Lovely Substitute Bride



As soon as she parked the car, Luan Zhi walked out. She turned around and saw quite a number of cars parked nearby. She was a little worried. There were so many people, but she didn't know if there were any other rooms.    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo and headed inside. As expected, there were quite a few people gathered in the lobby of the Hot Springs Villa.    


Luan Zhi walked over to ask about it, but the front desk said, "I'm sorry, but the standard suite is gone. There have been a lot of people coming here for vacation recently. If you don't mind, we have a presidential suite here that can be sold at the price of a standard price, do you accept it? "    


Luan Zhi's eyes widened. Such a good thing happened?    


The presidential suite!    


She quickly nodded her head. "Of course I'm willing to accept it."    


"The other party smiled." "Then I'll help you with the housing formalities right now."    


Luan Zhi's face was full of smiles. She had not expected her luck to be so good this time. She had used an ordinary room to rent the presidential suite.    


Luan Zhi took the room number tag that the staff had prepared and pulled Duo Duo toward the elevator.    


When Duoduo heard the words of the staff members just now, her eyes revealed a smile, a little cunning.    


When he turned his head, his back was facing La Zongming and he happily winked at the few staff members.    


The other party also nodded slightly, as if they had long since made some sort of agreement.    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo upstairs and soon arrived at the presidential suite.    


After entering, Luan Zhi found that this place was much better than she had imagined. It was basically comparable to a five-star hotel's presidential suite.    


Standing on the balcony, one could see the entire scenery of the Hot Springs Villa. The green mountains and the water, along with the faint white mist emitted by the hot springs, made one feel dreamy and dreamy, as beautiful as a fairyland.    


Luan Zhi nodded in satisfaction.    


"So there's actually such a good place here …"    


As she spoke, she looked around.    


Duo Duo also looked around happily. After looking at the time, she quickly pulled Luan Zhi away.    


"Mommy, Mommy, let's go take a look at the hot spring first, okay?"    


"Alright, don't worry."    


Luan Zhi put down her things and led her outside.    


Just as the two of them were about to visit the villa, a black car slowly drove in and stopped in the special parking lot behind the Hot Springs Manor.    


Many employees were already standing outside, forming two rows to welcome them.    


The black sedan slowed to a stop. The door opened and a shoe stuck out. Everyone held their breath.    


Immediately, a tall and slender figure appeared before him.    


Min Ann'ge slightly raised his head and looked at the Hot Springs Villa before him. He asked, "Have they come?"    


A staff member hurriedly walked out. It was the person who had received Luan Zhi and Duo Duo. She said, "Miss Ruan and Miss Duo Duo had successfully moved into the presidential suite half an hour ago."    


Min Ann'ge nodded in satisfaction and walked inside.    


The remaining staff all followed behind him, trembling in fear and not daring to speak.    


This Hot Springs Villa was Min Ann'ge's property. Normally, he rarely came here, but the villa had always kept a presidential suite for him and it was never given to any guests.    


However, they didn't expect that yesterday they would suddenly receive news that someone called Luan Zhi had brought a little girl to the Hot Springs Villa. When that time came, they would have to tell the other party that all the suites had been sold and that they had to stay in the presidential suite without being discovered.    


Everyone was puzzled, but this was Min Ann'ge's order. No one dared to refute it.    


The staff were puzzled by Min Ann'ge's decision. Seeing that he had also come, they walked up to him and asked: "President Min, do we need to prepare a new room?"    


"No need." Min Ann'ge said, "Go back to your work."    


Finishing his words, he left the few people behind and turned to leave.    


The remaining staff looked at each other, confused.    


The assistant, who followed Min Ann'ge here, glanced at them. Seeing that they still didn't understand, he said, "This is President Min's order, just do it. Don't lose your job when the time comes."    


The few of them nodded, not daring to think any further, and quickly began working.    


On the other side, Luan Zhi was playing around in the Hot Springs Villa with Duo Duo.    


This Hot Springs Villa was well-equipped and had hundreds of different types of hot springs, many of which Luan Zhi had never seen before. The perfect leisure system made one's eyes light up. If one could not finish strolling around for even a few days, it was no wonder that it would be so popular.    


Luan Zhi walked around and soon found a few good spots. It was already late, so she decided to give it a try tomorrow.    


The two finished their meal and walked contentedly toward the presidential suite.    


There was a large bed in the room, enough for two people to sleep on.    


Luan Zhi took a shower, changed her clothes, and went to bed with Duo Duo. She told her fairy tales, and only when she fell asleep did she turn off the lights and slowly go to sleep.    


After an unknown period of time, Luan Zhi let out a sparse sound.    


She opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. However, she could not see anything, so she became even more vigilant.    


There seems to be someone coming in …    


Could it be a thief?    


Are all the thieves nowadays so arrogant? He even dared to barge into the presidential suite?    


Luan Zhi quickly moved her hand to the other side of the bed and searched around. However, she didn't find any flowers, which gave her a shock.    


At this moment, the other side of the bed was pushed down.    


Her heart immediately skipped a beat. The other party actually went to bed?    


What was going on?    


Luan Zhi became even more worried. When she thought of Duo Duo's safety, she mustered her courage and prepared to fight back.    


He had not expected that the other party would suddenly make a move at this moment and he would be lying on the bed!    


She reached out from behind and gently hugged Luan Zhi.    


At this moment, Luan Zhi could no longer hold it in and opened her eyes. She jumped up like a carp and grabbed the things beside her. Without thinking, she struck them towards her opponent!    


As they fought, they shouted, "Duoduo, where are you? Hurry up and run! "    


"Who are you? "How dare you, don't you know I'm a Taekwondo underdog?"    


The room was dark and he could not see anything.    


Luan Zhi shouted twice, but she did not hear Duo Duo's voice. She became even more worried and her attacks became even fiercer.    


However, he didn't expect the other party to be so daring as to retaliate even in such a situation. He raised his hand and grabbed Luan Zhi's wrist.    


Luan Zhi struggled for a moment. She did not expect her opponent to be so strong, nor was she a match for him.    


She frowned and struggled, but was pulled back.    


Next, he wrapped an arm around Luan Zhi's waist and held her tightly in his embrace.    


Luan Zhi's heart quivered, and a strong sense of fear spread throughout her body.    


Just as she was about to retaliate frenziedly, the other party suddenly opened his mouth and a familiar voice sounded. There was even a trace of a smile on his face.    


"How come I didn't know you were a Taekwondo black segment?"    


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