Lovely Substitute Bride



The person who had just called Cheng Xue’er was the country manager of the last manufacturer.    


Fortunately, the news of him being hidden had not spread out. With his previous identity, he could still deceive these people to achieve her goal.    


Even if Min Ann'ge found out after the incident, she wouldn't think about it that much. Even if she had to sacrifice her future, he would make Luan Zhi have a taste of the price of opposing him!    


She looked at the list in her hand and sneered.    


"Luan Zhi has cancelled all orders, what should we do now?"    


Manager Deng had just hung up the phone with Cheng Xue’er and was feeling pleased with himself. He was overjoyed to think that he would be promoted in a few days.    


At this moment, the phone on the table rang.    


As soon as the call connected, the front desk said: "Manager Deng, Miss Luan Zhi would like to see you."    


"Luan Zhi?"    


When Manager Deng heard this name, he panicked and anxiously said: "Quickly stop her! She is not allowed to enter!"    


"But …" "But she's gone in, and we can't stop her."    


When Manager Cheng heard this, his face changed drastically.    


He thought that Luan Zhi would be unhappy, but he didn't expect to be here so early.    


If he found out about that, then everything between him and Cheng Xue’er would be over.    


He stood up in a hurry and was about to go out to find a place to hide.    


When he opened the door, he saw Luan Zhi standing outside. She was about to knock on the door.    


Seeing Luan Zhi, Manager Cheng's face became even more flustered.    


"Miss Luan, why are you here?"    


Luan Zhi had a serious expression on her face. After she left the studio, she went to several other companies.    


When the other party heard that she was going to talk about the contract, they all acted very panickedly and chased her out in a hurry.    


When she entered, Luan Zhi received a call from someone in the studio. The people from the last company also requested for a refund.    


As of now, all the other partners had all withdrawn. This was definitely bad news for the studio.    


They had invested too much in the fashion show, but now they didn't get anything, and there was a problem with the company's operations.    


In such a situation, the other side wanted to force them into a dead end!    


She looked at Manager Cheng in front of her and said, "Just now, I received your company's refund request. I wanted to come over and ask."    


Manager Deng smiled awkwardly.    


"Didn't you agree to the refund request?"    


"Yes, indeed." Luan Zhi said, "But I still have some doubts. Why would you ask for a refund?"    


"This …" Manager Deng was a bit hesitant. He braced himself and said, "Only after we obtained the sample did we discover that there was a gap between our expectations. This was a last resort. I hope that we can work together again in the future."    


With a few words, he was about to give Luan Zhi a perfunctory reply.    


However, Luan Zhi insisted, "Can you tell me what your expectations are?"    


Manager Deng could no longer maintain the smile on his face. He racked his brains to think of something to say.    


After a long while, he said, "Actually, what we want is brevity."    


"Is that so?" Luan Zhi replied indifferently.    


Manager Cheng thought he was right and quickly said: "That's right! Your clothes are too extravagant, and do not match our previous settings. "    


After he finished speaking, Luan Zhi then said lightly, "But this time we are giving your company a succinct treatment. Before shipping, we have already investigated your past works and made appropriate adjustments. What part of our work does not meet your requirements? "Our studio has just been established, but only with constant improvements can we make progress, right?"    


Luan Zhi's voice was calm and steady, as if she was asking for advice out of humility. However, the look on her face only made manager Chen even more nervous.    


They had thought that since Luan Zhi was still young and insolent, she could use this as a reason. But she didn't expect that she would be able to be so calm.    


After thinking for a long time, he could only argue, "Can't you find the specific reason yourself? Let me mention it! If the collaboration is broken, it will be broken. We'll talk about it when you guys have a good work next time! "    


As she spoke, she pushed Luan Zhi out of the door.    


"Let's talk about this later. I still have things to do."    


Only after slamming the door shut did Manager Cheng completely relax.    


What's wrong with this Luan Zhi?    


He had almost blurted out the real situation due to her oppressive aura.    


If such a thing were to be discovered, not to mention appreciating it, even his current position might not be preserved.    


Luan Zhi didn't pursue the matter any further. From the look of the other party just now, she could roughly see that there was something fishy behind this matter.    


She took a deep breath. She had thought that as long as she had the ability, she would be able to succeed. But he didn't expect that there were so many things to consider other than his own abilities.    


Luan Zhi took a deep breath before turning around to leave.    


Turning around, he accidentally bumped into the person behind him, and the other party's information scattered all over the floor.    


"I'm sorry!" Luan Zhi was startled and quickly bent down to pick it up. She found that it was all about the company.    


Raising his head, he saw a blonde foreigner standing before him with a smile on his face.    


"Thank you."    


Upon seeing Luan Zhi, they seemed to have recognized her, and their eyes widened in shock.    


"You must be Luan Zhi? I know you! Your design was so beautiful! I also applied to headquarters, hoping to work with you. "    


Hearing that, Luan Zhi smiled, "I did receive your invitation to cooperate, but just now, the cooperation was cancelled."    


"Why?" That person was puzzled. "Are you not satisfied with our request?"    


"No, the person who cancelled our cooperation was your company. Our design doesn't seem to match your company's philosophy."    


"How come I don't know about this?" That person was puzzled. "Can I trouble you to let me take a look at the design you sent over?"    


Luan Zhi took out the documents she had prepared beforehand and passed them to her.    


The man took it and examined it, but the frown between his eyebrows only deepened.    


"Strange, your design is exactly the same as our company's. It can even be said to be perfect. "This isn't scientific …"    


And she came in to talk to the manager about this collaboration.    


Luan Zhi only said lightly, "Regarding this, you should ask the manager of your company. He should know about it."    


The man frowned. I will investigate it thoroughly right now! "    


He turned around and pushed the door open with a face full of anger.    


Manager Deng, who was in the room, let out a sigh of relief after sending Luan Zhi off. He wanted to escape this calamity, but didn't expect that the door would be opened the next second.    


Without even looking at it, he angrily rebuked, "Why are you here again? Didn't I say that this is your own problem? This is the end of the cooperation! "    


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