Lovely Substitute Bride



"Min Ann'ge?"    


Luan Zhi cried out softly.    


At this moment, Min Ann'ge slowly walked over under the lights with a smile. He wore a formal suit that was cut to show off his perfect figure.    


Like a prince coming out of a fairy tale to save a princess!    


"Min Ann'ge!"    


"Ann'ge, I love you!"    


"My idol!" "Ahh!    


With his appearance, the entire venue was filled with a series of screams! It was those admirers of Min Ann'ge!    


In an instant, the press conference that had been filled with whispers suddenly boiled like a hot iron thrown over!    


The fans were originally just a small crowd, but as the news spread, more and more fans began to arrive.    


The small stream converged into a sea! Due to the same hobby, people who they had never met before suddenly became an invisible bond, and organized cheers rang out in the press conference area!    


"Min Ann'ge, I love you!"    


Although it was the most direct and vulgar declaration, it was clearly expressed!    


Ever since Min Ann'ge left the entertainment circle, he rarely appeared in public. Even if he did appear, he would only sit on the side and never show his face. How could these fans not be excited when they saw him standing in front of the camera today?    


If the bodyguards who appeared at the same time as Min Ann'ge didn't form a human wall in time, the venue would have been in chaos!    


Although there were also those who were very interested in Min Ann'ge and the others, they had their identities there, so they wouldn't lose their image like the others.    


She also watched as his perfect side profile walked past her.    


The few aunts on the stage were also shocked by this sudden scene and were momentarily stunned.    


Only Luan Zhi's heart was full as she looked at Min Ann'ge, who was walking towards her.    


Especially his eyes, which were filled with deep love. Only her reflection was left!    


"You're here!"    


Luan Zhi's chest was blocked by thousands of words, but she could only say these three words.    


When he saw Min Ann'ge's seat empty, he thought something had happened to him. Now, seeing that he was unharmed, he temporarily subdued the entire audience as if he was his savior! He could not help but want to cry.    


"En, I'll bring you home!"    


Min Ann'ge didn't say anything unnecessary.    


He didn't have any excuse for the "drug abuse" incident, nor did he care about the unfriendly aunts standing a few steps away from Luan Zhi.    


She only had eyes for him!    


Min Ann'ge came to the front of the table and stretched out his hand towards Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi gently placed her hand on his palm. The instant she was held, she felt an unprecedented sense of security!    


Relax and let Min Ann'ge hold her hand, Luan Zhi followed him down the T stage.    


After the two of them left, the lights that were originally falling on the stage moved away and followed the two of them. The stage suddenly became dark and unclear.    


The few aunts were furious. They had been ignored!    


"What do we do now?"    


"What should we do? Of course they couldn't slip away so easily! "Don't forget that the purpose of our visit today is to blow up this matter."    


"Right, we can't let them get away with this!"    


After making up their minds, they picked up their microphones and said, "Luan Zhi, about your drug use …"    


There was no expected sound. The microphone had been disconnected from the stereo.    


The few aunts were so angry that their faces turned red. Luckily, the lighting wasn't good and no one was paying attention to this place.    


Everyone's gaze followed the pair of figures that was moving slowly.    


The fans present still did not stop shouting! As they shouted out hoarsely, a few of them even fainted and were quickly dragged away by the bodyguards.    


However, no matter how loud their declarations were, Min Ann'ge was not affected in the slightest. He focused on holding his wife's hand and walked with unwavering determination.    


Luan Zhi turned her head to look at the side of his face. His perfect side profile was like the fine carving of the hand of God. Under the light of the lamp, one could see the fine fur on his face.    


Luan Zhi did indeed do so at this moment. She couldn't help reaching out her right hand that was not held, but when it was about to reach his face, it was blocked by Min Ann'ge in time.    


Min Ann'ge's smiling voice rang in his ears:    


"What is it? "But now, in public …" The meaning of his words was, young miss, please retract the desire in your eyes!    


His words woke the dreamer up!    


Luan Zhi came back to her senses, annoyed that she had a moment of infatuation with this man!    


Just now, he seemed to have fallen into a whirlpool called 'Min Ann'ge' and was unable to extricate himself from it. He had even forgotten about him.    


Embarrassed, Luan Zhi quickly retracted her hand. She didn't dare to look at him again, instead looking at the people sitting around her with a concealed expression.    


Fortunately, Min Ann'ge's words that made everyone blush and their hearts beat faster were not directed at the microphone. Otherwise, the burning gazes of the female fans might have burned a hole in them.    


Even so, she felt goosebumps all over her body. She couldn't help but scratch Min Ann'ge's palm secretly, but it was tightened by Min Ann'ge's big hand.    


At the same time, the entertainment reporters did not stay idle. They quickly called over their colleagues and captured the images of the two standing together.    


As he clapped, he muttered to himself:    


"It was right to come today!"    


"Yes, yes!" Two very bright spots! Not only have we caught a picture of the most popular celebrity and the new designer, but this designer has also been involved in a drug abuse scandal! "    


"This will definitely become a heavyweight bomb! The clicks will be refreshed to the highest point! "    


These reporters were always moving when they heard the news. Wherever there was any valuable news, they would all go out for the so-called traffic!    


"Right, is the drug abuse thing true or not!?"    


As one reporter voiced his doubts, the other beside him immediately came to his senses.    


Everyone's attention seemed to be focused on the matter of Min Ann'ge's appearance, and they seemed to have forgotten the "drug abuse" incident from before!    


Swoosh! Standing up, the reporter saw a gap and slipped in under the protection of a few bodyguards. Before anyone could react, he had already rushed to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge's side.    


Min Ann'ge reflexively protected Luan Zhi behind him as he faced the reporter who was holding the microphone.    


The reporter quickly asked:    


"Mr. Min Ann'ge, what do you think about the drug problem?"    


The moment he opened his mouth, it went straight for his vital points!    


The few aunts on the stage were just worrying that no one would pursue the matter any further. When they heard that there was someone who understood the situation, they immediately looked in Luan Zhi's direction, taking pleasure in her misfortune.    


The scene that had just broken out into a commotion had gradually quietened down when they saw a reporter approaching the celebrity in their hearts. When the reporter asked this question, everyone's hearts rose to their throats.    


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