Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Feiguang laughed.    


"Even the elders cannot help them hide what has happened. They have already hidden themselves and do not dare to say a single word. What else can they do?"    


"Are you sure?"    


Luan Zhi was a bit suspicious. If they hadn't done anything, where did that heart of hers come from?    


"Is something wrong?" Luan Feiguang noticed that his tone was a little off and asked.    


"Luan Zhi frowned as she thought about what happened earlier, before turning around and laughing again." I have a suspicious person on my side, but he is still under control. Don't worry, you just need to take care of the matters on the other side of the building. "    


Luan Feiguang nodded.    


"As long as Min Ann'ge is around, Luan Zhi will be fine."    


After he left, Luan Zhi continued to eat the food in her hands as she thought about how she would continue to deceive Xin Er. Such an interesting thing should be entertained for a while longer.    


She thought about it and sent a message to Xin Er, "Xin Er, was I too impulsive yesterday?" Should he have a good talk with Min Ann'ge? I've decided to go to Min Ann'ge's company now. "    


Just as he sent the message, he received a call from Xin Er within a minute. He said anxiously, "Miss Luan, are you sure you want to go over? When I made breakfast and sent it to President Min, I asked him if he should call you down with me. President Min said that it's better to ignore you and let you starve. He also said that I don't need to cook for you anymore.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. However, her voice sounded extremely calm. I still hope to be able to redeem our long relationship. Right now, I will immediately head to China Art company. "    


"Wait! Miss Luan! "Miss Luan!"    


She called a few times, but Lili didn't say anything else. She just hung up the phone.    


After finishing the breakfast on the table, he packed his stuff and walked towards China Art Corporation.    


Just as they arrived at the Luan Group's building, they saw Xin Er standing outside the door. Seeing her, she quickly came over with an anxious expression. "Miss Luan, that's great. You haven't arrived yet."    


"What's wrong? I just wanted to talk to him. "    


How could Xin Er let her go up there? If the two of them were to discuss this clearly, then his plan would all fail.    


She quickly pulled Luan Zhi back. I think President Min is still angry. Miss Luan, it's better if you don't go. After a while, he'll calm down and talk. "    


"Is that so?"    


Luan Zhi was a little hesitant. What if he's still angry after a while? "    


"Don't worry." Xin Er volunteered, "I'll explain it to you."    


Luan Zhi said with relief, "Alright! "You cook a good meal for me tonight. When the time comes, tell Min Ann'ge that I made it myself and he won't be angry anymore."    


"I know."    


Xin Er agreed immediately and sent Luan Zhi off. Then, her expression changed.    


How could she help the two of them resolve the misunderstanding?    


Since Luan Zhi asked her to cook, she would do it.    


In the evening, Min Ann'ge returned home. The moment he walked in, he smelled the fragrance of food.    


Xin Er was standing beside the dining table. When she saw him enter, she panicked and quickly said: "President Min, why are you here? My food isn't ready yet. "No, Miss Luan cooked it."    


Before Min Ann'ge could even ask, she anxiously said, "I didn't do it on purpose! It was Miss Luan who asked me to make dinner for her so that you would feel better. When you come back, I will tell you that she made it herself … She beat me up like this. "    


As she spoke, she extended her hand. The back of her hand was covered with red and swollen wounds.    


Min Ann'ge slightly frowned. With a sweep of his eyes, he could guess what had happened. He took the opportunity to ask: "Did she hit him?"    


"That's right." Xin Er quickly said, "President Min, don't tell Miss Luan that I said it, or else she will hit me again."    


"I know."    


Min Ann'ge sat down on the side with an expressionless face. He didn't touch the dishes on the table.    


Luan Zhi finished her day's work and walked into the house in high spirits. Just as she entered, she felt that the atmosphere wasn't right.    


Min Ann'ge sat on the side with a table of dishes on it, but he didn't touch them. It was clear that it was cold. Xin Er stood to the side nervously. She looked flustered, but there was a trace of pride in her eyes.    


Luan Zhi could already guess what was going on at a glance. She smiled and asked, "How is it? Are the food I made delicious?"    


"You did it?" Min Ann'ge asked. Wasn't it Xin Er who did it? You beat her up like this. "    


Luan Zhi frowned. She hadn't seen the injury on Xin Er's hand in the afternoon, so she really wanted to do it.    


She did not refute him and directly said, "So what if I hit her? "Xin Er, you told him this?"    


Xin Er quickly waved her hand.    


"I did not! "I did not …"    


"You still say that?"    


Luan Zhi stepped forward and raised her hand.    


Pow! A slap flew across the air.    


Xin Er was instantly struck dumb. She had always thought that Luan Zhi was extremely gentle and would never make a move. However, she never expected that Luan Zhi would suddenly give her a slap.    


An ominous glint flashed in her eyes. She was about to retort when she remembered that her identity could not be revealed. She forcefully suppressed the anger in her heart.    


"Miss Luan, Min can't hit me?"    


"So what if I hit you? Didn't I say not to let Min Ann'ge know? "    


Xin Er immediately turned to look at Min Ann'ge. President Min, I really didn't do it on purpose. "    


Min Ann'ge remained expressionless and didn't say a word.    


Luan Zhi took a step forward and said coldly, "Didn't you say that I was the one who beat the wounds on your hand? Then I'll give you some more. "    


With that, he gave Xin Er another slap on the back. Xin Er was pushed back two steps. The anger in her eyes grew, but she didn't dare to retaliate.    


Min Ann'ge stood to the side and was about to cheer. However, thinking about how he was still acting with Luan Zhi, he said lightly, "Stop the fight."    


However, those three words were completely useless against him.    


Xin Er leaped in front of Min Ann'ge, wanting to pull his hand. Before she could touch the corner of his clothes, Min Ann'ge turned his body to the side and dodged her move without leaving any trace.    


Xin Er missed a beat and cried out, "President Min, this is how Miss Luan tortured me previously. Let me continue to cooperate with her acting."    


Min Ann'ge nodded and walked in front of Luan Zhi. His eyes were full of smiles and were filled with love, but Xin Er who was standing behind him couldn't see it. He could only hear Min Ann'ge saying in a cold voice, "Luan Zhi, I've had enough of you. From today onwards, I will break off all ties with you!"    


When Xin Er heard this, she almost burst out laughing.    


A break up of ties?    


He was really acting.    


He immediately retaliated, "You're the one who said that! I don't want to stay in this house. "    


Duo Duo just happened to walk in from the outside. When she heard this, she paused for a moment. The next second, tears had started to gather in her eyes. She pursed her lips and began to cry.    


"Daddy, Mommy, what happened to you?"    


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