Lovely Substitute Bride



"They were investigating the death of Min Ann'ge's mother more than a decade ago, and they even found out about you guys."    


"How is this possible?"    


"Lee Daimei stood up abruptly, her face pale, devoid of any trace of blood." Where did they get the news from? What did they ask you? "    


"Why are you so nervous?" On the contrary, Luan Zhi said lightly, "They just asked me about your situation and even asked Min Ann'ge if he said anything about you in the past."    


"Min Ann'ge? How could he tell you? "He's not afraid …"    


Halfway through her sentence, she suddenly thought of something and quickly got up to push Luan Zhi out, rebutting, "You're lying to me! How could he say it? "    


"Get out of here!" Don't come back! "    


"Luan Zhi grabbed her hand, and her gaze turned even colder." "Is Min Ann'ge's mother's death related to you?"    


Lee Daimei trembled in fear.    


"Cut the crap!" Saying that, he turned around and shouted at Lu Yuan who had been sitting on the other side without saying anything: "What are you standing there for? Get her out of here! "    


Lu Yuan quickly walked over and pushed Luan Zhi out along with Lee Daimei.    


He closed the door.    


Seeing that, the bodyguards asked curiously, "Miss Luan, what's wrong with you? Did you get your things? "    


"Luan Zhi slowly retracted her hand and forced a smile." "It's alright, I've already gotten the item."    


With that, she quickly turned around and left, getting onto the elevator.    


The moment the elevator door closed, Luan Zhi took a deep breath. From Lee Daimei's excited reaction just now, she knew that Min Ann'ge's mother's death must be related to them!    


And most importantly, Min Ann'ge's mother was probably killed by someone …    


Just as he was thinking, his phone suddenly rang.    


She was shocked and quickly took out her phone. When she saw the name that was written on it, her heart sank.    


"Remembering her earlier deduction, Luan Zhi finally answered after a second of hesitation." "Where are you now?"    


"I'm outside. What's wrong?"    


"I just went to your studio and saw that you weren't there, so I was a bit worried. Where are you? Do you want me to come and pick you up? "    


"No need." Luan Zhi was about to refuse, but she remembered the news she just heard from Lee Daimei. She suddenly changed her tone and said, "Come over here, there's something I want to tell you. I'm currently staying at Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan's place."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, his voice instantly quieted down.    


"Where are you going?"    


Luan Zhi only said, "There are some things I want to talk to you about."    


Min Ann'ge sounded quite flustered, " I'll be right there. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.    


Luan Zhi stood on the spot, waiting. She kept recalling the news she had heard these past few days, hoping to sort out a correct train of thought.    


After a half an hour drive, Min Ann'ge's car arrived in front of him after ten minutes. The car stopped with a squeak. Before it could steady itself, Min Ann'ge got off the car and walked over quickly with a tense expression.    


Though there was no expression on his face, his eyes were filled with obvious panic. He had been worried along the way, and had rushed over as fast as he could. However, when he saw Luan Zhi, he didn't dare face her and instead slowed down his pace.    


"Luan Zhi …"    


He raised his hand as if wanting to pull Luan Zhi away, but gave up in the end. Instead, he looked up at the place where Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan were staying and asked with difficulty, "Why are you here?"    


Luan Zhi clenched her fists.    


"The police came to see me before."    


Min Ann'ge's pupils suddenly contracted. "When?"    


"When we just came back from abroad, didn't I go back to the studio in advance? That was the time. "    


Min Ann'ge felt his whole body turn cold, as if he was in a cave of ice. What did they say? "    


"They said …" Luan Zhi hesitated for a moment before pulling him into the car. "They asked me about your mother, and they said you were suspected of murdering her."    


Min Ann'ge slowly clenched his hands on the steering wheel. "Is that so …"    


He narrowed his eyes slightly, a fierce cold glint flashing across his eyes. When the police came looking for him, he knew that they had already started their investigation, but he didn't expect them to ask Luan Zhi so early and tell him everything.    


Luan Zhi nodded and continued, "The reason I came here earlier was to ask Lee Daimei what exactly happened."    


"Have you asked?"    


"I asked for some information." Luan Zhi turned to look at him and said slowly, "I think Lee Daimei's death is related to your mother. It's been so long and all of a sudden it's been dug up and the police seem to have evidence against you and it's all so coincidental and I think somebody did it on purpose. "    


Min Ann'ge turned around in surprise. You believe me? "    


"Yes." "I already …"    


Before Luan Zhi could finish her sentence, Min Ann'ge suddenly said, "But even I don't believe in myself."    


"Luan Zhi turned to look at Nie Tian in shock after hearing his sudden words." What do you mean? "    


Min Ann'ge's face was dark, showing his struggle and pain, as he said word by word, "I don't believe in myself. I don't even know if I killed anyone, not even my parents."    


Luan Zhi was shocked! She looked at him in disbelief!    


Previously, she had always believed Min Ann'ge. Even though the police had said it with confidence, Luan Zhi still believed that Min Ann'ge would never do such a thing. She never expected Min Ann'ge to say that.    


"Wait a minute, you don't know what's going on?" Luan Zhi hurriedly stopped him.    


Min Ann'ge turned around with a dark look in his eyes. I might really have killed my mother. "    


Boom — —    


"A huge boom resounded in Luan Zhi's mind. It took a while before she could find her voice." This... How is this possible? Did you misunderstand something? Or was he mistaken? After all, at that time, you were still very young and your memories were a little blurry. "    


She explained anxiously, unwilling to believe that Min Ann'ge would really do such a thing.    


"No, I remember it clearly." Min Ann'ge's voice was heavy, as if a skinny hand reached out of the darkness and tightly grabbed onto Luan Zhi's throat.    


He continued, "I clearly remember that day, I bought fresh mushrooms from the market and cooked porridge. My mother died from the porridge I sent her. The cause of death is poison. "    


"Didn't you ask me before, what weakness did Lee Daimei have in my hands? After my mother died, it was she who took care of the aftermath and concealed the truth about me. At that time, I was still young and did not realize it. It was only a few years later that I realized that this was my weakness. "    


Min Ann'ge closed his eyes and continued, "Even if you heard what I said, would you still believe me?"    


He paused and looked deeply at Luan Zhi.    


"Will you still be by my side?"    


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