Lovely Substitute Bride



"Your auntie in the country will be reaching the age of one in a few days. Your dad and I still have things to do at work, so we can't leave. We want you to take a look for us."    


Luan Zhi's eyes immediately lit up.    


"Going to the country?"    


Luan's mother nodded and said thoughtfully, "You haven't returned to the country since you were born, have you? It's all because we're too busy to have time to take you there. "    


Although Luan Family had already emigrated a few hundred years ago, they never forgot their roots and frequently returned back home. They also sponsored quite a few projects and events, but Luan Zhi had never returned.    


This child had always been rebellious. In the past, when he mentioned it to her, she didn't care at all and didn't want to go back. However, this time, Luan Zhi seemed very interested and nodded.    


"Alright, alright. Since I have time, I'll go and take a look."    




Luan's mother looked at Min Ann'ge happily and said, "Then let Mr Min go with you."    


With that, she turned around and looked at Min Ann'ge. Are you going back in the next few days? "    


Min Ann'ge nodded.    


"It's indeed filming."    


"Then I'll have to trouble you. Luan Zhi is not familiar with the country, we were still thinking of having a few bodyguards take her there, but …"    


"No!" I don't want those bodyguards with me. " Before he could finish his words, Luan Zhi had already spoken.    


Luan's mother rolled her eyes at her. I knew you would say that, so I'll have to trouble Mr Min. When the time comes, you can take the same plane and have him send you to your aunt's house. Will I trouble you? "    


Min Ann'ge smiled.    




Luan's mother nodded in satisfaction. Finally, Luan Zhi said, "Alright, but only at home. After we get there, you can't arrange bodyguards for me. The people there probably won't recognize me. Don't worry."    


"I know, don't worry."    


Luan's mother nodded. They all knew that Luan Zhi didn't like bodyguards. If they insisted on arranging things, it would only make him more disgusted.    


"As long as you are careful, you will be back in two days. Don't forget that you still have a match."    


"Got it."    


The next day, Luan Zhi and the program team took a leave of absence and packed their things before boarding the plane.    


The moment he sat down, he turned around and saw Min Ann'ge wearing a mask and a black baseball. His face was hidden as if he was worried that someone would recognize him. He couldn't help but laugh: "You look like this, you can't go out and play right?"    


"As long as you want to." Min Ann'ge turned his head, gently took off his mask and smiled at her, his eyes showing a little cunning.    


"Don't tell my economic man."    


Luan Zhi looked at him in surprise. "I never thought that you would have such a side to you. If the fans knew, your perfect boyfriend's image would be ruined."    


Min Ann'ge smiled. If that's all there is to it, it doesn't matter. "    


When the plane stopped, he put his hat and glasses back on.    


This was the country. With Min Ann'ge's fame, if he was found out, it would definitely cause a riot, right?    


However, isn't this covering up way too much?    


When Luan Zhi was overseas in the past, she didn't have such a big momentum when she saw those celebrities leave the country. But very quickly, she realized that she had completely underestimated her domestic fans.    


Even though Min Ann'ge had covered his face tightly, even he himself could not recognize him. However, when they were done carrying their luggage and had not left the airport, they were found out.    


"Min Ann'ge!"    


It was unknown who let out a loud shout, but when Luan Zhi turned around, she noticed that quite a number of people were looking in their direction in unison.    


When he saw Min Ann'ge, who was covered up, he immediately recognized him.    


"It's really Min Ann'ge!"    


Very quickly, many people approached them.    


"Oh my god, I'm actually at the same airport as Min Ann'ge!"    




In just a few seconds, before Luan Zhi could even react, more and more people gathered around them.    


Min Ann'ge grabbed her and started running out.    


When they saw them leave, the fans immediately chased after them.    


More and more people followed behind her. Luan Zhi ran dozens of meters before she turned around and realized that there were hundreds of people behind them. They were still shouting Min Ann'ge's name.    


Isn't this way too exaggerated!    


Min Ann'ge looked flustered. He looked around in search of a place to hide.    


"I need to find a place to hide. If I continue to be seen by others, it might cause a commotion. By then, the airport will be even more congested."    


Luan Zhi didn't think that it would be this serious. However, when she looked back and saw those crazy fans, she also started to get nervous.    


However, the airport was only this big and there was also a very eye-catching Min Ann'ge beside them. No matter how Min Ann'ge tried to cover them, they were able to recognize him.    


Where could he hide?    


"I have an idea!"    


Luan Zhi grabbed Min Ann'ge's hand and ran towards the other side.    


A group of fans were running madly at the airport. After running for a while, they just turned a corner and found that Min Ann'ge had disappeared.    


"Where is he?"    


They looked around curiously.    


"I remember, he was running here just now. How come he disappeared in the blink of an eye?"    


After looking around, they finally saw a person wearing a hat and sunglasses in the corner. Their face immediately lit up and they quickly walked over.    


"Min Ann'ge!" I'm your fan and I love listening to your songs the most. I can't sing any of them! "Can you give me an autograph …"    


Before he could finish his words, the person in front of him suddenly yawned, raised his head, and looked at the person in front of him while rubbing his eyes.    


"Who are you?"    


Luan Zhi took off her sunglasses and hat, her long black hair flowing out.    


Everyone opened their eyes in surprise when they saw her appearance.    


"You're not Min Ann'ge?"    


"Of course not."    


They looked at her carefully. Are we wrong?    


They shook their heads and left regretfully. When they were done, Luan Zhi revealed a proud smile on her face. She bent down and opened the big suitcase beside her feet.    


The moment Min Ann'ge opened his zipper, he immediately looked up and took a breath of fresh air.    


It turned out that he had been hiding in the luggage beside Luan Zhi ever since.    


"They're gone."    


Min Ann'ge looked around and didn't see anyone around. Finally, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Don't worry, every time I escaped from home, I always used this tactic. However, you must not tell my parents when you go back, or else they won't be of use anymore. "    


Looking at Luan Zhi's complacent look, Min Ann'ge smiled. "It depends on your mood."    


After saying that, he walked out of the luggage, put on his hat and sunglasses again and prepared to leave.    


Luan Zhi followed behind him in dissatisfaction, and complained, "How can you do this? "Min Ann'ge, I've helped you. If not, I'll call your fans back now!"    




Min Ann'ge immediately pulled her back, " I know, don't worry, I definitely won't say. "    


"That's more like it!"    


Luan Zhi walked ahead proudly.    


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