Lovely Substitute Bride



"You're still laughing?"    


"Sorry." Min Ann'ge hurriedly said, but he couldn't help but turn to look at the few firemen. I'll take care of it right away. "    


The fireman nodded and said earnestly to Luan Zhi, "It's better not to cook in the future. Even if you want to do it, you have to do it well. Don't set the fire going again."    


"I know."    


Luan Zhi lowered her head, blaming herself.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh as he watched the group of firefighters leave.    


Luan Zhi didn't expect that even when she cooked, she would attract the attention of so many people. Furthermore, Min Ann'ge was still laughing at her and looking at her in dissatisfaction.    


"You're still laughing? The gifts I prepared for you are all gone! "    


Min Ann'ge tried his best to hold back the smile on his face, but he was still unable to control it. Even though it didn't succeed, I have already received your kind intentions, Luan Zhi. If this gift doesn't work, we can still change it. "    




"Don't worry, you can definitely do it."    


Min Ann'ge pulled the two inside and said, "Why didn't you change your clothes first? "Hurry up and take a bath. You can eat later."    


Luan Zhi felt indignant. Today was clearly a chance for her to show off, but she didn't expect it to be a joke. In the end, she could only wait for Min Ann'ge to come back and take care of the aftermath. Seeing that the person in front of her was smiling so happily, she said unhappily, "Just laugh, we're going to change clothes."    


With that, he left without looking back.    


Min Ann'ge looked at the backs of the two and laughed helplessly. They were really two big guys, one big and the other small. However, he had not expected that they would actually want to cook for him.    


Originally, with Luan Zhi's culinary skills, there shouldn't have been such serious consequences. He walked into the kitchen and saw the mess on the floor. Fortunately, there was no fire and no danger.    


There was also a burnt fish on the table. The untouched food had all been soaked in water.    


Indeed, it was as she had expected. Luan Zhi had intentionally prepared a good dish as a gift, but the method to cook it was very complicated. To her, it was also very dangerous, which was why it caused today's events.    


However, Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh when he thought of the scene just now.    


Sure enough, Luan Zhi was her real source of happiness. With her by her side, life had never been monotonous.    


He walked over and quickly cleaned up the things that were soaked in water and picked up the ingredients that Luan Zhi had bought.    


The fish couldn't do it, but he could still try it out.    


After Luan Zhi and Duo Duo finished their shower and changed, they walked out refreshingly and saw Min Ann'ge carrying them in the kitchen. He held a pot in one hand and a shovel in the other. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing a beautiful forearm.    


Even when cooking, it was also a photo that was hard enough to appear on the cover of a magazine.    


Luan Zhi's feelings became even more complicated when she found out that the food he was cooking was something that she and Duo Duo had bought.    


He clearly wanted to give her a present, but he ended up in a mess in the end. Earlier, he said that it could be replaced by another method. What exactly was it?    


She couldn't figure it out even after thinking for a long time.    


"Mommy." Watching from the side, Duo Duo couldn't help but say, "Sure enough, daddy is more suitable to cook. Mommy, just give up."    


Luan Zhi frowned, unresigned in her heart.    


However, Duo Duo said happily, "No matter if Mommy doesn't know how to cook, Duo Duo admires him the most. He's super handsome!"    


"Sigh …"    


Luan Zhi heaved a long sigh. Even if she was unwilling, she had no choice but to accept this fact.    


Min Ann'ge moved quickly. A few plates of food had already been cooked. He turned around and looked at Luan Zhi and Duo Duo behind him. Both of them had changed into new clothes.    


"Come here and eat."    


The smell that had previously permeated the room was now gone, replaced by the smell of food. Luan Zhi twitched her nose and immediately felt her stomach rumbling with hunger. The more delicious the food was, the more she felt sad.    


He didn't know when he would be able to cook so well …    


She took a deep breath and angrily took the bowl and chopsticks, changing her grief and indignation into appetite. She ate several bowls before stopping.    


When he finished the last bite, he raised his head, but there were no signs of him.    


"Where's Duo Duo?"    


"I've already gone back to rest." Min Ann'ge said, "Have you eaten your fill?"    


Luan Zhi nodded. Not only was she full, but she was also a bit full. Embarrassed, she looked at the empty table and stood up. "Let me wash the dishes!"    


The food was already cooked by Min Ann'ge, so she still washed the dishes to bring back some of her guilt.    


Luan Zhi quickly tidied up the dishes and was about to move out, but was stopped by Min Ann'ge. "Let me do it."    


As she spoke, she took the bowl and chopsticks in her hand and walked to the other side, rolling up her sleeves to wash the dishes.    


"Luan Zhi looked at him with a puzzled expression." What's the matter with you? You're still so happy about washing the dishes? "    


Min Ann'ge's mouth had a clear smile, he was obviously in a good mood.    


He turned his head and smiled, "Of course I'm happy if you want to give me something."    


"Isn't this the same as sending them off?" Luan Zhi asked doubtfully.    


"It can be replaced with something else."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she became even more curious. What exactly was he going to use as a substitute? From the beginning, he had been talking.    


"What are you trying to do?"    


Min Ann'ge put aside the clean dishes and wiped the water off his hands. He turned around and his gaze turned even deeper. "You'll agree to anything I say?"    


Luan Zhi originally wanted to retort, but when she thought of how her gift gift had failed today, and how she had made such a joke instead, and how Min Ann'ge had cooked and washed the dishes and eaten quite a lot, she felt embarrassed to refuse and could only nod her head.    




The smile on Min Ann'ge's face gradually widened. There was anticipation in his eyes. Deep in his heart, there was an even bigger desire. He lifted his foot and walked over. Luan Zhi said so herself. "    


Luan Zhi opened her eyes wide and looked at Min Ann'ge who was just inches away from her. She couldn't help wanting to retreat, but there was a wall behind her that she couldn't retreat from.    


Usually, she felt that Min Ann'ge wasn't that high, but at this moment, he gave her a sense of pressure and had no choice but to raise her hand to block his chest.    


"Since I'm the one who said it, I naturally won't go back on my word."    




Min Ann'ge agreed and ended it suddenly. He actually picked up Luan Zhi.    


"Wait!" Luan Zhi jumped in fright and hurriedly struggled to get up.    


"Let's go upstairs first."    


Min Ann'ge carried her and walked upstairs, saying, "Don't wake Duo Duo up."    


Luan Zhi took a quick glance at Duo Duo's room and quieted down. She was carried back to the room by him and put on the bed. She asked, "What are you trying to do?"    


"Your present."    


The moment she said that, Min Ann'ge quickly went forward and kissed her without any warning!    


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