to everyone anymore! "    


"Right, right. Wasting time here, I still have to prepare for the opening work!"    


"Let's go!"    


"Who says there's nothing?" Wen Tiantian spoke up at this moment and pressed on the ultraviolet light in her hand.    


The lights swept over. Everyone on the scene that saw Xu Haicheng immediately let out a scream.    


"What's that?"    


Xu Haicheng was panicking even more.    


"What?" What did you see? "    


They pointed at Xu Haichenghai. Master, what's on your hand? "    


He quickly lowered his head, only to discover that his hand was glowing with a faint green light.    


"What is this?"    


Ji Yuqing sounded innocent.    


"It's the fluorescent paint left behind by Mama."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and walked over, saying, "Even though there won't be any change in the dark, but when it's exposed to the ultraviolet light, it will reflect the green light. "This is the evidence that, as I said, only thieves can have."    


Director Xu's face instantly paled, turning malevolent under the illumination of the ultraviolet light.    


After a moment, he laughed.    


"You want to convict me just because of these things? "I might have gotten it somewhere around here. It's no big deal."    


"I didn't get them by chance."    


Wen Tiantian's voice turned cold as she said, "These powders are things I left in the room next door. Why are they here now?"    


She held the flashlight and scanned through it. She then walked along the fluorescent paint on the wall.    


"When I was checking the room next door, I found this passage. If I wanted to enter the warehouse, I would have to pass through here. I put fluorescent paint on the doorknob."    


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