Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge stood behind Tiantian and said, "I haven't touched anything in the villa, so I shouldn't have to worry about being discovered now."    


Luan Zhi turned her head to look at him in surprise, and her heart skipped a beat.    


"Mommy!" At this time, Duo Duo stuck her head out from behind Min Ann'ge and looked at the room in front of her with a face full of surprise, "It's exactly the same as in Duo Duo's memory!"    


Upon hearing the voice, Luan Zhi turned her head and smiled. "Do you still remember the past?"    


She must have been about two years old, she remembered?    


"Of course!" Duo Duo immediately ran over and sat on the sofa. "When Daddy goes out to work, Mommy will take me to sit here and watch Daddy's movies. I've seen all of them."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her face instantly turned red and she hurriedly called out to her.    


"Duo Duo, come here. Let's put the things down first."    


Toot obediently took her hand and walked in with a face full of joy.    


After putting everything away, the sound of a car could be heard outside the door after a while.    


Luan Zhi stood up immediately and became nervous.    


"It should be my mom."    


As soon as they went out, they saw Luan's mother getting out of the car with her stuff in her hands. When she saw them, she smiled and said, "Duo Duo, Luan Zhi, I'm here to see you guys!"    


When Luan Zhi saw her, she felt a headache coming on.    


She hadn't lived with Min Ann'ge in such a long time, and the last few meetings had been unpleasant. If Luan's mother also lived here, she would have to be careful at all times. Otherwise, she could expose herself at any time.    


However, when Duo Duo saw Luan's mother, a bright smile appeared on her face. She ran over with open arms and threw herself into her arms.    


"Grandmother! Long time no see! "    


Luan's mother hugged her happily. Have you been obedient during this period of time? "    


"I do!" Duo Duo's face was full of smiles. "And today, we are going back to live here …"    


"Duo Duo!" Luan Zhi called out to her in a hurry. Her expression changed drastically as she hurried forward.    


Luan's mother had a puzzled look on her face. You just moved in today? "    


Luan Zhi shook her head and forced a smile. "Of course not."    


"What does that mean?"    


Luan's mother obviously didn't want to skip this topic, so she looked at her doubtfully.    


Luan Zhi racked her brain, but couldn't think of any way to explain. She could only turn around and look at Min Ann'ge for help.    


Min Ann'ge walked forward and said, "Duo Duo is asking, do you want to stay in the villa for the next few days?"    


Luan's mother immediately nodded when she heard that.    


"Of course. Aren't you both busy with your work? Duo Duo let me take care of her. "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she regretted her decision to let Min Ann'ge explain.    


Before Luan's mother had even arrived, she was already thinking if she could find an excuse to persuade Luan's mother to stay at the hotel for the next few days. However, before she could even open her mouth, it ended.    


She thought for a moment and could not help but ask, "Mom, how long are you going to stay here?"    


Luan's mother laughed heartily. Don't worry, I'll be staying here for a while. My job is done, anyway. Taking advantage of this time, he decided to take a look around the country. "I haven't seen Yao Yan for a long time. I don't know how her life has been after her divorce, so you don't have to worry about me."    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


This wasn't what she was worried about right now, but she could only muster up the courage to nod and lead her inside.    


As expected, the moment she entered the door, Luan's mother started to look around.    


Luan Zhi was a bit nervous, but she didn't notice anything along the way.    


Only when Luan's mother returned to her room did Luan Zhi let out a sigh of relief. She thought about how she might have to face such a situation in the next few days and asked worriedly, "What should we do now?" If my mother were to stay here for ten days or half a month, it would be terrible. "    


"Of course you can stay here." Min Ann'ge said.    


Luan Zhi sighed and said with distress, "That's the only way now."    


She thought for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Min Ann'ge.    


"Just now, you asked my mom if she wants to live here. It can't be intentional, right?"    


Min Ann'ge shook his head.    


"Of course not."    


Luan Zhi, on the other hand, was still a little doubtful. However, it was useless to pursue these matters now. He could only stay here for the next few days.    


"I'll go and tidy up the room now."    


He turned around and was about to leave to clean up the room that he and Duo Duo had stayed in for the past few days, but Min Ann'ge stopped him.    


"Where are you going?"    


"Cleaning up the rooms? We'll be staying there for the next two days. "    


Min Ann'ge frowned. " If you stay in the guest room now, aren't you worried about being found out? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she instantly reacted.    


"That's right, if we do that, we'll definitely be seen through." "Then where do I live now?"    


Min Ann'ge pulled her hand and said, "With me, of course."    


Luan Zhi's eyes were wide open as she looked at him with a panicked expression.    


Min Ann'ge asked: "Other than this, is there any other way?"    


Luan Zhi thought carefully, but couldn't think of any other way.    


"That's the only way."    


Min Ann'ge's eyes revealed a hint of a successful smile as he comforted, "Don't worry, I think your mom won't stay here for too long."    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


"I can only hope so now."    


Watching Luan Zhi leave, Min Ann'ge turned around and looked at the door of Luan's mother's room.    


He didn't expect Luan's mother's arrival to have such an effect. How could he let Luan's mother leave so easily under such circumstances?    


As long as I can stay, of course.    


Min Ann'ge's eyes revealed a cunning smile as he turned around to prepare something else.    


That night, when it was time to sleep, Luan Zhi sat motionlessly in the living room.    


Luan's mother looked at her doubtfully. You're not working tomorrow? Why aren't you going to sleep? "    


Luan Zhi was shocked. " "No, that's not it."    


"Not now?" Luan's mother urged, "I'll bring Duoduo to sleep together with me, so you don't have to worry."    


Luan Zhi was a little nervous. Under his gaze, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up, walking towards Min Ann'ge's bedroom.    


I am. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say.    


Luan Zhi widened her eyes as she looked at Min Ann'ge, who had just finished his shower. Her white bathrobe was draped loosely over her shoulders.    


The collar was wide open, revealing a broad chest, and it was possible to see some abs.    


Luan Zhi was momentarily stunned. She hurriedly shifted her gaze away and grabbed a pillow on the bed.    


"I'll sleep on the floor today."    


After speaking, he turned around and was about to lie down on the ground.    


However, Min Ann'ge stopped her. "No, you sleep on the bed."    


"What about you?"    


Luan Zhi's face turned red as she looked at her.    


Min Ann'ge took the pillow from her hand and said, "I'll sleep on the floor."    


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