Lovely Substitute Bride



With a bang, the door closed again. Only then did Luan Zhi turn her head to look at Duo Duo.    


"Let's go back."    


Duo Duo's eyes lit up as she watched her from the start.    


"Mom, you're so awesome!"    


"You said that just now." Luan Zhi laughed.    


"It's even stronger than before!" Duo Duo ran over excitedly and hugged her. "From today onwards, Mommy will be Duo Duo's biggest idol."    


Why did this sound so familiar?    


"Luan Zhi thought about it carefully." This sentence... Did you tell Min Ann'ge before? "    


Duo Duo was stunned. Did she say that?    


She scratched her head in embarrassment.    


"Is that so? But from today onwards, Mommy will be DuoDuo's biggest idol! "    


The two of them talked as they left the company.    


Luan Zhi looked at the time. It was still early, so Min Ann'ge probably hadn't left yet.    


"Mommy, are we not going to look for Daddy now?" Duo Duo looked out the window, not in the direction of China Art and entertainment.    


Luan Zhi quickly made up her mind.    


"If I don't go now, I have a better idea! "Come, let's go home and cook."    


After Luan Zhi returned home, she had only cooked a few meals, most of the time being cooked by Min Ann'ge. Although Luan Zhi ate happily, she was still a bit apologetic.    


Now that there was time, he had to try again.    


When she heard this, she immediately frowned.    


"Is Mommy going to make dark food again?"    




"Who said that?" Luan Zhi quickly said, "The food I made actually tastes pretty good. Didn't you always like it before?"    


"Pfft." Duo Duo's little face was twisted into a frown. But what will we do today if Mommy cooks only tomatoes and potatoes? "    


"Of course we have a new plan. Look!"    


"She waved the item in her hand. It turned out to be a menu." "This is something that I found with great difficulty. It says that no matter how ignorant you are in the art of cooking, you will definitely succeed if you learn from the authorities."    


"Really?" Duo Duo, on the other hand, suspected that Mommy had used the recipe before …    


Luan Zhi heard her doubts and looked at her with dissatisfaction. Are you doubting your mommy? "    


"Of course not!"    


Duo Duo immediately shook her head and changed her words. "I believe Mommy will succeed!"    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo along to buy the ingredients, and when they got home, she rolled up her sleeves and prepared to make her move.    


The recipe was very comprehensive, so following the instructions above would not be a problem.    


The two walked into the kitchen full of confidence and aggressively. However, a few minutes later …    


Duo Duo was wearing the same pink apron as Luan Zhi. She was frowning and looking at the smoking pot with a worried expression. She was at a loss of what to do.    


"Mommy! What should we do now? Is this really going to be okay? "    


Luan Zhi quickly flipped through the recipe beside her hands. It says, "That's what you do, put the fish in when the oil gets hot, there's no mistake."    


"But why is there smoke? Mommy, will it catch fire? "    


"Don't worry, there won't be a problem. Stand to the side first and let me do it. "    


With that, he rolled up his sleeves and walked forward.    


Just as he got closer, a loud sound came from the pot! A half-cooked fish was fried until it jumped up! It fell to the side!    


Luan Zhi originally wanted to step forward, but upon seeing this scene, she quickly retreated in fright.    


"Duo Duo even hid in a corner, her eyes filled with terror." Mommy, what do we do now? "    


Luan Zhi's brow was furrowed, and she gritted her teeth as she made up her mind.    


"No, I have to do it well today!"    


After he finished speaking, he walked over and poured some water into the pot. Smoke rose up from all directions; it seemed that he was about to catch a fire! Before he could react, a sharp alarm came from above his head.    


In the next second, the fire sprinkler installed on the ceiling began to operate, splashing water everywhere. In less than a few seconds, Luan Zhi was drenched in sweat.    


"Mommy …" Are you okay? " Duo Duo exclaimed.    


Luan Zhi turned around and walked back to him, spitting out a mouthful of water. She wanted to cry, but no tears came out. We should wait for Min Ann'ge to come back before we cook. "    


When Min Ann'ge was at the company, he received a message from Luan Zhi saying that she wanted to give him a special present today. She also warned him not to come back too early.    


In his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of gift Luan Zhi would give him. A faint smile appeared on his face, filled with happiness. There were several times when Assistant Cao and other managers walked in. They were all shocked when they saw his appearance and thought that they were mistaken.    


After checking a few times, he finally walked in.    


"President Min, our partner said that the project schedule won't be delivered until tomorrow. Should I go and urge them again?" the manager said nervously.    


If it was in the past, when Min Ann'ge heard this, he would definitely show his dissatisfaction and request for it to be sent immediately. But this time, the other party just said: "Then, come again tomorrow."    


The manager was shocked and almost thought he had misheard. After confirming several times, he finally confirmed. He said in a trance, "The rest of the work has been completed."    


"Then go back." Min Ann'ge said generously as he waved his hand.    


Hearing this, the manager almost cried tears of joy. He quickly nodded his head and left.    


Min Ann'ge stayed at the company for a while longer until nightfall before finally driving home. All along the way, he wondered what kind of present Luan Zhi and Duo Duo would give him this time.    


The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't suppress the smile on his face.    


But when he approached his family's villa, he saw several fire engines parked at the entrance!    


A sharp sound pierced through the night sky, causing his heart to instantly lift as he stepped on the throttle. The car was parked in front of the entrance and smoke was coming out from the roof of their house.    


Min Ann'ge quickly ran over and saw Luan Zhi and Duo Duo drenched and being scolded by several firemen.    


The two of them bowed their heads like drowned chickens, not daring to retort, their faces full of self-blame.    


"What's going on?"    


He quickly took a look at Luan Zhi and Duo Duo to make sure they weren't hurt, before finally calming down.    


"Luan Zhi's face was full of self-blame, and she found it difficult to speak." This... "I …"    


Just as she was hesitating, one of the firemen said, "Are you Miss Luan's husband? "It's like this, we just received the alarm from the internet, so we came here to check. There was almost a fire, it seems to be caused by Miss Luan's cooking."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he turned to Luan Zhi in surprise and frowned.    


"Are you okay?"    


Luan Zhi's face was slightly red, and she looked extremely embarrassed. "I'm fine."    


It was his first time hearing that a traffic policeman could be attracted to a meal like this …    


"We were going to prepare dinner for you, but it's all in vain."    


Min Ann'ge instantly understood and couldn't help but laugh.    


Luan Zhi glared at him in dissatisfaction.    


"You're still laughing?"    


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