Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi didn't know how much time had passed, but when she opened her eyes again, it was already quite late.    


The hot spring water was automatic and maintained a comfortable temperature.    


The sky was dark, and Luan Zhi blinked uncomfortably.    


Then, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be someone behind him.    


Ye Zichen turned his head and saw Min Ann'ge's handsome face.    


"Are you awake?" he said.    


Luan Zhi nodded. She did not expect herself to fall asleep while leaning on him. She quickly sat up.    


"How long have I been asleep?"    


"Two hours." Min Ann'ge said.    


Fortunately, it wasn't too long ago.    


Luan Zhi looked around. "And Duo Duo?"    


"She went out to play. Don't worry, I've already found someone to follow her."    


Luan Zhi turned around and glanced at Min Ann'ge. At this moment, Duo Duo wasn't there. There were only the two of them, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.    


He hurriedly said, "Then... Then let's hurry up and leave as well. "    


After he finished speaking, he was about to leave.    


"Wait." Min Ann'ge's voice sounded from behind him.    


Luan Zhi turned her head to look, only to see that he had been sitting in the same spot without moving and a slight frown had appeared between his brows.    


"What's wrong?"    


Min Ann'ge supported himself on a rock and slowly stood up, stretching his legs bit by bit.    


Seeing his actions, Luan Zhi asked in surprise, "Are your feet numb?"    


He had slept on Min Ann'ge's body for two whole hours and didn't move at all. No wonder his legs were numb.    


She walked over in embarrassment and supported him, saying, "I'll go with you."    


Min Ann'ge didn't refuse. He graciously put his hand on her shoulder, but he didn't let the weight of his body press on her. He slowly walked forward with a small curve on the corner of his mouth.    


"I'm fine."    


Luan Zhi lowered her head and whispered, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"    


"I can't bear to part with it …"    


Min Ann'ge's voice came faintly. Luan Zhi looked up in surprise and found that Min Ann'ge had been looking down at her.    


His eyes were softer against the green of the bamboo forest behind him.    


An unprecedented gentleness.    


Luan Zhi never knew that Min Ann'ge would also reveal such a side. She was stunned by what she saw.    


Min Ann'ge smiled and said: "I haven't had a good look at you in a long time, how could I bear to wake you up?"    


A soft voice entered her ears like a sigh, stirring up the lake in her heart, causing Luan Zhi to be at a loss of what to do.    


She quickly looked away and silently led Min Ann'ge to the front.    


After taking two steps, he finally responded with one word.    


"Oh …"    


While supporting Min Ann'ge back to the changing room, the other person still did not let go.    


Because of the way they supported each other, the two of them looked very intimate.    


She lowered her head to take a look. It was obvious that her opponent's legs had already returned to normal. She asked, "Your legs shouldn't be numb anymore, right?"    


"One more thing." Min Ann'ge said lightly. He looked very steady when he walked, so it was hard to tell at all.    


"Really?" "Luan Zhi expressed her doubts." But you look better. "    


Hearing that, Min Ann'ge paused for a moment, and then revealed a pained expression as he continued to limp forward.    


Luan Zhi widened her eyes in surprise. She didn't expect to meet Min Ann'ge who was cheating.    


"The thing you were feeling uncomfortable with was your left foot!"    


Min Ann'ge quickly switched to his left foot. He frowned and said with a 100% acting skill, "So numb!"    


If it wasn't for him forgetting his feet just now, Luan Zhi would have been deceived by his realistic acting skills, and she would have been crowned the best male lead three times in a row. There was simply no reason for her to lie to him!    


She said angrily, "I've heard that you can get better as soon as you walk. You can go back by yourself!"    


After saying that, he walked into the room with quick steps.    


Min Ann'ge saw that his plan had been exposed. He silently smiled, walked over and seemed to have fully recovered.    


After the two of them changed their clothes, Luan Zhi walked out and prepared to find Duo Duo with Min Ann'ge.    


"Over by the public hot spring." After hanging up, Min Ann'ge replied.    


Wasn't the public hot spring a place that was being rented out during this period of time?    


It should be filming there, right?    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge rushed over and saw that there were indeed a lot of workers gathered around the hot spring. The cameras and the lighting were already in place. The actors were standing by in bathrobes.    


She glanced around and found that the female lead looked a little familiar. She seemed to be someone from Min Ann'ge's company. Recently, she had been very popular and her name was Cheng Xue’er.    


His hair was already soaked through, and he wore a light makeup. Wearing a bathrobe, he stood to the side, looking very beautiful.    


"This is your company's play?" Luan Zhi asked.    


Min Ann'ge didn't even look at it. It should be. "    


With that, he brought Luan Zhi and prepared to continue searching for Duo Duo.    


At this moment, Cheng Xue’er, who was in the hot spring, suddenly turned her head and saw Min Ann'ge outside. Her face lit up.    


"President Min!"    


Everyone turned their heads around at the same time. Cheng Xue’er swiftly approached and blocked their way.    


"I didn't expect to meet you here. This is great."    


Her face was full of joy as she spoke, her eyes shining.    


Min Ann'ge's attitude was cold. He only nodded slightly and prepared to leave.    


However, Cheng Xue’er pulled him back and said, "I don't know if you have the time right now. We are currently filming a plot, but I have been in a bad state for a dozen times. If we can't film it today, it will be delayed …"    


Min Ann'ge frowned. Before he could open his mouth, Cheng Xue’er turned her head to look at Luan Zhi and asked, "You don't mind, do you?"    


Luan Zhi was stunned. She could tell what the other party was thinking with a glance, but she still nodded slowly.    


"I'm fine." Then, he said to Min Ann'ge, "I'll go find Duo Duo myself."    


"Luan Zhi." Min Ann'ge frowned and called her.    


"It's really nothing. Go. I'll just look around, I shouldn't be too far away. " Luan Zhi didn't even look at her as she hurriedly said her piece, turned around, and ran away.    


Min Ann'ge frowned as he looked at her back. He looked annoyed and his gaze turned cold.    


"What's the problem?"    


The smile on Cheng Xue’er's face stiffened. She could clearly feel the change in the other party's attitude. However, she still revealed a smile and said, "I'm not sure about the mood."    


Min Ann'ge's gaze was cold, but he still turned around and walked with her.    


After Luan Zhi left, she felt a bit upset.    


She knew that she should have thought of it long ago. With Min Ann'ge's identity, many people would definitely like him. Furthermore, his company's employees were all handsome men and beautiful women. This situation wasn't surprising.    


However, her heart still felt heavy, as if a rock had been pressed down on it.    


Luan Zhi took a deep breath and braced herself.    


"Forget it, let's find Duo Duo first!"    


She quickly looked around and found Duo Duo who was playing with a few staff members. She quickly walked over.    


"Mommy!" When she saw her, she ran over with a few lollipops in her hand.    


"Is Mommy awake?"    


Luan Zhi recalled what happened just now, and her face flushed red again as she nodded.    


"Let's go back."    


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