Lovely Substitute Bride



As soon as she hung up the phone, Luan Zhi rushed over and said angrily, "What did you say?"    


"Nothing." Min Ann'ge said lightly, "She said the summer camp's event is pretty good, and she wants to participate in it again."    


"No way!" Luan Zhi hurriedly refused.    


It's already been a week. If he were to register for another person, it would take him ten days to half a month to come back. By that time, the raw rice would soon be cooked into a mature rice dish and would no longer be cooked into a guoba!    


Now that the competition was over, when Duoduo came, she would quickly move out with her, putting the matter of the divorce on the agenda.    


Luan Zhi thought for a moment. Yuan Qingzhu had previously introduced her to a lawyer that handled divorce cases, so she didn't know if that would work.    


As Luan Zhi calculated, Min Ann'ge's voice suddenly sounded. "It's late, you should rest."    


"Alright, I'll immediately …"    


As Luan Zhi was speaking, she looked up to see Min Ann'ge already lying on the bed.    


The man was bare-chested, his skin the color of wheat. When he was wearing his clothes, he felt that his figure could still be considered thin, but now it seemed that he was astonishingly good.    


Especially when she woke up in this kind of chest every morning, the feeling was really hard to describe.    


Luan Zhi paused for a moment, then couldn't help but ask, "Do you like to sleep without clothes?"    


Min Ann'ge didn't mind at all and smiled: "Even if you wear it, it will still be taken off, so it's more convenient to not wear it."    


"Take it off?" Luan Zhi's eyes widened.    


Min Ann'ge nodded. One night, do you remember? After you fell asleep, you took off my clothes … "    




Luan Zhi's voice was suddenly too loud, interrupting his words. Seeing that the temperature on her face was once again rising, she quickly said, "Let's rest first!"    


After he had finished, he quickly turned off the light and curled up in a corner. He told himself in his heart that he must never cross the border!    


After making sure that he would not move about freely, he then went to sleep with a peace of mind.    


As for what she did not know, she was waiting for her to fall asleep. Min Ann'ge slowly opened his eyes and gently removed the blanket that Luan Zhi had rolled up.    


Those who were sleeping frowned slightly, feeling the surrounding temperature, and then slowly moved closer to Min Ann'ge. It wasn't until they rolled into his embrace that Min Ann'ge finally rolled her up with the quilt and hugged her.    


If Luan Zhi knew that the matter that had been bothering her for so long every morning had turned out like this, she would definitely be so angry that she would start cursing.    


It was not until the next morning that Luan Zhi woke up with the same expression. Although there was no change in her expression, her heart was already troubled.    


She quickly changed her clothes and returned to the studio. After modifying the designs she remembered from yesterday, she took her things and left the room.    


Luan Zhi had already made an appointment with the lawyer that Yuan Qingzhu had introduced to her and was waiting in the coffee shop.    


The moment he walked in, he saw Yuan Qingzhu and the lawyer sitting in a corner.    


The lawyer looked to be in his early forties, wearing a black suit with a briefcase placed beside him. He looked very capable, but because he was wearing glasses, he gave off a scholarly air.    


According to Yuan Qingzhu, this person was also a teacher of their school.    


"Luan Zhi, who seemed to have recognized Luan Zhi's identity, stood up in surprise." "You are Luan …"    


Luan Zhi hurriedly raised her hand to stop him. Hush, I don't want to be seen. "    


The man nodded, then frowned again. He had just heard that the relationship between Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge was very harmonious. Why would they come to talk about the divorce case?    


Luan Zhi sat down and said to Yuan Qingzhu, "The advice I gave you last time, did you use it on design?"    


Yuan Qingzhu nodded.    


"I didn't perform well in the previous match, but I'm already very satisfied with the result. According to the suggestions you gave me, I did improve a lot. Thank you so much!"    


"It's alright, didn't you introduce me to a lawyer as well?"    


Luan Zhi turned towards the lawyer and said, "Qingzhu should have already told you the reason why I came to see you, right? I hope you can keep this a secret for me. In addition, I would like to ask, how can a divorce be filed if the other party does not agree? "    


"I don't want a dime on property, but the children have to be with me."    


"This …"    


The lawyer looked flustered as he pushed at his glasses. "There are legal rules governing this matter. You can apply for a divorce if you have been separated for more than five years. Have you exceeded that time? "    


Luan Zhi frowned.    


"It was originally two years, but recently …" She shook her head.    


The lawyer could only say, "Did he do anything violent to your family?"    


Luan Zhi still shook her head.    


"What about the Leng Clan?"    


Luan Zhi smiled wryly. During this time, he had been kind to me and had followed everything I said to cook for me. When I come across a bottleneck in my design, help me solve it as well. "    


The lawyer fell into a dilemma and really wanted to ask, "Such a good husband, why would he divorce?"    


"Don't tell me that if it's like this, then it's really a bit difficult to deal with."    


Luan Zhi nodded. Of course, she also knew that she was sleepy. She could only say, "Then help me think of a way. The sooner the better."    


"No problem." The lawyer replied, still puzzled.    


With Min Ann'ge's identity, wealth, and power, who knows how many people have dreamed of becoming Mrs. Min. However, Luan Zhi was in a hurry to escape. If they were to get a divorce, the only ones who would be happy would be those women who wanted to marry into a rich family, right?    


Luan Zhi asked a few more questions about the divorce and finally left.    


When they left, the lawyer packed his things quickly, thinking about how to handle the case and get ready to leave the coffee shop.    


Just as he stood up, he was stopped.    


A tall young man was standing in front of him. Although he was wearing a suit, the muscles on his arms tightened the loose suit jacket. He was looking at him expressionlessly.    


"Mr Min has something to talk to you about."    


The lawyer was shocked!    


Could it be that Min Ann'ge found out that Luan Zhi came to talk about the divorce?    


The other party didn't even give him the chance to refuse. He turned to the side and pointed forward, "Let's go."    


The lawyer forced himself to follow and came to Min Ann'ge's office.    


He stood nervously in the middle of the office with his briefcase in his arms. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and, with this gesture, looked carefully at the man behind the desk.    


He only took a glance before lowering his head.    




No one in the room spoke. Even their breathing became more careful.    


After a long while, Min Ann'ge finally spoke, "Luan Zhi came to talk to you about the divorce?"    


The lawyer was so scared that he did not dare to refuse and quickly nodded his head.    




Min Ann'ge raised his head and scanned his body with a sharp light.    


"Then what are your plans?"    


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