Lovely Substitute Bride



A somewhat familiar figure walked out from beside Luan Zhi and Duo Duo. He enthusiastically helped them carry their stuff into the car, and chatted with Luan Zhi with a face full of smiles.    


Min Ann'ge frowned and his heart sank.    


It's Zhang Ann'yuv?    


He was actually still following by Luan Zhi's side?    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fist and quickly walked over.    


"Luan Zhi!"    


Luan Zhi, who was just about to get on the car, turned around and was shocked by Min Ann'ge, who was walking quickly towards her.    


On his face, the rage was gathering like crazy!    


Min Ann'ge quickly walked up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to his side. He glared at Zhang Ann'yuv with eyes burning with fury.    


"What are you doing?"    


When Zhang Ann'yuv saw Min Ann'ge, he stopped for a moment and nodded at him.    


"Mr Min, long time no see."    


His attitude was very gentle, but Min Ann'ge's expression was ugly and he didn't have the slightest good impression of him.    


Two years ago, when he went to America to find Luan Zhi, he saw this man always following beside Luan Zhi. In order to prevent him from pestering Luan Zhi, he even taught him a lesson and used his own power to withdraw a portion of the shares in Zhang Ann'yuv's company.    


He originally thought that he would be afraid to stop like this, but who would have thought that this person would never leave. He had been pestering Luan Zhi's side for two years, and it was as if his soul wouldn't leave his side!    


Even Luan Zhi, who had just graduated and returned home, followed him.    


Min Ann'ge looked at the person in front of him with an ugly expression, he gritted his teeth and said, "I told you, stay away from Luan Zhi! Haven't you learned enough from your previous lesson? "    


Luan Zhi didn't expect Min Ann'ge to suddenly appear and even pulled her behind him. Hearing what he said to Zhang Ann'yuv, she instantly frowned. Her face showed some displeasure as she pulled Min Ann'ge.    


"What are you doing?" Zhang Ann'yuv came to take us back. "    


"There's no need for him to answer it! "Where do you want to go, I can send you back." Min Ann'ge said.    


Although he was answering Luan Zhi's question, his eyes were still fixed on Zhang Ann'yuv, full of threat.    


"I advise you to leave the capital as soon as possible."    


However, he didn't look nervous at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "I'm really sorry. I might not be able to leave soon. I'm working with her on Luan Zhi's show this time."    


Noticing Min Ann'ge's twisted expression, he leaned over slightly and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "You don't want Luan Zhi to fail after working so hard at this show, do you?"    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he gritted his teeth.    


Seeing him angry at Zhang Ann'yuv, Luan Zhi couldn't help but say, "I called the studio to get someone to pick us up. We're just colleagues at work. "    


When Zhang Ann'yuv heard that, his expression froze and he laughed bitterly in his heart.    


He knew very well that even though he had been by Luan Zhi's side for the past two years, Luan Zhi had only treated him as a good friend and colleague and hadn't thought of anything else.    


She placed all her feelings on the man beside her.    


Min Ann'ge.    


Zhang Ann'yuv had investigated him many times before and knew about the history between Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi. He also knew what he had done in the past two years.    


He felt sorry for Luan Zhi when he saw the rumors about him and the other celebrities.    


How could Min Ann'ge be worthy of a good girl like Luan Zhi?    


Even though they were already married, it was just a matter of helplessness. It was nothing.    


This time, the most important reason why he would come back together with Luan Zhi to hold a domestic exhibition was to compete with Min Ann'ge openly for Luan Zhi.    


He knew that Luan Zhi already had the thought of getting a divorce. As long as she and Min Ann'ge divorced successfully, he would have the absolute advantage of staying by Luan Zhi's side.    


Min Ann'ge's eyes showed absolute power and domineering, he clearly knew Zhang Ann'yuv's intention.    


Although Luan Zhi thought of him as a colleague and friend, Zhang Ann'yuv definitely didn't think that way.    


He stood in front of Luan Zhi, his eyes full of coldness, like a lion protecting its own territory.    


Seeing Min Ann'ge's hostile look, Luan Zhi let go of his hand.    


"I'm going back."    


Then, he was about to get into Zhang Ann'yuv's car.    


But before she could get up, Min Ann'ge stopped her once again.    


"No way!"    


Luan Zhi said helplessly, "I still have some work to do on the show. I have to go back and take care of it."    


Min Ann'ge gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to go back, I can send you back."    


Then, without waiting for Luan Zhi's retort, he pulled her away from the car on the other side.    


After taking two steps, he turned around and shouted, "Duo Duo, come here."    


Duo Duo, who was originally standing beside Zhang Ann'yuv, saw the situation, so he could only wave his hand towards Zhang Ann'yuv.    


"Uncle, I'll be leaving first."    


After which, he quickly caught up.    


Min Ann'ge pulled Luan Zhi to the parking lot, opened the car door and threw her in.    


Luan Zhi ran into the backseat and frowned.    


"What are you trying to do? "My stuff is still in Zhang Ann'yuv's car!"    


"Let him help you bring it back. He came all the way to pick you up. He can't just return empty-handed, can he?" Min Ann'ge said in annoyance.    


It occurred to Luan Zhina that he would utter such sarcastic words.    


"Min Ann'ge, can you speak some reason?" He personally came to pick me up. How could he treat me like this? "    


"What else do you want me to do if I don't do this to him? Did he personally take you to his car? " "He suddenly turned around, and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets." Luan Zhi, you think I'm too magnanimous? Or do you think I'm stupid? "    


The sound rose involuntarily, making the car vibrate.    


Luan Zhi looked at him in shock. This was the first time she saw Min Ann'ge lose his composure like this.    


Even Duo Duo, who was sitting at the side, was shocked and didn't dare to speak.    


Looking at their appearances, Min Ann'ge realized that his attitude was too radical.    


He took a deep breath and said, "I won't let you leave with him."    


With that, he didn't bother to explain anymore and started the car to leave Hot Spring Villa.    


Luan Zhi pursed her lips, feeling as if a heavy stone had pressed down on her heart. It was a mess.    


If Min Ann'ge only wanted to take revenge for what he did before, why would he treat her like this?    


Min Ann'ge's face was filled with anger. The depths of his pupils seemed to be burning.    


No one said anything until the car stopped in front of the studio's entrance. Luan Zhi quickly opened the door and got off the car, as if she was trying to escape from some ferocious beast.    


Min Ann'ge was upset when he saw her expression.    


"Luan Zhi." He called out, but the man only stopped and did not look back.    


Min Ann'ge hesitated for a moment and said, "Sorry …"    


Luan Zhi hurriedly said, "You shouldn't have told me that. You should have told Zhang Ann'yuv."    


As he spoke, he pulled Duo Duo in.    


Duo Duo turned her head and saw Min Ann'ge, who was still sitting in the car, with a worried expression.    


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