Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge?    


Luan Zhi took a closer look and found herself hugged by Min Ann'ge. Her eyes were tightly shut and her face looked haggard. What happened to him? "What's going on?"    


"The house collapsed. It was President Min who saved you. However, he refused to let go of you. We couldn't pull him away, so we had no other choice."    


It was all true!    


She thought she was dreaming!    


So Min Ann'ge really woke up and saved her.    


She lifted her hand and touched Min Ann'ge's back. Min Ann'ge's back felt slippery. When she lifted her hand to look, it was completely covered in blood!    


"Min Ann'ge!" Min Ann'ge! Let me go! "    


Luan Zhi anxiously shook Min Ann'ge's body, but the other side did not have any reaction. She was flustered, tears rolling down her cheeks. She kept kicking and beating, struggling to not be able to get out of his embrace.    


She was tired, so Min Ann'ge didn't loosen his grip at all.    


"Let me go! Min Ann'ge! "Wake up!"    


Luan Zhi burst into tears. Even the tip of her nose could smell the thick smell of blood on Min Ann'ge's body. Her heart throbbed in pain, making her unable to breathe.    


Assistant Cao, the doctor, and the bodyguards stood aside. Seeing that even Luan Zhi couldn't let Min Ann'ge let go, their hearts were like dying embers. Looking at the scene before them, the nurses immediately wet their eyes and turned around to wipe the tears at the corner of their eyes.    


Luan Zhi sobbed silently. She took a deep breath to suppress the grief that filled the sky and stopped struggling. She moved closer and whispered into Min Ann'ge's ear, "Min Ann'ge, you're hurting me."    


As soon as she finished her sentence, the hand that had been tightly holding onto Luan Zhi's waist slowly loosened, maintaining a distance from her that didn't hurt.    


Luan Zhi's breath caught in her throat as she noticed the changes that had occurred to him. Her eyes shone brightly, but her tears were even more wanton.    


"I'm fine now. You need an operation, so please let me go first, okay?" she whispered.    


Min Ann'ge seemed to be able to hear it. He let go of his hands.    


The doctor who was standing at the side saw the situation and shouted, "Quick! Hurry up! He let go! Hurry and send it to the operation room! "    


A group of people quickly rushed over and surrounded Min Ann'ge. All the instruments were connected to his body. They quickly pushed him towards the operation room and their voices kept coming out.    


"Heart rate: 72. Blood pressure: 52. 88."    


"If there is an anesthetic reaction, the operation can begin!"    


"Prepare more blood bags, the operation will begin immediately."    




Luan Zhi ran behind them. As she heard their voices, her heart thumped like a drum as her gaze followed Min Ann'ge's voice.    


Boom! *    


The door of the operation room was closed, blocking Luan Zhi and the others. The lights in the operating room were turned on, and everything became quiet.    


Luan Zhi stood in the doorway for a long time without moving. Her body was covered in dust, and there were even some small scrapes on it. Everything around her seemed to have turned black and white.    


Assistant Cao walked over.    


"Miss Min."    


Luan Zhi's body shook slightly. Assistant Cao thought she was going to fall down and quickly reached out his hand. But at the last moment, Luan Zhi stood up straight and turned around. Her eyes were filled with tears and fear.    


"Assistant Cao, will Min Ann'ge be alright?"    


Her voice was very soft, as if she was worried that Min Ann'ge, who was undergoing surgery inside, would be disturbed.    


It was Assistant Cao's first time seeing her so weak.    


He had grown up without any worries at all. In the future, he should have been able to enjoy the wealth and power located at the top of the pyramid, but at this moment, it was as if he had instantly become an ordinary person. He would be happy, worried, afraid, and heartbroken.    


In the past, when she was slandered on stage, she didn't show such an expression when her career failed. For a full two years, when Min Ann'ge ignored her, she didn't show such an expression. Even when Min Ann'ge was deeply in love with Wen Tiantian, she didn't show such an expression.    


But at this moment, Luan Zhi, who was standing at the door of the operation room, crying like a child, wanted to be in the wind and rain.    


Assistant Cao felt bitter as the scene of ruins appeared in his mind. Calming his mind, he said, "It will be fine. The doctor said just now that his spleen is bleeding. He will recover soon after cleaning it up."    


Luan Zhi nodded, as if she was using this as a last resort to save her life. She continued to say, "If the doctor says that nothing will happen, then nothing will happen."    


Assistant Cao said, "Miss Luan, we still need to continue with President Min's operation for a period of time. Go and change your clothes first, and apply some medicine to the wounds on your body as well."    


"I'm not going. Min Ann'ge should be out soon."    


Her face was covered with dirt. Although she was always protected by Min Ann'ge, there were still some small wounds on her arms and cheeks that needed to be treated. Seeing that Luan Zhi's gaze was focused on the door of the operation room, she said, "If President Min comes out later and sees you in such a sorry state, he'll be worried even if he wakes up."    


Luan Zhi lowered her head to look at her appearance, but she was still in a sorry state. Finally, she nodded her head. "Fine, wait here. I'll be right back."    


After Assistant Cao nodded, she quickly turned around and left. In less than five minutes, she came back in a hurry. There were a few Band-Aids on her face and she was actually wearing a hospital gown.    


As soon as he walked over, he quickly said, "How is it? Is Min Ann'ge out yet? "    


"Not yet." Assistant Cao saw her appearance and was surprised, "Why are you wearing this?"    


"I don't have any clothes in the hospital. I can only find this." She pulled at her clothes, then walked over and stood by the door of the operating room, waiting.    


She did not leave until the afternoon.    


Finally, the lights on the 'operation' went out. Luan Zhi's eyes lit up as she nervously walked up to the door of the operation room. The door of the ward was opened and the bed was pushed out.    


Luan Zhi chased after him anxiously. Min Ann'ge was lying on the bed. His face was pale and his lips were cracked, but he seemed to be sleeping soundly. She let out a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her face. When will he wake up? "    


The doctor took off his mask, his forehead beaded with sweat, and relaxed. God knows how nervous he had been when he had the operation inside.    


"Fortunately, the impact was partially blocked by the bathtub, otherwise it would have been dangerous. Oh right, Miss Luan, are you alright? "    


When Luan Zhi heard those words, tears instantly welled up in her eyes.    


"I'm fine, thank you." She smiled, tears were in her eyes, and quickly followed Min Ann'ge to the ward.    


The doctor looked at her back and felt a surge of envy in his heart. A person who was willing to give their life for him must be blessed by the heavens.    


Min Ann'ge was still unconscious after being placed on the bed. The nurse beside her warned Luan Zhi, "The wound on President Min's back is also very serious, but he can only stay like this for now. After the medicine is used, he might wake up in pain. Miss Luan can contact us at that time and don't let him move around too much."    


Luan Zhi took note of it and nodded.    


"I'll be careful."    


After the nurse had left, Luan Zhi sat down beside the sickbed and looked at the unconscious Min Ann'ge. After a while, she said softly, "You have always been smart. Why are you so dumb this time?"    


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