Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi held onto the promotional plan in her hands as she felt a wave of remorse.    


At that moment, Min Ann'ge suddenly spoke up. "Since you don't want to talk about it at the company, just let me talk about it with you in the future."    


Upon hearing these words, Luan Zhi's pupils abruptly shrunk.    


Min Ann'ge seemed to have already expected her to reveal such an expression, so he gave a rare smile. Just treat it as your punishment for letting me go. In the future, I will come over every time we cooperate. At that time, you must wait for me at the office. "    


Luan Zhi felt guilty and could only nod in agreement.    


Only then did Min Ann'ge's expression finally improve.    


Outside the office door, a few employees were leaning against the door with their ears pressed to the door. They were carefully listening for any activity inside, as if they wanted to hear some news.    


"How is it? How about it? Min Ann'ge didn't make things difficult for Miss Luan, right? Did they quarrel? "    


That person shook his head, feeling somewhat disappointed.    


"It's strange to hear nothing."    


"Oh no, has something bad happened? When I saw President Min enter earlier, anger was written all over his face, and I was shocked. He must be angry at Miss Luan for not going to discuss cooperation today. "    


"It can't be?" The few of them were a little worried.    


"With President Min's personality, he shouldn't be bullying Miss Luan."    


"Who knows? He's going crazy from anger."    


The few of them discussed passionately. They quietly opened the door a crack and looked inside. They saw Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi sitting together, passionately discussing about the details of the cooperation. Not a trace of anger could be seen on their faces.    


The way Min Ann'ge barged in just now was like an illusion, as if it never happened.    


The few of them looked at him in doubt, but their hearts were full of confusion. They were getting more and more confused about the relationship between the two.    


At the same time, the previous poisoning case in the Olympic Games had come to an end. The only person left in the court was Cheng Xue’er's assistant, Chen Na, who was directly sentenced to prison.    


Cheng Xue’er had been sitting in front of her computer ever since the afternoon. She watched the trial nervously. Only after she confirmed that Chen Na didn't implicate herself did she finally relax.    


Luan Zhi's eyes flashed with a vicious light as she watched Chen Na being led away.    


Damn it!    


If it weren't for the fact that the police wouldn't have watched her for so long after she was exposed by Luan Zhi. Luckily, she had been careful not to leave any evidence behind when she went in. Otherwise, she might have ended up in jail with Chen Na.    


Now, after waiting for the case to end, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.    


However, because of this incident, she had been completely banned by the entertainment circle. She no longer had any chance to stand out, and many netizens now believed that she was the mastermind, cursing her every day on the internet.    


Everyone was shouting and fighting. Even the company sent a message this morning asking to terminate the contract with her. Furthermore, she didn't even receive a single penalty.    


Her entire life had been ruined!    


Cheng Xue’er clenched her fists tightly and pierced her fingertips into her palm.    


No! She definitely could not allow Luan Zhi to touch her head like this!    


She gritted her teeth and suddenly saw the name card on the table. Her eyes immediately lit up. She had almost forgotten about this matter!    


A few days ago, she found a private investigator. With so many days passing, there should be news, right?    


Cheng Xue’er thought as she quickly dialed that person's number. After ringing a few times, she was finally connected.    


"Have you found the people I told you to look for?"    


The detective on the other side of the phone said seriously: "I've been following Min Ann'ge for the past few days and found some clues two days ago. Give me a little more time and I'll be able to find him."    


"That's good. As long as you can find him, I will give him to you no matter how much it costs. But if you can't find it, you don't have a penny! "    


Cheng Xue’er hung up the phone with a proud smile on her face.    


In the past, when she was at Min Ann'ge's company, she had seen two people come to look for him. She seemed to be very familiar with Min Ann'ge, it was definitely not as simple as it looked!    


If she could find those two, it would be equivalent to having a tool to threaten Min Ann'ge. At that time, how would Luan Zhi fight with her?    


She proudly glanced at the reporter's report on the screen, confirmed that she was in no danger, then triumphantly turned away and went to apply her face mask.    


Ever since Luan Zhi did not go to Min Ann'ge's company on time to discuss business, Min Ann'ge had always reported on time every day after he came by himself and never missed a single one of them.    


He had been sitting in Luan Zhi's company all afternoon, treating this place as his own.    


Luan Zhi frowned as she looked at the person sitting across from her.    


"Our partnership is almost done. Don't you have to go back to the company and do business? Aren't you afraid that something might have happened to the company while you were away? "    


Only then did Min Ann'ge look up at him, he was holding an English book of origin. He had been here for several days and he had already read more than half of it. It was enough to see how leisurely his days here were.    


He gently closed the book with a trace of a smile on his face.    


"If I leave for a few days, the company won't function properly. What's the use of being a CEO?"    


He really knows how to find excuses to be lazy.    


Luan Zhi looked at the drawing paper in her hand. She didn't know why she couldn't think of any inspiration for the design since she didn't go to Min Ann'ge that day.    


However, Min Ann'ge had been an eyesore the past few days. He kept interrupting her work, but his work efficiency did not decrease at all. Instead, he had completed quite a few designs in just a few days. It was very strange.    


In this period of time, Min Ann'ge had already told him his plan.    


After hearing that, Luan Zhi felt that this time's event was perfect. For this reason, they even prepared to follow up on other promotion activities, preparing to push the world forward in one go.    


Min Ann'ge will only stay here for a few days to discuss about the cooperation with her. It will be over in a few days. At that time, Min Ann'ge won't have any reason to be in the studio.    


While Luan Zhi thought of this, she did not feel relieved. Instead, she felt unhappy, as if she had lost something.    


She thought for a moment and quickly put away the things in her hands. "Even if your employees are very powerful, you can't stay here forever. It's also not bad to go back and take a look. Your employees are very concerned about you."    


Min Ann'ge looked at her with a deeper gaze. It was as if there was another emotion that Luan Zhi could not understand.    


After a while, he said softly, "What about you? Would you care about me more than they do? "    


Luan Zhi opened her mouth and almost blurted out the answer. She then quickly shook her head.    


"What has your matter got to do with me?"    


With that, he stood up and said, "It's not early yet. I should go back now. You should leave too."    


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