Lovely Substitute Bride



"You also said that you should be careful. Didn't you also get poisoned later on? I went to the company to remind you, and you even chased me out. "    


Luan Zhi muttered softly. She had long been dissatisfied with this matter. At this moment, Min Ann'ge heard her complaining voice and felt a sweetness.    


"I know you're worried about me. Last time, I knew my limits and wouldn't let them really …"    


Halfway through his sentence, he suddenly stopped.    


"Luan Zhi looked over with a puzzled expression." We won't let them do anything? "    


Min Ann'ge quickly regained his composure. With a doting smile on his face, he said, "We won't let them succeed."    


"Since that's the case, you must be careful in the future. Don't eat anything that others give you."    


"Yes." Min Ann'ge nodded in agreement and said: "In the future, I'll only eat the things you brought me. You can relax now, right?"    




Luan Zhi had just agreed when she felt something was off. "When did I say I want to cook for you?" she asked hurriedly.    


"Then I'll do it for you." Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi's hand with a smile.    


Luan Zhi felt a bit embarrassed. After a slight struggle, she was unable to break free, so she could only follow his instructions. If you want to do it yourself, then it's done. "    


"Of course I'm willing." Min Ann'ge said gently, "Ever since a long time ago, I've always been willing."    


Ever since Min Ann'ge woke up, his body started to recover rapidly. Soon, his wounds started to recover. The wound on his back looked even more eye-catching than the one left by the operation.    


Because he couldn't turn his body after the operation, the deep hole on his back was always pressed down. He didn't get a good treatment and in the next few days, he didn't recover well.    


Luan Zhi gently wiped the wounds on Min Ann'ge's back and frowned. Previously, she only heard that when the house collapsed, Min Ann'ge used his back to block it, but he was unable to clearly see his injuries.    


Seeing the mottled wounds on his body, his heart ached even more.    


Even if so many days had passed, it still looked very serious. She could not imagine what kind of state Min Ann'ge was in at that time as he stood in front of her without even frowning.    


"Does it hurt?" Luan Zhi carefully wiped off the liquid on the bottle and blew on it.    


"It doesn't hurt."    


Min Ann'ge's voice was very soft, but if one looked carefully, they could see thin beads of sweat on his forehead.    


Luan Zhi lowered her hand again and helped him apply the medicine and bandaged him up. Looking at the wounds on his back which had not healed for several days, she asked hesitantly, "Why don't you lie down?"    


It must hurt, and it's not good for you to recover.    


Min Ann'ge said, "Then what about the knife wound on the chest surgery?"    


When Luan Zhi saw that her wounds had yet to recover, she immediately became anxious. Since she was injured from both the front and back, one side would eventually be pressed down. She thought for a moment and said, "Then, let's just lie there."    


The moment he laid him down, Assistant Cao brought a notice from the court.    


As the victims, Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi had been notified that they were expected to appear in court.    


"The court will be in session tomorrow morning. I've already discussed with the judge that President Min's current situation isn't suitable for appearance. If you don't want to go, you can use the remote video link." Assistant Cao had already prepared everything, he would also be on stage when the time comes.    


As for tomorrow's trial of Cheng Xue’er, he was eager to see what kind of punishment she would receive that would turn President Min and Miss Luan into such a state.    


Just as he finished, Min Ann'ge said, "I will be there on time."    


"The injuries on your body haven't healed yet, it doesn't matter even if you don't go over." Luan Zhi said hurriedly. It would be terrible if the wound had accidentally split open on her way here.    


In any case, the evidence on Cheng Xue’er's case was conclusive. No matter how much she tried to refute him, he could not escape her guilt. Moreover, he would still go over. He would absolutely not let her get away scot-free!    


Min Ann'ge was very determined.    


"This all started because of me. Cheng Xue’er put you in danger and almost lost your life. How could I let her off so easily?" A fierce light flashed in his amber eyes.    


He might be able to spare her if he hurt himself, but if he hurt Luan Zhi, it would be a heinous crime, an unforgivable crime!    


He raised his head, and the instant he saw Luan Zhi, the icy light on his face instantly dissipated, becoming as gentle as water. He said, "Moreover, how can I let you pass alone?"    


Ever since what happened last time, Min Ann'ge had decided that he must never separate from Luan Zhi.    


Seeing that he was so insistent, Luan Zhi had no choice but to let Assistant Cao ask for the doctor's opinion.    


The next morning, before the hearing even began, quite a few reporters had already arrived at the courthouse.    


A few months ago, Cheng Xue’er was still a popular female celebrity. From her role being replaced, to being banned, and now being implicated in the kidnapping and murder case, the series of changes were simply too drastic.    


Not to mention, they heard that Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge would also be here today. Almost everyone in the entertainment circle was paying attention to this trial.    


It had been less than a week since the arrest, but when Cheng Xue’er walked out in her prison uniform, everyone was still taken aback!    


Cheng Xue’er, who was originally brilliant in front of the camera, was young, beautiful, and alluring, but now she looked like she had aged a decade or so without any makeup. Her skin was loose, her gaze was empty, and her eyes were black.    


The Public Prosecutor's Office posted all the information on the screen. From the kidnapping of Min Ann'ge to Luan Zhi almost dying in the ruins, the number of counts of the crime made many of the people present shocked. No one expected her to do such a thing.    


However, among these pieces of evidence, Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan were not mentioned at all.    


Luan Zhi sat on the witness stand, listening to the Public Prosecutor's Office's explanation, but her heart was not feeling good. It must have been Min Ann'ge's order. For the sake of his mother's warning, he had no choice but to tolerate the two of them.    


After the judge heard the explanation, he said, "Next, let's invite the witness, Min Ann'ge, to court."    


When all the reporters heard this, they were instantly interested. They turned around and saw Min Ann'ge in a custom-made, high-end suit. Even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, his aura couldn't be ignored.    


If not for his slightly pale face, no one could tell that he had been severely injured.    


Min Ann'ge sat in the witness stand and swept his gaze across Cheng Xue’er.    


Cheng Xue’er, who had not reacted at all, suddenly trembled. Great fear could be seen in her eyes. She even wanted to run away, but was stopped by the people behind her.    


Min Ann'ge said, "Cheng Xue’er snuck into the hospital and took me, who was still unconscious, away. She blackmailed my wife, Luan Zhi, to release all of her belongings, and then exchanged the hostages. Knowing that the ruins would be demolished the next morning, she tied Luan Zhi to the rubble, obviously wanting to put her to death."    


The judge nodded. We already know the situation. "    


"Apart from that." However, Min Ann'ge continued, "Mr. Judge, I have also found some clues recently. At the opening ceremony of the Asian Games a few months ago, a large number of athletes were found to have been poisoned. At that time, it was determined to have been done by Cheng Xue’er's assistant.    


As he spoke, he took out a piece of information and gently placed it on the table.    


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