Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi saw that there were more and more people around her, and the few people on the ground had kicked a steel plate this time. They probably wouldn't do that again, so she said, "That's it. I want to go back and rest."    


After she finished, Min Ann'ge finally said: "It won't end so easily next time."    


With that, he ignored the few people lying on the ground and left with Luan Zhi.    


After the bodyguards had left, Johnson quickly ran over and helped his son up. He asked anxiously, "How is it? Are you alright?"    


The other party immediately cried out in alarm.    


"Don't touch it! Pain! Pain! My ribs seem to be broken. Dad, why did you let those two go? Damn it, I must kill them all! "    


"You're still talking nonsense!"    


Johnson raised his hand and smacked him on the head, and scolded, "Idiot! Do you know who they are? You actually dared to offend them, and were able to reclaim your life.    


"Who are they?" Carl raised his voice.    


Johnson glared at him.    


"The woman you spoke to is the eldest daughter of Luan Family, the only successor to the clan's inheritance. Even if I saw her, I would have backed off a bit. The other man is Min Ann'ge, the one I mentioned to you before. In this Asian Games, he has more than 60% of the projects. "    


"Do you want to die? How dare you provoke him?!"    


Karl's face instantly turned pale.    


"I... "How should I know? They're so strong …"    


Johnson shook his head and said, "Alright, I can send you back tomorrow. You don't need to stay here anymore. Just because of you, the company has suffered a lot of losses.    


With that, he led the others and left dejectedly.    


Luan Zhi left the banquet in a hurry. Just as she got into the car, Min Ann'ge said, "Why didn't they tell me when they were making trouble for you the first time?"    


"It's not a big deal. I can take care of it myself." she said casually.    


Min Ann'ge's face sank. What did this woman think of him?    


He was in the same house as her, right by her side. When he encountered such a thing, he would not mention it at all. Did he not put him in his heart?    


His voice sank slightly. "If I encounter such a thing again in the future, I hope you can tell me."    


"There's nothing I can do even if I told you. Why don't you go and beat them up?" "" Luan Zhi said jokingly. So many things in life, big and small, I can't tell you everything, can I? "    


While speaking, Min Ann'ge suddenly raised his hand and pulled Luan Zhi towards him. He gritted his teeth and said, "You should know what's important and what's not. If you can't tell what's important, then tell me everything, big and small, every day. Let me know what you are doing. Are you in danger?"    


Luan Zhi frowned and lightly pulled at her hand, but was unable to break free.    


"Do I have to tell you when I go to the bathroom?"    


"Yes sir!" Ye Zichen didn't expect Min Ann'ge to be so certain.    


Luan Zhi felt that Min Ann'ge was a bit unreasonable: "Min Ann'ge, it's just a small problem, isn't it solved now?"    


Min Ann'ge's eyes did not blink, and the color of his pupils slowly started to darken.    


"In your eyes, everything is just a small issue, so you don't need to tell me? During the two years you were in the America, what things did you have to tell me? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she was instantly angered.    


In these two years, wasn't Min Ann'ge the one who didn't consult with her and announced that he had quit the entertainment industry and opened a company?    


Even she had read about it in the newspapers.    


Didn't Min Ann'ge start it himself? Why was it her fault again?    


Who was hiding something?    


Luan Zhi remembered the scene in the company elevator. She was getting more and more confused about Min Ann'ge, whom she had known for many years.    


She shook her head. Whatever I want to do, what I want to do, I'll show it to you. What about you, Min Ann'ge? I don't understand you anymore. What are you trying to do? What are you thinking about? I didn't even know! "    


Min Ann'ge pursed his lips and didn't say anything else. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he held it back in the end.    


Seeing that he didn't say anything, Luan Zhi was also a little angry in her heart. Seeing that the car had yet to start and was still standing there, he said to the driver, "Let's drive back."    


The driver was shocked and quickly nodded his head.    


"Yes, Miss Luan Zhi."    


He quickly withdrew his gaze from the rearview mirror. He didn't dare to breathe too loudly as he nervously started the car. He was very careful along the way, as he was afraid that the two of them would suddenly explode and bring disaster upon themselves.    


When the car finally stopped in front of the villa, Luan Zhi seemed to be still angry. She immediately opened the door and rushed out, entering the villa without looking back.    


Min Ann'ge sat in the car and didn't move for a long time.    


He had a dark expression on his face. There were no lights on in the car, only the light from the house. It shone on her face, making him look dark and nervous.    


The interior of the car, which could not be considered as spacious in the first place, suddenly became cramped.    


The driver was extremely nervous. If he knew it would turn out like this, he wouldn't have fought with the other driver for the opportunity to send Luan Zhi over today. Otherwise, he wouldn't have encountered such a situation.    


After waiting for a long time, Min Ann'ge still didn't say anything.    


He couldn't help but cough and said, "President Min, I think that Miss Luan is just being straightforward. Actually, Miss Luan Zhi is about the same age as my daughter and has often bickered with me, so I forgot about it the next day. "    


As he explained, he tried to ease the atmosphere, but the air gradually froze.    


The next second, Min Ann'ge suddenly moved. He didn't respond, but opened the door and left.    


When the driver saw him enter the villa, he finally let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. It wasn't easy being a driver right now, did he still have the ability to be a counselor?    


Min Ann'ge walked into the bedroom and saw that only the bedside lamp was lit. Luan Zhi lay sideways on the bed, her back facing him. Apparently, she was fast asleep.    


He stood at the doorway and watched her motionless for a long time. He suddenly thought of something and furrowed his brows.    


His fingers moved slightly before calming down again.    


Only after a long time did he finally get close. Lying on the bed, he turned around to look at Luan Zhi's back, looking extremely stubborn.    


Min Ann'ge repeated the same old trick and slowly pulled away the blanket that Luan Zhi was covered with.    


Luan Zhi was rolling herself up tightly, but she was fast asleep. As long as she didn't make too much noise, she wouldn't wake up at all.    


The blanket was easily pulled away. Seeing Luan Zhi curled up into a ball, but she didn't move towards him like she usually did, even when she was sleeping, she was somewhat resistant to it.    


Min Ann'ge frowned. He took the remote control and lowered the temperature by a few degrees.    


After a while, Luan Zhi finally felt the cold and slowly got closer.    


Little by little, as if due to some resistance in his heart, he spent more time than usual before finally arriving at Min Ann'ge's side.    


Min Ann'ge felt like he had been waiting for a century. He couldn't wait to reach out and carefully carried Luan Zhi over. Then he bundled her into a ball and stuffed her into his arms.    


After hugging him, she finally felt at ease.    


He turned up the temperature of the air conditioner and pulled the blanket back to its original place. Everything was silent as if nothing had happened. However, Luan Zhi was already in Min Ann'ge's arms.    


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