Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo to Chi Lee's office.    


Dodo looked around all the way, her eyes rolling with curiosity.    


"Mommy, this place is so big."    


"Of course, this is the biggest competition venue in the entire country, of course it's very beautiful." Luan Zhi raised her head and looked at the ceiling. "If only we could have a new fashion show of our own here one day."    


Even though she said that, Luan Zhi knew that it was very difficult.    


This venue had extremely high requirements for designers. They had to go through a lot of tests, and they couldn't just rent the place out with money.    


Chi Lee is one of the few designers who has released a fashion show at the venue ever since it was built.    


Luan Zhi frowned when she thought of this person, and her heart was filled with doubt.    


Two days ago, she took the time to do some calculations and found that Chi Lee's clothes, which were similar to those from other countries, were actually above 90%.    


This was an astonishing and tremendous amount of data!    


Chi Lee, who was known as the national designer, had actually done such a thing!    


She clenched her fists. Stealing someone else's design and using it as her own. Deceiving everyone for so many years was simply unforgivable!    


When we meet later, you have to ask what's going on.    


While thinking, Luan Zhi quickened her pace and brought Duo Duo to Chi Lee's office, knocking on the door.    


There was no response from inside.    


"Isn't she in there?" Duo looked curiously at the door in front of her.    


Luan Zhi raised her hand and knocked on the door again. Seeing that there was no response, she stopped the staff member at the side and asked, "Where's Judge Chi Lee? Where did she go?    




"The staff looked around. Not in the office? "That should be a temporary trip out. You guys wait here for a while, Master Treadmill should be back soon."    


Luan Zhi didn't know why Chi Lee had called her here. She also had something important to check with her, so she had to stop and wait at the door with Duo Duo.    


After waiting for several minutes for the food, Luan Zhi could not wait any longer. She stood up and said, "Forget it, there's no need to wait any longer. Let's go back first."    


Just as she was about to turn around, the office door was suddenly opened. Chi Lee stood in the doorway and looked at them.    


"You guys came? "Come in."    


Luan Zhi frowned and asked, "Have you been at the office all this time? Why didn't we reply when we knocked on the door? "    


Chi Lee glanced at him indifferently.    


"I was working on it just now. I don't like to be disturbed. "Come in, I have something to tell you."    


Luan Zhi looked at the time. It was getting closer and closer to the start of the competition, but she could only follow her in, hoping that the match would end soon so she could go back and prepare for it.    


The model should be here by now. She still needed to help him dress.    


The two of them entered the room and went straight to the point. "What's the matter?"    


Chi Lee glanced at him and asked, "How much confidence do you have in winning this competition?"    


Luan Zhi replied humbly, "I'm not worthy of winning. As long as it's within my capabilities, it's fine. This competition is a valuable experience for me. To be able to see so many different designs."    


Upon hearing these words, Chi Lee actually burst out laughing.    


"Alright, you don't have to put on airs in front of me. Who wants to win the competition here? However, the one who will win this time will definitely not be you. "    


Her gaze immediately became sharp. She glanced at Luan Zhi and said, "Although your design is really good, don't think that you can brazenly mess around in the competition just because you have someone backing you. I advise you to quickly withdraw."    


Luan Zhi looked at her with a puzzled expression as her gaze gradually turned ice-cold. At this moment, her reverence and yearning towards the Chi Lee before her had long since disappeared. From the start of the match, Chi Lee and Chen Na's small movements were frequent. No matter how stupid they were, they would be able to discern their intentions.    


Luan Zhi didn't waste her breath with him and directly asked, "You want me to quit on my own accord? Then, will Chen Na win the championship? "    


Chi Lee smiled and said, "With Chen Na's ability, she would definitely win even without my help. That is, if you're not here. How about it? If you leave now, I can let you go. "    


Luan Zhi looked at her coldly, but before she could say anything, a childish voice came from her side.    


"I won't give up!"    


"Chi Lee," Duo Duo said angrily, her cheeks puckering up as she looked at Chi Lee with dissatisfaction. Mommy's design is the most beautiful! He would definitely be able to win the championship! We won't give up! Mommy is going to hold her own fashion show in this venue! "    


"Fashion conference?" "Hearing this, Chi Lee laughed mockingly, her eyes full of mockery." With just you? Stop dreaming! It's impossible to stand here for the rest of my life. "    


Duo Duo was not convinced and wanted to retort, but she was stopped by Luan Zhi.    


She said lightly, "Can we come back here? We can talk with the truth."    


With that, Luan Zhi turned around with Duo Duo and prepared to leave.    


He turned around and saw several blueprints on the table. They looked very familiar.    


"You designed these?" Luan Zhi asked.    


"Of course! You've never seen such a beautiful design, have you? No wonder they were so surprised. " Chi Lee said proudly.    


Luan Zhi was indeed very surprised, because this set of clothes was a new one that had just been released yesterday. It hadn't even been released to the country yet, so the two sets of clothes were almost exactly the same! There were no changes!    


Was Chi Lee so unscrupulous now?    


They actually brought it over for him to use? Did they really think that everyone was a fool?    


Luan Zhi shook her head and left with Duo Duo.    


Outside the door, Tudor was still angry. He pouted and said, "This aunt is not cute at all!"    


Luan Zhi laughed, her tone firm. "When the competition is over, we'll see."    


Duo Duo nodded her head firmly.    


"Yes!" Mommy must win, I can't let their scheme succeed! "    


Luan Zhi nodded firmly and led her towards the lounge.    


At the same time, Chen Na was also busy.    


Half an hour ago, after Luan Zhi had left her resting room with Duo Duo, Chen Na had arrived.    


Chi Lee had already planned this a long time ago. After finding an excuse to separate the two, she had personally destroyed Luan Zhi's plan to prevent her from participating in this competition!    


Chen Na held a pair of scissors in her hand, ready to cut Luan Zhi's design into pieces in one go.    


Feeling pleased with herself, she went to the door and pushed it, only to discover that it was locked from the inside.    


"What's going on?"    


Chen Xiang frowned and complained. He kept shaking the door handle, but he could not open it no matter how hard he tried.    


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