Lovely Substitute Bride



"Memories of the past!"    


Luan Zhi nodded. She paused for a few seconds and then added:    


"Remember to book the brightest flowers for the day, it can only be one kind, and then paste them on the wall to look like a fashion lady in a petal dress. Tomorrow, I'll finalize the woman's design. Remember to not too many kinds of flowers, or the fragrance will be too mixed! "On the contrary, it's not fresh and refined."    


"Alright!" The few people beside him quickly wrote it down on a piece of paper.    


After the elevator came out, the passage was very short. After passing through a circular arch, one would reach the roof. The roof was very large, with a glass table on the other side of the arch and a glass room behind it.    


"How's the stability of this glass room?" Luan Zhi asked.    


"Glass is made of tempered glass, the thickness is 1 cm. Any wind below the seventh level can be perfectly intact."    


"Very good!"    


At this moment, the glass room was basically finished. There were still some dressing tables and changing rooms placed inside. It seemed that such a large area should be enough!    


There was a good carpet around the table, and it wouldn't be very soft.    


Luan Zhi was wearing flat-heeled shoes today. With her height as a professional model, if she wore heels all the time, people around her would get a lot of pressure.    


"Xiao Lee, what do you think when you step on this carpet?"    


The one called "Xiao Lee" was the secretary of Luan Zhi's design office, a very professional woman! Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, her hair neatly tied back, and a pair of 7cm high heels under her knee-length short skirt.    


Xiao Lee purposely walked a few steps forward and said, "It's soft and hard, but it shouldn't be twisted to the point where the legs can be twisted!"    


Some of them also wore high heels and nodded after trying.    


At this moment, a middle-aged man who was working on something came up to them and said with a strong foreign accent,    


"Leader, how are we doing?"    


This person had sharp eyes. He was able to tell that Luan Zhi had the highest position among them with a single glance. He didn't even look at the others as he waited for Luan Zhi to answer.    


"Very good! Brother, thank you for your hard work these past few days! "Give everyone a big red packet at the end of the exhibition!" Luan Zhi said with a sincere smile.    


Seeing that the leader was so amiable without a hint of disdain for the dust on his body, the middle-aged man smiled even more brightly and said:    


"Leader, just watch!" It will definitely be beautifully arranged for you! "    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


The man was clearly the leader of these construction workers. He walked back to the crowd and spoke to them in dialect. Those people immediately had a smile blossoming on their faces as they quickened the pace of their work.    


"Can you understand his dialect?" Luan Zhi tilted her head and asked a subordinate beside her.    


The answer was no.    


"Do you think there will be a problem? How about a new batch of people? " Subordinate proposed.    


Luan Zhi shook her head and said, "No, I feel that I don't have a bad eye when it comes to judging people. I don't think that it's that bad! "Honest old folks!"    


Secretary Xiao Lee continued, "Then they might be bought out. "How about this, I'll come over here every day to keep an eye on him. If there's any problem, I'll tell you once I find out!"    


Luan Zhi wanted to say that Xiao Lee might be making a big fuss out of nothing, but on second thought, it was always better to be prepared! Everyone seemed to have gotten a little scared from the last press conference!    


That was why he was so cautious!    


Luan Zhi counted all the items that needed to be prepared and went through the fashion show with them before leaving in satisfaction.    


As a new designer who had just made an appearance in the field of design, Luan Zhi definitely wouldn't let anything go wrong with this fashion show!    


After all, he really liked designing!    


Once Luan Zhi returned to her office, she began to design the image of the lady on the wall opposite the elevator at the venue! This is a very important role, and everyone who attends the fashion show will see it the first time they get out of the elevator.    


If the first impression is not good, then the effect of the next fashion show will be greatly reduced!    


However, Luan Zhi's drawing skills were not satisfactory. It was not because her drawing skills were not good enough! Every designer must have the most basic painting skills.    


However, no matter how she drew, she felt that she was missing something. As for what it was, she couldn't say.    


And from time to time she recalled the words of her aunts who had broken into her house a few days ago.    


