Lovely Substitute Bride



"Zhi, ah, quickly come to the hospital. Your mother, she …"    


"What's wrong?" Min Ann'ge asked when he saw Luan Zhi's nervous expression.    


Luan Zhi, who had been stunned by her father's words, seemed to be awakened by Min Ann'ge's sudden question. Her tears immediately flowed down as she grabbed Min Ann'ge's arm and said:    


"My dad is calling! Something happened to my mom!"    


He was already sobbing with just that one sentence.    


Seeing Luan Zhi crying, Duo Duo also started to cry loudly.    


Min Ann'ge quickly shook Luan Zhi and said, "Zhi, don't worry, where are dad and the others? Did you go to the hospital? "    


Luan Zhi suppressed her tears and nodded heavily. "It's in the People's Hospital!"    


"Don't cry, don't cry. We need to hurry over."    


The policemen, who had stopped quarreling, looked at Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi. At this moment, Officer Li stepped forward and said with concern,    


"I'll send you guys there!"    


How could he care so much now?    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge sat in a police car driven by Officer Li herself. The police car's alarm was ringing, and all the private cars made way for them.    


"Min Ann'ge, my mom will be fine, right?" At this moment, Luan Zhi was sitting on the police car as if she was sitting on pins and needles.    


Although the police car was already speeding away, she couldn't wait to get to the hospital. Her heart was in turmoil, and she couldn't stop her tears from streaming down her face.    


Duo Duo didn't want Min Ann'ge to hug her. She snuggled up to Luan Zhi's chest and sobbed, making others feel heartache!    


"It's okay, it'll definitely be okay!" Min Ann'ge embraced Luan Zhi and Duo Duo and comforted them.    


He could only say this now! And these words were so pale and powerless!    


When the police car arrived at the entrance of the People's Hospital, Luan Zhi opened the car door and ran out before it could stop. The flowers in her arms were handed over to Min Ann'ge.    


"Slow down!" Min Ann'ge shouted behind him.    


"Thank you, Officer Li!" Min Ann'ge pulled down his mask, revealing his face, and thanked Officer Li who was sweating profusely in the driver's seat.    


Officer Li was shocked. "It's you!"    


At his age, he was nearing retirement and had a daughter who had just entered university. She was very fond of Min Ann'ge and her bedroom was covered in Min Ann'ge's posters!    


Therefore, Officer Li was very familiar with this face!    


Min Ann'ge didn't say anything else, carried Duo Duo and ran towards the hospital.    


After Luan Zhi had questioned him at the front desk, she finally saw her father outside the operation room!    


"Dad …" Luan Zhi looked at Luan Shen, who was sitting on a chair with his head lowered.    


Luan Shen looked up at Luan Zhi when he heard her voice. In that moment, Luan Zhi felt that her father had suddenly aged by ten years, and he was no longer the person who stood at the top of Luan Group in the past, but instead an ordinary old man!    


Luan Zhi rushed over and grabbed Luan Shen's arm, "Dad, where's my mom?"    


Luan Shen glanced at the operating room and sighed: "Ai, I was watching TV at home when my stomach suddenly hurt. I rushed over to the hospital! Surgery is now in progress … "    


"Operation?" Luan Zhi looked at the bright red light above the door of the operation room and quickly turned her head to Luan Shen. "Yes …" What disease is it? "    


Luan Shen said, "It's an acute appendicitis. The doctor said that the appendix would be cut immediately."    


Luan Zhi's heart finally settled down. The acute appendicitis was not serious after all. As long as the appendix was cut, everything would be fine!    


He sat down beside Luan Shen and held Luan Shen's hand. Although it was a big hand, it was full of wrinkles and was very weak right now!    


"Grandfather!" Duo Duo shouted from afar.    


Letting go of Min Ann'ge's hand, the flowers flew over and threw themselves into Luan Shen's embrace.    


Luan Shen carried her in his arms and saw that Duo Duo was trying her best to hold back her tears. Her small mouth was pursed and her big teary eyes looked especially pitiful!    


"My good granddaughter, don't cry, don't cry!" Luan Shen coaxed.    


"Grandfather, Duo Duo isn't crying!" The tears did not fall as he said stubbornly.    


"Good, good, good. Duo Duo is the strongest!" Luan Shen said.    


