Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi shook off his hand and walked outside without looking back.    


Min Ann'ge frowned as he watched Luan Zhi's leaving figure. However, he did not step forward.    


He clenched his fists and used all his strength to resist the urge to go forward and stop her.    


Luan Zhi was furious. The moment she walked out, she saw a group of reporters rushing over after hearing the news. Upon seeing Luan Zhi, he immediately swarmed forward and once again surrounded her.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, may I ask …"    


"I don't accept interviews."    


Luan Zhi had an extremely ugly expression on her face. She ignored everyone's questions and pushed through the crowd.    


The group of reporters were stunned on the spot as they watched her leave. They didn't ask about what they wanted and just stayed at the entrance, unwilling to leave.    


After waiting for a whole day, Min Ann'ge still did not appear.    


"What should we do? If we can't get any news out of him, how will we report it tomorrow? " A few people said in distress.    


"Since we can't get the information, then let's report it as no news."    


"What do you mean?"    


"Didn't you see the expressions on Min Ann'ge's and Luan Zhi's faces just now? I think they're divorced. Luan Zhi cheated on the marriage, spent the night with Zhang Ann'yuv in Golden Beautiful City. Min Ann'ge was furious. He even hit the reporters. Such a piece of news, are you still worried that it won't sell? "    


When the others heard this, their eyes immediately lit up.    


"That's right!" This is indeed an annual drama! "    


With that, he did not stay any longer and quickly turned around to leave.    


That afternoon, almost all the newspapers and the media reported the same thing.    


With yesterday's live broadcast paving the way, almost everyone in the country was talking about it.    


When the news of Luan Zhi's adultery spread, many of Min Ann'ge's former fans were instantly angered. Many people disapproved of the marriage between the two of them. They had always thought that it was because Luan Zhi harmed Min Ann'ge that caused him to quit the entertainment circle. Thus, they had a deep grudge against him.    


He didn't expect Luan Zhi to dare to cheat on his wedding day. Anger burned in his heart, so he rushed to Luan Zhi's studio and website without saying a word and cursed at her.    


As long as he opened the web page, he would be able to see a bunch of information about curses. There were even people who came to Luan Zhi's studio and burned paper money and Luan Zhi's black and white photos, cursing her without restraint.    


The internet was abuzz with curses. Almost everyone was blaming Luan Zhi on the ground.    


The following reports kept reporting the relationship between Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv. Plus, no one came forward to clarify the relationship between them, so the rumors got bigger and bigger.    


Luan Zhi had just left Min Ann'ge's villa and was considering where she should go to spend the next few days.    


When he walked out of the door, he met Zhang Ann'yuv.    


He seemed to be worried about Luan Zhi's safety, so he intentionally chased after her.    


As soon as he saw Luan Zhi, he asked anxiously, "Are you alright? Did he use violence against you? "    


Luan Zhi shook her head.    


"I'm fine. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. They misunderstood me, so I will send them a message to clarify things."    


"I'm fine, you're the main thing. "With the current situation on the internet, I'm afraid you won't be able to take even a single step." He thought for a moment and purposely asked, "Does Min Ann'ge believe you?"    


Luan Zhi only smiled bitterly and did not reply. However, Zhang Ann'yuv had already guessed the answer and was overjoyed.    


However, there was no expression on his face. He was extremely worried as he asked, "Do you have a place to live? Shall I arrange a few residences for you? "    


"No need to trouble you." Luan Zhi hastily waved her hand. "I've already made my plans."    


Zhang Ann'yuv still wanted to persuade her again, but Luan Zhi smiled and said, "There are still matters in the future, so I may need your help. This time, it has caused such a huge commotion, so it would be better for you not to get involved. "    


Zhang Ann'yuv didn't try to persuade her again as he recalled the scandal that spread out today.    


When he found out about the news, he wasn't surprised at all. He was watching the incident that was continuously happening.    


He was happy to see all of this happen.    


As long as Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were divorced, everything would be fine.    


He nodded, "Then be careful. If you have any questions, come find me at any time."    


Luan Zhi nodded her thanks to him and left in a hurry.    


She didn't go to the hotel or the hotel. The current situation was such that almost everyone in the country was looking for her. If she suddenly appeared, it would definitely become a public target.    


The only place he could live was in his studio.    


When Luan Zhi arrived at the studio's door, she saw a few young girls gathered outside, cursing. He was holding a sign that said something bad about Luan Zhi. Some people even started burning paper money.    


An unpleasant smell permeated the air.    


Instead of coming forward, she avoided the others and entered the office through the back door.    


At this moment, everyone in the studio was in a state of chaos. The sudden news had caused everyone to panic.    


This was especially so after he returned from lunch in the afternoon. When he saw the people blocking his way, even they were almost implicated.    


"What exactly is going on? Can you get the security guards to chase those people outside away? "    


"They've already been called out, but those people didn't listen. They even almost started fighting."    


"Damn it! How do they expect us to work? " The few of them opened the curtains to take a look and anxiously asked, "Where's Miss Luan Zhi? Is she here? "    


"I'm already here."    


Just as she finished speaking, Luan Zhi's voice rang out.    


As soon as they saw her, they hurried over and asked, "Miss Luan Zhi, do you see what's going on outside? What should he do now? We have to go out and talk to the managers of other companies about working together. "    


"Except this one." Another person said worriedly, "The company's manager, who has been talking about cooperation with me, has also sent me a message today asking if the atmosphere is real …"    


"And the Asian Games, they also want to use this opportunity to break off their partnership with you."    


A few of them started talking at once.    


Once the scandal was made public, many people would make use of it.    


Luan Zhi nodded as she had already anticipated the outcome.    


"I know." "" If you want to go out, leave by the back door. I will deal with those who asked about the situation as soon as possible so that they don't have to worry about me. As for the Asian Games, I will go there and explain them myself. "    


Hearing her order them in a logical manner, the few of them immediately relaxed and found their pillar of support.    


But when she recalled the rumors she just heard, she couldn't help but ask, "Miss Luan Zhi, is the matter between you and Mr Min true?"    


As soon as he finished asking, everyone turned to look at him. Apparently, they were all concerned about this matter.    


Luan Zhi looked around at the people who were concerned about her.    


"Don't worry, everyone. The matter will be settled soon."    


When the few of them heard this, they immediately felt relieved.    


"I knew it. Miss Luan and President Min have such a good relationship. How could something like this happen? It must have been those reporters who reported it randomly. "    


"Damn it, there will be a day when I will make them suffer!"    


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