Lovely Substitute Bride



Seeing Duo Duo's reaction, Min Ann'ge frowned and also squatted down. Duo Duo, what's wrong? Something happened to Luan Zhi? "    


When she heard this, Duo Duo's mouth shrunk and she almost cried.    


"It's all father's fault! In the future, Duo Duo wouldn't help Father anymore! Not even ice cream! "    


"Wait!" Min Ann'ge's heart sank when he heard this. It was exactly as he had guessed.    


"He quickly pulled Duo Duo back." Is Luan Zhi in there? "    


Dodo pursed her lips, refusing to answer.    


Min Ann'ge frowned and said, "What happened just now was all a misunderstanding. I've already switched actors. Trust me."    


When Duo Duo heard this, she looked at him with tears in her eyes.    




"Don't you believe in Dad?" Min Ann'ge asked.    


Duo Duo looked carefully at Min Ann'ge's appearance and immediately burst out laughing.    


"Mommy's in the room."    


Min Ann'ge stood up and pushed open the door.    


As soon as he walked in, he saw Luan Zhi, who was standing by the window, and strode over.    


"Luan Zhi, I can explain what happened just now."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she didn't seem to react at all. She simply turned around.    


"There's no need to explain. I know everything."    


Min Ann'ge felt a deep sense of doubt when he saw her current appearance. You really know that? "    




Min Ann'ge heaved a sigh of relief. He was about to walk over when Luan Zhi suddenly spoke. Actually, in my return home this time, other than the show, there's another thing. "    


She turned around, looked at Min Ann'ge and said, "I should have done this four years ago. I hope it's not too late to redeem my mistake from before."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he had a bad premonition.    


"What are you trying to say?"    


Luan Zhi walked in front of Min Ann'ge and said, "Actually, I have another reason for coming here this time, and that is to divorce you. Our marriage was a mistake from the beginning, and there is no need to go on with it now. "    


She laughed at herself.    


"Back then, you agreed to marry me because you were forced to do so, right? I was too young, too willful, too awkward. In the two years I've been abroad, I've already thought things through. Since it's my fault, let me end this. "    


Min Ann'ge's face gradually changed as he heard these words. He gritted his teeth and his expression became extremely ugly.    


However, Luan Zhi didn't notice this and continued talking to herself.    


"As for Duo Duo, since you're so busy managing the company, you shouldn't have time to take care of her, right? "She and I, if you want to see her in the future, you can …"    


"Go back!"    


Halfway through Luan Zhi's speech, Min Ann'ge suddenly opened his mouth.    


Startled, she looked up at him.    


Min Ann'ge's face was livid and his eyes were filled with a cold light. He repeated: "Take back what you just said!"    


Luan Zhi said, "I've made these decisions after careful consideration. I've thought about it for a long time, and it's good for both of us."    


"How do I know where to go?" Min Ann'ge laughed.    


He suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Luan Zhi's wrist, his eyes never leaving hers.    


"Did you get my permission?"    


Luan Zhi was shocked by Min Ann'ge in front of her. He pulled her wrist so hard that she frowned slightly in pain.    


"Aren't I discussing it with you now?"    


"My answer is no!" Min Ann'ge answered without thinking.    


"But Luan Zhi was puzzled." Why? "You clearly …"    


Min Ann'ge gritted his teeth and stared at Luan Zhi's eyes. He really wanted to rush over and knock her forehead open to see what exactly was inside that would make her have such a thought.    


"Who said marriage was forced? Who said I would regret it? Who said it would be good for all of us? "    


"But …"    


Luan Zhi wanted to explain, but was interrupted again!    


"Luan Zhi, the marriage was decided by the two of us. You said divorce? I don't agree? "Even if you have someone else you like now …"    


At this point, his face turned even uglier and he looked even more ferocious. His heart felt a tearing pain!    


Min Ann'ge took a deep breath before he continued, "No matter what, I won't let you go."    


Luan Zhi looked at him in shock. She wanted to retreat, but was pulled back.    


"Luan Zhi, have you forgotten what you've done before? "Since you've already done it, why are you regretting it now?"    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge in front of her, but her heart was filled with fear.    


She had never seen Min Ann'ge like this before …    


Her face was slightly pale and her black hair was wet with sweat.    


Min Ann'ge raised his hand and gently smoothed the hair on her forehead and said, "Don't say such things in the future."    


Luan Zhi shook off his hand and took a few steps back. Instead, she smiled.    


"I know what you mean."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he frowned. However, Luan Zhi had already turned her head away and no longer looked at him. She said, "I want to be alone for a moment."    


He could only say, "I'll come look for you later."    


Then he turned and left.    


Luan Zhi let out a sigh of relief when the door closed behind her. She leaned against the wall and covered her eyes with her hands.    


She did not expect Min Ann'ge to take revenge on her.    


It was indeed her fault, but she didn't expect Min Ann'ge to give her no chance to save her now.    


Don't know when Min Ann'ge will feel better?    


The moment Min Ann'ge walked out, Duo Duo, who had been waiting at the door, immediately went over.    


"Daddy, is Mommy okay?"    


Min Ann'ge frowned. His eyes were dark and heavy.    


He raised his hand to rub Duo Duo's head and said, "Duo Duo, I'll bring your mother over for dinner later, okay?"    


Duo Duo nodded her head obediently.    




Min Ann'ge turned around and looked at the door behind him again before finally turning around and leaving.    


Dodo watched him leave, opening the door carefully this time.    




"Luan Zhi turned around and smiled at Duo Duo." Duo Duo, what's wrong? "    


Duo Duo looked at her suspiciously, but still felt a little worried. She quickly walked over and hugged her.    


"Mommy, are you okay?"    


"I'm fine." Luan Zhi smiled and said, "It's something I'll bring back later. Have you eaten yet?"    


"Duo Duo wants to eat with Mommy."    


After saying that, Duo Duo turned around and took the small cake from the table and placed it in Luan Zhi's hand. Mommy, this is for you to eat! "    


Luan Zhi took it and tasted it. Looking at the flowers in front of her, her mood gradually improved.    


"It's delicious." She remembered what Min Ann'ge had just said and continued, "Let's go back tomorrow, okay?"    


Toot looked at her quizzically and nodded.    




Luan Zhi hugged her gently. "Thank you, I'll bring you back to eat delicious food!"    


Duo Duo looked at her and thought of what her father had just said. She quickly said, "Mummy, let's go eat together."    




Luan Zhi stood up and led her outside.    


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