Min Ann'ge also walked up to Luan Shen and asked, "Dad, how is Mom?"    


"Acute appendicitis!"    


Min Ann'ge nodded and sat beside Luan Zhi. He held her other hand!    


After waiting for a long time, Duo Duo was so tired that she fell asleep. She was carried by Min Ann'ge, but her small hand still held tightly onto Min Ann'ge's finger.    


The door to the operating room finally opened and a doctor walked out first.    


The three of them quickly surrounded him and asked:    


"Doctor, how is he?"    


The doctor took off his mask and looked at the three of them. "Who is the patient's relative?"    


"All of us, Doctor, what's going on?"    


All three of them had a bad feeling about this! Normally, if the operation was successful, the doctor would let out a sigh of relief and then say that the operation was successful.    


Asking who the family members were like this was usually not a good situation!    


Sure enough, the doctor said:    


"The patient's condition is not optimistic …"    


Hearing this, Luan Shen's vision turned black and he felt the sky spin and he fainted. If Luan Zhi hadn't been standing to the side, she would have fallen to the ground.    


"Dad, dad, how are you?" Luan Zhi shouted.    


The doctor went up to Luan Shen and took a look, then said: "It's fine, it's just that I'm temporarily unconscious. I'll be able to wake up after a short rest. The most important thing right now is the one in the operation room! "    


"How is my mother?" Luan Zhi asked as she helped her father to a seat.    


"The patient was already anemic, and now that he has lost too much blood during the operation, he needs to be replenished with large amounts of blood as soon as possible. Family members, quickly go and receive blood transfusions to save people! "    


Luan Zhi reacted immediately and said excitedly, "I, I'll go!"    


The doctor led Luan Zhi to the blood transfusion while Min Ann'ge carried Duo Duo, who was sleeping, as well as Luan Shen, who was sitting on a chair. They finally saw a nurse passing by, so he asked her to help him carry Luan Shen to the bed.    


When Luan Zhi arrived at the blood transfusion room, she rolled up her sleeves and said boldly to the doctor, "Doctor, please pull more. I'm still young. I must save my mother!"    


The doctor had already seen many similar cases. He said patiently, "Rest assured, we will do our best. "Let's examine the blood first!"    


Luan Zhi didn't feel any pain as she watched the thick needle pierce into her blood vessel. A bit of bright red blood flowed out and was quickly taken away by a nurse.    


However, after a few minutes, the nurse came back and whispered something in the doctor's ear.    


The doctor's expression changed as he untied the pulse compression band on Luan Zhi's arm.    


"Doctor, why aren't you losing? Just a little! "It's okay, just smoke. I'm young, I can handle it!" Luan Zhi said.    


But the doctor said, "Your blood type is type O, and the patient's blood type is type AB, and there are many things that don't match. No blood transfusion! "    


Luan Zhi felt something flash through her head, but she didn't grab it. Right now, all of her thoughts were on her mother. She hastily grabbed the doctor's collar and asked, "Then what about my mother?"    


The doctor patted her hand and said, "It's fine, we still have some blood bank. I'll call the nearest hospital and transfer a batch of blood over. Rest assured! We will definitely rescue your mother! "    


Then, the doctor said to the nurse beside him, "Hurry up and bring all the AB blood from the blood bank to the operation room." He picked up the phone again and dialed a number.    


Seeing him act this way, Luan Zhi slowly released her hand. She bowed to the doctor and said, "Thank you, Doctor."    


At this moment, the doctor's phone was already connected. He waved at Luan Zhi and started talking to the person on the other end of the phone.    


Luan Zhi slowly walked out of the blood transfusion room. After a few steps, she seemed to recall something and quickly walked towards the operation room.    


Arriving there, he found that Min Ann'ge and Luan Shen were no longer there. A nurse stuck her head out from the next room and said, "Are you looking for the two people that were here just now? They're already in the ward next door, that's it! "    


Following the nurse's hand, Luan Zhi saw a door of a ward open. From outside, she saw her father lying on the bed with his eyes closed.    


Min Ann'ge sat beside the bed with Duo Duo in his arms.    


It was already late at night. Min Ann'ge, who had been playing with Disney for the whole day, looked exhausted. However, he continued to pat the flowers in his arms lightly.    


Luan Zhi felt weak all over. She leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to sit on the cold, iron bench.    


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