Lovely Substitute Bride



When the others heard Min Ann'ge's casual bid, they all turned towards her. Because the price was instantly raised too high, no one dared to bid again.    


Luan Zhi said helplessly, "Let's see what you can do now. No one wants to buy it anymore."    


"Then I'll buy it." Min Ann'ge didn't care at all.    


The auctioneer shouted out a few times on the stage, but no one bid. In the end, Min Ann'ge won the bid for Wen Tiantian's handicrafts.    


Seeing the staff member take the handicrafts and handing them over to Min Ann'ge, Luan Zhi felt unexplainable discomfort in her heart. Although her logic kept telling her that this matter had nothing to do with him.    


However, Min Ann'ge took the handicraft from the staff member's hands and handed it to her.    


Luan Zhi glared at the Blue and White Porcelain bottle that suddenly appeared in front of her. Her gaze followed the hand and entered Min Ann'ge's eyes. What are you doing? "    


Min Ann'ge said in a matter-of-fact manner. Don't you like it? "    


"Didn't you buy this for Wen Tiantian?"    


A hint of confusion appeared in Min Ann'ge's eyes. I didn't buy this for anyone else, but for you. If you like it, I'll buy it for you. "    


Luan Zhi didn't know how to react. She took the item over and hugged it. Min Ann'ge then continued, "Whatever you like in the future, I will give it to you." "I wonder, when will he be able to send me out?"    


Luan Zhi's face suddenly turned red. She lowered her head and did not say another word.    


However, Duo Duo, who was sitting at the side, suddenly opened her mouth and hit Min Ann'ge, "Daddy is too expensive, Mommy can't afford it."    


Min Ann'ge went along with her and said, "To others, of course it's a sky-high price, but to you, it's not even worth a dime."    


As she spoke, she drew closer to Luan Zhi, her mouth almost touching her earlobes. Her voice rang in her ears, sounding deep and gentle.    


Luan Zhi's face was completely red. She felt that many people's gazes were on them. She immediately raised her hand to push Min Ann'ge's face back onto the stage. Her tone was flustered.    


"The auction is still ongoing, don't get distracted."    


Min Ann'ge turned his head according to her strength, and a doting smile appeared in his eyes.    


Luan Zhi looked down at the Blue and White Porcelain artifacts in her arms, thinking back to what Min Ann'ge had just said.    


He didn't buy it for Wen Tiantian, but for himself?    


Could she believe this?    


Following that, the auctioneer took out some other items. Luan Zhi was in no mood to pay attention to them. Her entire mind was in a mess and she couldn't concentrate at all. Until the end of Charity Party, Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen came to the front of their eyes. Seeing that she was still in a daze, they raised their hands and waved.    


"Luan Zhi? Luan Zhi? Are you all right? "    


Luan Zhi came back to her senses and looked at the two people in front of her. She asked, "Has the auction ended yet?"    


"It's already over." Wen Tiantian saw the Blue and White Porcelain artifact in her arms and said, "Yesterday, I just wanted you to help me raise the price. I didn't expect you to actually buy it. If you like it, I can give you one. "    


Luan Zhi's face reddened as she hurriedly said, "It's not like I bought it. He insisted on buying it, so there was nothing I could do about it."    


Even though she was complaining, her eyes were still filled with a sweet warmth. She couldn't be ignored even if she wanted to.    


"Is that so?" Wen Tiantian had a teasing expression on her face. Some people did it on purpose, didn't they? "    


"Nothing!" Luan Zhi quickly retorted, worried that they would continue their discussion on this topic. She said in a fluster, "Don't talk about this, did you guys hear about Yuqing's news afterwards?"    


Dodo, who was standing to one side, perked up her ears and looked at them nervously.    


"Not yet, but knowing that Yuqing is fine now, I am relieved. When he's done, he should be back. " Wen Tiantian turned to look at Duo Duo. Knowing that she was worried, she advised, "Duo Duo, once he returns, I'll definitely inform you as soon as there's any news."    


"Duo Duo nodded, and her voice was soft." Aunt Tiantian is the best! "    


Luan Zhi looked at her resentfully. Just who did this person take as his own mother? He wasn't even so considerate and sensible towards himself and Wen Tiantian.    


Why was it that at such a young age, Duo Duo already felt as if she had married a daughter that had been dumped into water?    


Luan Zhi frowned and began to reflect deeply.    


Ji Jingchen, who was listening to the conversation, remembered the news he received at the auction. He lowered his eyes to cover the hesitation in his eyes. In the end, he didn't say anything and just let Wen Tiantian and Luan Zhi chat.    


After a while, he said, "It's getting late. Let's go back first."    


Only now did Wen Tiantian remember.    


"Today seems to be the time for the bodyguards to report the situation. So many days have passed, perhaps there will be new clues. Let's go back and take a look."    


Her eyes lit up, and she pulled Ji Jingchen outside expectantly.    


"Tiantian." The moment she walked out of the hotel, Ji Jingchen suddenly called out to her. His tone sounded a bit heavy.    


"What's wrong? Is something wrong? " She felt a wave of ill crocodile liver.    


Looking at her worried expression, Ji Jingchen still couldn't say anything. The seriousness on his face quickly disappeared as he smiled and said, "It's okay, let's go back."    


After saying that, he pulled her hand and left with Xiao Yu.    


"But Wen Tiantian seemed to have sensed something." What happened? "    


After getting on the car, Ji Jingchen closed the door to keep the disturbance outside out. The inside of the car instantly quietened down. He hesitated for a moment, a struggle appearing in his eyes before he finally opened his mouth.    


"Tiantian, do you remember what the doctor said before? Ji Yuqing's emotions are defective, and as he grows older, it can get worse?"    


"Of course I do." Luan Zhi frowned and said with dissatisfaction, "It's because of this that Dr. Jason decided to take Yuqing away on his own. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be on our own right now."    


"Yes." "Yes." Ji Jingchen nodded slightly. Ever since we learned of this news, we have been intentionally cultivating Ji Yuqing's feelings. Although the results are insignificant, because we have been by his side for five years, we have improved a little. Have you ever thought that there might be some changes in the few months that he's gone? "    


"What do you mean?" Wen Tiantian tensed up.    


Ji Jingchen raised his hand, gently caressed her face and comforted her, "Nothing happened. Don't worry, these are just my suspicions."    


Wen Tiantian relaxed instantly and said firmly, "That won't happen, I watched Yuqing grow up from a young age, so there definitely won't be a problem."    




Ji Jingchen agreed. He waited for Wen Tiantian to drive the car before he turned around and looked in front. His expression became serious and his eyes were cold and serious.    


Ji Yuqing, is that possible?    


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