Lovely Substitute Bride



The sound of the shutter door unceasingly rang out.    


There was no expression on Luan Zhi's face. The makeup hadn't been applied yet, making her look even more innocent and immature.    


Annie, who was waiting at the backstage entrance, had her face scrunched up when she heard the discussions of the audience below.    


"Natural model? Pui! Let's see how long you can remain arrogant for. "    


After saying that, she avoided everyone's gaze and lifted her foot, stepping on Luan Zhi's skirt without leaving a trace.    


One part of her long skirt was still in the shadows, but she had stepped on it. Luan Zhi's forward movement was instantly pulled and stopped for a moment.    


What was going on?    


There was a flash of panic in her eyes, and she fell forward uncontrollably.    




As the music continued, Luan Zhi fell to the ground.    


The sounds of everyone's discussion, the sound of the shutter door, all disappeared and was replaced with silence.    


Their eyes were wide open as they looked at Luan Zhi who was on the stage.    


She fell?    


On the stage, falling was taboo to models! Not to mention the fact that there were still matches going on, there were so many people present.    


Many people frowned. This kind of dress was indeed easy to fall into, but wasn't it also too terrible?    


Everyone shook their heads in disappointment. They had even overturned their previous affirmations towards Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi fell to the ground in panic. She wanted to get up, but she heard the sounds of discussion coming from her surroundings.    


"I lost, I lost …" I think she's just too proud. "    


"The Chinaman never had the potential to be a model. Even if he performed well and his performance did not pass, he still could not be qualified to be a model."    


"She actually fell on the stage. I think she will be eliminated if we go back today?" to become the laughingstock of the modeling world. "    


"To think that I thought so highly of him before. What a disappointment."    


Luan Zhi's brow furrowed when she heard those words, and her heart was filled with pain.    


What was going on?    


She had left just now, why did she fall?    


He clearly wasn't wearing high heels at all today, so how could he be thrown onto the stage barefooted?    


Moreover, he had clearly felt someone tugging at his skirt from behind.    


But looking back, Annie still hadn't entered the stage. Could she have hung something on the side?    


In any case, her performance had failed, and her modeling career was likely to end there.    


Luan Zhi's eyes were tightly shut, her hands clenched into fists. She was angry and resentful at the same time.    


Annie, who was standing at the entrance of the stage, laughed complacently when she saw this scene.    


She quietly moved her foot that was stepping on Luan Zhi's skirt. The expression of the other from Lotus Flower Mountain changed and he raised his head, preparing to go on stage.    


When the time came, she would take everyone's attention and stand out from the Luan Zhi who had just fallen!    


In this way, she would become the headline of all the newspapers tomorrow and become everyone's new model!    


Just as he was about to step forward, a tall figure suddenly walked past him.    


Annie saw only one shadow and realized that there was one more person on the stage.    


The man was tall and slender, and his black suit made him stand out even in foreign countries. The dark red bow tie was embedded with fine diamonds, reflecting a beautiful luster.    


Annie looked at him with a surprised expression, her eyes wide and filled with disbelief.    


Why was he here?    


The sudden appearance of someone on the T stage made the audience boil up.    


Many people stood up in excitement as they took out their phones or cameras to continue shooting.    


Annie didn't notice the changes in her surroundings. She slightly raised her head only to find a pair of leather shoes standing beside her.    


"Did you fall?" At the same time, a gentle voice sounded, sounding extremely familiar.    


Luan Zhi's heart skipped a beat and she looked up quickly. Min Ann'ge's smiling face was imprinted into her eyes.    


The corner of his mouth curved slightly, and he bent down, reaching for her with his right hand.    


Luan Zhi looked at him in surprise and didn't move for a long time.    


It wasn't until Min Ann'ge nodded his head in affirmation did she finally muster up the courage to hold his hand and stand up.    


Everyone present watched their actions without saying a word, their hearts full of shock.    


Min Ann'ge pulled Luan Zhi forward and whispered, "Even if you fall down, you have to get up and keep walking."    


Luan Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly regained her composure and lifted her head high up in the air.    


Although it had been a long time since Min Ann'ge had a talent show, his own ability had not declined. Upon returning to the stage, her elegant demeanor attracted quite a few people's attention.    


However, what was even more surprising was that Luan Zhi had already fallen down once and became the laughing stock of the crowd, causing them to be extremely disappointed. However, at this moment, she stood up once again, looking like a phoenix that had been reborn from the fire.    


The childish aura from before disappeared in an instant. Instead, it had turned stable and reserved, with determination and resolution.    


Such an aura actually suited the long skirt she wore.    


Before she fell, Luan Zhi was like a spirit in the forest, innocent and curious, carefree and carefree. But after he fell, he stood up again and for a moment he became a queen.    


Although he had experienced many pains, he still used a kind and pure-hearted gaze to change everyone.    


This kind of aura caused everyone to unconsciously feel reverence for him. Their eyes were filled with admiration.    


His previously chaotic heart gradually calmed down. It was as if a spring breeze blew past him, bringing with it a sense of magical power.    


The two of them walked together as though they were a perfect match.    


It wasn't until he walked to the front of the stage that Min Ann'ge turned slightly and left the stage entirely to Luan Zhi.    


At this moment, on Luan Zhi's stage, everyone's eyes were fixed on her. Even Min Ann'ge, who was equally dazzling, couldn't get away.    


There was only one word left in everyone's minds, breathtaking!    


The same shirt could actually display two completely different styles!    


Although Luan Zhi's fall had been a major mistake and had disappointed everyone, her performance after standing up had pleasantly surprised everyone.    


The contrast between the previous two times was simply the brightest scene of the day.    


Everyone watched in amazement until Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge left the stage at the same time. In the end, they couldn't help but stand up.    


Thunderous applause immediately sounded!    


When Luan Zhi got off the stage, her legs couldn't help but go soft. Min Ann'ge, who was standing beside her, immediately held her waist.    


"What's wrong?"    


Luan Zhi raised her head with a hint of panic in her eyes.    


"My legs are going weak from fright …"    


Her voice dropped and became pitiful.    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he was stunned for a moment before he started laughing.    


"I never thought that Luan Zhi, who had always been fearless, would be scared like this just now."    


Luan Zhi glared at him in dissatisfaction.    


"Why are you here?"    


"I received an invitation from the Organizer to be a spectator."    


Upon hearing this, Luan Zhi became suspicious in her heart. Min Ann'ge's career was spread all over the world, so why did he come to be an audience when he had nothing better to do?    


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