Lovely Substitute Bride



While thinking, Luan Zhi quickly turned around and ordered, "Assistant Cao, go and get the best lawyer in the country. I want them to not hurt a single hair on Min Ann'ge's head!"    


As he said that, he quickly turned around and walked towards the company's office. Before he even entered, he remembered the expressions of those employees when he went in with Min Ann'ge. Although Min Ann'ge left through the back door and was not seen by anyone else, the news of the police coming to find Min Ann'ge must have spread and might cause a bad effect.    


"Tell someone to spread the news that the police officers coming here are only for routine inspections and are not involved in criminal cases."    


Assistant Cao hesitated, "I'm afraid it won't be for long."    


"We can hide it for a while longer, but we have to find some time to help Min Ann'ge find the evidence."    


"Luan Zhi rushed to the top floor of the company." You've been following Min Ann'ge around for the past few years, does he have anything to hide? Perhaps we can find some clues. "    


Assistant Cao recalled carefully and shook his head. "There's nothing wrong with that …"    


"Forget it, I'll look for it myself." Luan Zhi quickly entered the office and said, "Just do as I say. Without my permission, don't come in."    


He closed the door of the office and started rummaging through it.    


This matter was a taboo for Min Ann'ge, so he would definitely leave behind some memories about the past. Right now, she could only try everything she knew.    


Min Ann'ge's office was very big. There were quite a lot of cabinets and boxes placed inside. Luan Zhi spent an afternoon searching, but still couldn't find anything.    


She sat on the ground and looked at the mess on the ground.    


"That's impossible. If Min Ann'ge has been remembering for more than 20 years, he definitely has nothing. He must be hiding somewhere extremely important …"    


Luan Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up when she thought of this.    


She remembered!    


Min Ann'ge had just told her about what had happened more than 20 years ago. He had taken her to an apartment in the past where Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan used to live together when Min Ann'ge's mother was sick.    


Later on, Min Ann'ge became famous in the entertainment circle. After saving up a sum of money, he bought the house at the first moment.    


There was Liu Qingyun's picture on the cabinet. Min Ann'ge was so careful, that place must not be simple. Maybe it's there!    


She quickly jumped up, and didn't have time to clean up the things on the ground. When she opened the door, she saw Assistant Cao waiting outside the whole time, so she asked, "Do you know where Min Ann'ge's mother used to live? You were the one who brought us there last time. "    


Assistant Cao nodded. "Is Miss Luan Zhi going over now?"    


"Yes!" Immediately! "Bring me over there to take a look."    


It was already late and most of the people in the company had already left after work. However, Luan Zhi did not have the time to rest. She had to find new evidence every second of every minute.    


When night fell, Luan Zhi and Assistant Cao went together to the apartment that she came to once before.    


This was the place where Min Ann'ge had lived as a child, and also the place where the tragedy happened. The furniture inside was still the same as it was 20 years ago. There was a picture of Min Ann'ge's family on the cabinet. Liu Qingyun hugged a little boy and smiled sweetly.    


The last time she came, Luan Zhi didn't know about this. She thought Liu Qingyun was really sick and was curious as to why Min Ann'ge didn't want to get close to her.    


Now she finally understood. Was it guilt?    


As long as one looked carefully, they would be able to see that Min Ann'ge often came to this apartment but never got close to the photo. He must have been suffering in his heart all this time.    


Assistant Cao stood at the door and did not follow her in. "Miss Luan Zhi, President Min doesn't allow anyone to enter this room. I can't help you anymore."    


"No problem, I'll do it myself. If you can't wait, you can go back first. I might have to look for a while longer."    


Assistant Cao nodded but did not leave.    


Luan Zhi walked in and closed the door. At first glance, she saw the photo on the cabinet.    


Her heart sank. Thinking about this woman's miserable life, she could not help but walk over and say, "They all said that Min Ann'ge did you harm, but I do not believe that he would do such a thing. "If you also think that it's not Min Ann'ge, then please help me. We must find the evidence as soon as possible."    


Luan Zhi bowed deeply towards the photo, turned around and started searching for it.    


Recalling what Min Ann'ge had told her before, she walked towards the inside. When she opened the door, she saw a very small storage room.    


It was very narrow, but it was packed full of junk on one side. On the other were two small beds with quilts on top. This should be where Min Ann'ge lived with his mother when he was young.    


She remembered that Min Ann'ge had said that even if they gave Lee Daimei and her wife a monthly rent, the other party would only let them stay in the storage room.    


Luan Zhi thought of that scene and sighed in heartache.    


Even though no one lived in these houses for such a long time, it was still dark and humid. It was hard to imagine what would have happened if Min Ann'ge, who was still a child, and his seriously ill mother lived here.    


It was no wonder that her illness could not be cured after a long time. The environment should also be a part of it, right?    


Luan Zhi walked in and saw a torn book on the table. Min Ann'ge had said before that this was a birthday present from his mother, but it was torn to shreds by Lu Tao.    


Opening the drawer, he saw some toys that children liked. The style was very shabby, but they had been wiped clean, and it was obvious that the owner of the toys was very fond of them.    


Luan Zhi slowly sat down on the bed and pulled open the mattress. There, at the bottom, she saw a shabby, yellowed book. Opening it, it turned out to be Min Ann'ge's diary!    


A certain year, a certain month, a certain day. His mother's condition had worsened and she had to go to the hospital. But Auntie said they had no time, so I had to go with Mom.    


A certain year, a certain month, a certain day. I took the money Mom gave me and bought some beef, prepared to cook for Mom and put it in the fridge, but when I came back from class, all of those dishes were eaten by Auntie and the rest. Mom hadn't eaten yet, so all I could do was make a bowl of porridge.    


A certain year, a certain month, a certain day. Mom said I had to save money and would be entrusted to my aunt and uncle, but I didn't like them.    


A certain year, a certain month, a certain day. Today, on the way back from school, I bought very cheap wild mushrooms. The old lady selling mushrooms said the taste was very good. I cooked a few bowls of porridge, and Mom ate them all.    


Luan Zhi frowned. Was it the porridge that caused that tragedy?    


She turned the page, but there was only one sentence left.    


— It's all my fault! I killed my mother!    


The person who wrote the letter exerted a lot of force, and the ballpoint pen even punctured the piece of paper on the notebook, leaving behind a long and shocking crack!    


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