Lovely Substitute Bride



As the night deepened, Luan Zhi did not go out but stayed in her room with Duoduo to watch a movie.    


On the other side, Min Ann'ge had just finished settling the company's matters and was walking towards his room.    


When he thought of Luan Zhi and Duo Duo in the room, he frowned and hesitated.    


He thought about it for a long time. He was indeed a bit too aggressive when he was in the restaurant, so he had to explain everything to Luan Zhi later on.    


This hot spring trip could not end like this.    


Angele stood at the door and thought for a while. Finally, he opened the door.    


"Luan Zhi …"    


He had just opened his mouth when he discovered that the room was completely dark. He didn't even turn on the lights, and couldn't even sense a person's breath.    


He had a bad premonition. He quickly went to switch on the light and the room suddenly lit up.    


However, Min Ann'ge still couldn't find Luan Zhi's figure even after he looked around. He swept his gaze around and found that all of Luan Zhi's belongings were gone.    


Did they leave?    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fists, as a sharp glint appeared in his eyes.    


He quickly turned around and walked outside. He was in a hurry and his face was full of panic.    


He walked up to the front desk and asked, "Where are Luan Zhi and Duo Duo?"    


The front desk staff was shocked by Min Ann'ge's current appearance. His face was slightly pale and extremely terrified. He was too scared to move.    


"Where are you?" Min Ann'ge asked harshly.    


The other party was so scared that he started trembling. He hurriedly said, "This evening, Miss Luan came to check in with the other room. We can't stop her at all …"    


"Why would there be a room?" Min Ann'ge gritted his teeth, his face full of anger: "Didn't I tell you not to have empty rooms in the whole Hot Springs Villa?"    


The front desk was trembling slightly, and even though they were scared, they could only say, "After the film crew left, just as we were preparing to find someone to move in, Miss Luan came to change rooms. This was something she knew. We can't hide it from you. "    


Min Ann'ge was stunned and his expression turned even worse.    


The front desk looked at him worriedly.    


"President Min, is there anything else?" Do you want me to change the room? "    


Min Ann'ge did not say anything else. His expression changed again and again as he turned around and left.    


The front desk immediately let out a sigh of relief. Looking over, he felt a sense of loss when he saw Min Ann'ge's back.    


The next morning, Luan Zhi packed her things and left with Duo Duo.    


The moment they left the Manor, Duo Duo kept looking behind them.    


She had been in the next room with Mommy the night before, expecting to find out soon enough that they weren't there, and had come looking for them.    


But after staying for an entire night, nothing happened.    


What's the matter with Dad?    


She was worried that if they didn't show up soon, she and Mommy would leave.    


Seeing her movements, Luan Zhi guessed what Duo Duo was thinking.    


She used to look back but didn't see Min Ann'ge. She smiled helplessly. What else did she have to look forward to?    


Last night, she was the one who decided to leave first. Since she had already made up her mind, there was no need for her to stay here any longer.    


"Let's go." she said.    


Duoduo reluctantly retracted her gaze, and could only leave together with him.    


Last night, Luan Zhi had already contacted the studio's staff, and they would come to pick them up and head straight for the show.    


The two of them walked to the entrance of the Manor and looked outside. However, they didn't see any cars, so they couldn't help but feel somewhat puzzled.    


"We clearly arranged to meet at this time …"    


When Duo Duo heard this, her eyes immediately lit up.    


"In that case, let's stay here for another day, Mommy!"    


Luan Zhi smiled helplessly.    


"That won't do. We've been here for a long time. We have to go back and take care of some matters at the show. Can we come back together next time?"    


A look of disappointment appeared on Duo Duo's face when she heard this, but she could only nod in agreement.    


Right at that moment, a white sedan slowly approached from the distance and stopped right in front of them.    


Luan Zhi's mind was preoccupied with whether Min Ann'ge would come looking for her. She didn't realize the car in front of her at all. When the car door opened, the person inside got out and smiled at her.    


"Luan Zhi, what are you thinking about?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she looked up in surprise.    


The person standing in front of him had a faint smile on his face and an awkward accent. It seemed that he was not familiar with Chinese.    


Seeing that Luan Zhi had been looking at him silently, she smiled and said, "You don't remember me after just a month?"    


Luan Zhi immediately laughed.    


"Of course not. Zhang Ann'yuv, why did you come?"    


Luan Zhi had been studying abroad for the past two years, and Zhang Ann'yuv was her classmate. The two of them had a good relationship, so Xiao Qi was very fond of him.    


Luan Zhi had received a lot of help from him in her studies. Teacher Hu Lin's final test on graduation was to let the students in his class freely come together to publish a fashion show.    


The person that formed the team with Luan Zhi was Zhang Ann'yuv.    


However, after graduation, Zhang An still had some work to do, so he couldn't come over for the time being. He let Luan Zhi head back to the country alone and start preparing in advance.    


Luan Zhi had never heard that he would come today. She had originally planned to notify him to come and attend the final rehearsal.    


Zhang Ann'yuv smiled and said, "I'm the driver sent by the studio to pick you up."    


"Uncle Zhang!"    


When Duo Duo saw Zhang Ann'yuv, her eyes lit up and she immediately ran over.    


Zhang Ann'yuv hugged her happily. Have you missed your uncle? "    


"Yes!" "Duo Duo nodded firmly." Duo Duo has been thinking about how delicious the food cooked by Uncle has become! "    


Hearing that, Zhang Ann'yuv helplessly smiled: "Then, what are you thinking of your uncle? Or are you thinking about the dishes that uncle made? "    


Duo Duo smiled mischievously.    


"Both of them!"    


Zhang Ann'yuv was amused by her cute look and turned to Luan Zhi, "Have you finished packing? Can we go back now? "    


Luan Zhi nodded. She couldn't help but look behind her, but she couldn't see the familiar figure. Thus, she walked towards the car in disappointment.    


Min Ann'ge woke up this morning. After thinking for a long time, he still decided to go to Luan Zhi and explain what happened yesterday.    


In his plan, even if there was a misunderstanding, it had to be resolved in a timely manner. Otherwise, if time went by too long, it could bring about huge consequences.    


He quickly walked towards Luan Zhi's room and knocked on the door, only to find that Luan Zhi and Duo Duo had already left. Only the staff was still tidying up the beds.    


"Where is he?" he asked in a low voice.    


The staff turned around and asked, "Are you talking about Miss Luan Zhi and the others? Just now, they had already checked out. "    




Min Ann'ge's expression changed and he quickly headed outside.    


As soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw Luan Zhi and Dou Dou standing at the door with their stuff on them. He heaved a sigh of relief.    


Just as they were about to walk over, they discovered a familiar figure walking beside them.    


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