Lovely Substitute Bride



After confirming that the person had left, Luan Zhi carefully opened her eyes and let out a long sigh of relief. She was on the verge of being discovered.    


She couldn't help but touch the spot where Min Ann'ge kissed her. Luan Zhi blushed again and quickly got back into her blanket.    


After Min Ann'ge left the bedroom, his phone rang.    


He took out his cell phone and scanned through it. His expression instantly turned cold and his gaze became ice-cold.    


As soon as the call connected, he asked, "Have you found any news?"    


"Yes, President Min." "Hello," came the assistant's voice from the other end of the phone. The first thing we did was to contact people in several companies and sign a contract with Miss Luan. The managers who went back on their words were in contact with the same number at that time. "    


Min Ann'ge slightly squinted his eyes, revealing a cold light.    


"Who is it?"    


"The call was from the company. It's not yet available."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, his aura became even more violent. He could almost guess who would do such a thing.    


The assistant on the other end of the phone felt Min Ann'ge quieten down instantly and became nervous as well.    


After a while, Min Ann'ge continued: "Continue investigating, monitor every possible person!"    


"Yes, President Min!"    


After hanging up the phone, Min Ann'ge's expression was cold and his eyes revealed a cold light.    


"Ann'ge." At this moment, Luan's mother's voice came from behind him.    


Min Ann'ge turned around and saw Luan Zhi behind him. His expression immediately turned soft.    




Luan's mother nodded and said, "I came here to see how Luan Zhi is doing. Now that you two are getting along so well, I feel relieved."    


Min Ann'ge's face revealed a hint of a meaningful smile. It seems like they did well in the past few days, even Luan's mother was tricked by them.    


"Luan Zhi and I still have some problems that we'll slowly get used to each other in the future. But you don't have to worry about that."    


Luan's mother nodded in satisfaction.    


In the past few years, she had always been dissatisfied with Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge's matter. However, after these few days of chatting, the two of them didn't seem to be too worried.    


Min Ann'ge had taken good care of Luan Zhi and was even more outstanding than she had imagined.    


"There are some problems at America company right now. I must go back in the next few days. Luan Zhi, I'll leave it to you to take care of her."    


Min Ann'ge slightly frowned when he heard that.    


During this time, the reason Luan Zhi was staying here was because of Luan's mother. There were even many dates with Luan's mother, and they were all just there to keep up with her.    


If Luan's mother left now, Luan Zhi would definitely leave and move back to her former residence.    


Min Ann'ge slightly frowned and was a bit worried.    


Luan's mother continued, "However, although you've covered up well, I can see that you two did have a lot of problems before."    


"You found out?"    


"As long as you look carefully, you'll see." Luan's mother smiled and said, "But you don't have to worry. I'll give you guys some time. Ever since Luan Zhi came back, she seemed to have been living outside, right?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded slightly. He didn't expect Luan's mother to discover this as well. That is to say, the banquets she hosted these few days and all kinds of pretense of affection towards others were actually all pretense?    


He wondered what Luan Zhi would think when she found out about this.    


Luan's mother continued, "Even after I leave, Luan Zhi will not leave."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.    


"I watched Luan Zhi grow up and I know her the best. He seems very stubborn and very strong, but he is actually very timid and easily cowered. " The expression on her face changed, and instantly became serious. Her body revealed the aura and pressure of a Patriarch of the Luan family.    


"If I find out that you bullied Luan Zhi, or made her sad, I, who represent my entire Luan Family, won't let you off easily."    


Min Ann'ge said firmly without even thinking, "I won't let you have the chance."    


Luan's mother nodded in satisfaction.    


"That's good."    


The next day.    


When Luan Zhi got up, she found that the living room was filled with luggage. Luan's mother was standing beside her.    


"I've already booked a plane ticket back. I'll leave shortly."    


"You're going back?"    


Luan Zhi was overjoyed. Her face was full of smiles, and just as she finished her sentence, she realized that she was not in a good mood. Once again, she felt pity and regret.    


Luan's mother noticed the change in her expression, but didn't remind her. She said, "There's a problem with the company. It's time to leave after spending so much time with you guys. We can come over in the future anyway."    


Luan Zhi hurriedly nodded.    


"Of course! Now? I'll send you out! "    


Seeing her happy expression, Luan's mother said helplessly, "What are you so anxious about? I'll come back to see you later. "    


How could Luan Zhi control so much now? It would already be good if she could have a few days of freedom.    


During this time, she had to live with Min Ann'ge in the same room.    


Every night before she went to sleep, she would intentionally stay far away from Min Ann'ge. She didn't know why, but she would wake up in the morning and find that she had unconsciously rolled into Min Ann'ge's arms.    


More and more, she wondered if she was going to be stationed there.    


Furthermore, they would meet once or twice every few days and would have to act out together.    


As long as she waited for Luan's mother to leave, she would be able to move back immediately and not have to worry about these problems anymore.    


Luan Zhi happily escorted Luan's mother onto the plane. When she turned around, she immediately wanted to move back home.    


"Mommy." Duo Duo pulled on her clothes and asked expectantly, "When will Grandmother come to see us again?"    


"This …" Luan Zhi hesitated.    


"We'll be ready in a while."    


As she answered, she was planning to move out of Min Ann'ge's house.    


By the end of the day, Luan Zhi had already gone back to her rented apartment. She took out her key, but found that she could not open the door at all.    


"What's going on?"    


Luan Zhi frowned and was about to try again.    


"Miss Luan." A voice came from behind him.    


Luan Zhi turned around and saw the landlord standing behind her. She asked curiously, "Mr. Chen, I was just about to look for you. What's the matter with my key?"    


The landlord regretfully said, "I'm really sorry, I forgot to inform you earlier. A few days ago, someone rented your house. From today onwards, Miss Luan, you can't live here anymore."    


"From now on?" Luan Zhi looked at her in disbelief. You didn't notify me at all! "    


"Before the baby, I will pay three times the penalty for the breach of contract."    


Luan Zhi didn't expect to encounter such a situation and frowned deeply.    


"Do you have any other houses you can rent?"    


"Sorry, all the houses have already been rented out."    


Luan Zhi became even more confused and a bit doubtful.    


"Can you tell me who rented it?"    


The landlord shook his head. Sorry, the customer's information must be kept confidential. "    


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