"Just what is he hiding …" Luan Zhi's mind drifted away unconsciously. With a wave of her hand, the girl she wrote was destroyed again!    


Annoyed, he rolled up the paper and was about to throw it into the trash can when he saw that the trash can was already full and a few pieces of waste paper were left on the ground.    


Luan Zhi shook her head and sighed.    


Unknowingly, it was already 10 pm. Luan Zhi's phone inside her purse vibrated many times, but because there was an important meeting in the afternoon, her phone turned silent.    


Just now, she had been so engrossed in her work that she had completely forgotten about time!    


At this moment, a staff member from the design room knocked on the door and walked in.    


"Miss Luan, if there's nothing else, I'll be getting off work first."    


Luan Zhi then raised her watch and exclaimed, "It's already so late! "Alright, alright, alright. Hurry up and go home. Are there still people outside?"    


The employee replied, "They're all gone. I'm the last one. Sister Xiao Lee's construction site at the hotel is still not back yet."    


Luan Zhi waved her hand and said to the employee, "Go get off work first. I'll be leaving soon." I'll get in touch with Xiao Lee later. "Oh yeah, be careful on your way!"    


The employee bowed respectfully and left the office.    


"Oh no, it's so late!" Luan Zhi packed her things in a flurry.    


At this moment, his phone vibrated again.    


This time, Luan Zhi finally got through.    


There was silence on the other end of the line.    


"Hey, hey, hey!" Luan Zhi held her phone in her shoulder as she cleaned up the painting.    


Still silence.    


"Speak!" "Who is it?" Luan Zhi asked.    


There was still no reply. There was only some heavy breathing!    


Luan Zhi was annoyed. She took off her phone and looked at the caller ID — it was Min Ann'ge!    


"Min Ann'ge? What are you doing? Say something! "    


This time, Min Ann'ge finally spoke on the other end of the phone. His tone was a little sluggish as he said,    


"You finally know how to answer the phone? Don't know what time it is? If it wasn't for the fact that I saw that your phone's location was always in your design room, I would have suspected that you were taken away! "    


Luan Zhi laughed. "How is that possible? I'm not a three year old child! "    


"There are plenty of bachelors who have never seen a woman in their entire lives! I saw on the news that many university students have been kidnapped and sold off.    


Min Ann'ge was also furious. On one hand, Luan Zhi did not eat on time, and on the other hand, she could not be reached at all like this. It would make people very worried!    


If he didn't do all he could to coax her to sleep, perhaps she would have to find her mother! Even now, there were still some traces of tears on her face!    


"I'm sorry! I was drawing a script in my office and forgot to look at the time! " Luan Zhi also knew that her first mistake was to admit her mistakes.    


"When we get back, you can punish me however you want!" In order to prevent herself from being scolded by Min Ann'ge again, Luan Zhi even gave him an empty cheque.    


On the other end of the phone, Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows and asked, "Really?"    


Of course, Luan Zhi agreed!    


Only then did Min Ann'ge let her go and said: "Then hurry up and go downstairs, I'll be in front of your design room."    


"Ah?" When did you get here? "    


"Just arrived."    


"What about those flowers? Alone at home? "    


"Duo Duo is asleep!" Nanny is watching. "    


Only then did Luan Zhi feel reassured. She quickly packed her things and went downstairs. On the way, she called Xiao Lee to tell her to go home and rest!    


From afar, Luan Zhi saw the black Bentley parked by the roadside. After confirming the license plate number, she quickly opened the door and got in.    


The heater was on inside the car and it felt a bit hot as soon as he entered.    


"Why is the air conditioner so hot?" Luan Zhi said as she took off her coat. Although the night was rather cold, when the wind blew, it would make one's hair stand on end.    


Min Ann'ge helped her put her purse and coat on the back seat. While he was helping her fasten her seat belt, he pressed it against Luan Zhi's face.    


He stared fixedly at Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi's face turned hot as she looked around and asked, "What are you doing? Hurry up and go home, I miss Duoduo! "    


"Do you miss me?" Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows.    


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