Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi didn't say anything and just increased her speed, wanting to get rid of the two. However, Luan Fei'ann saw through her intention. He stepped off the accelerator and kept parallel with Luan Zhi's Rolls-Royce.    


"Cousin, don't be in such a hurry to leave! "Long time no see, I really miss it. Why don't you stay for a cup of tea or something!" Luan Feixian continued.    


Luan Zhi sneered and said, "Your knee is getting better?"    


Luan Feixian's expression immediately changed. He slapped the door of his car fiercely and cursed:    


"You damned girl! He was still being stubborn even when he was about to die! I can see that you can still laugh after a while. "    


Luan Zhi's heart skipped a beat. She vaguely felt that he was hinting at something, as if something bad was about to happen.    


Before Luan Zhi could think of anything wrong, a red barricade warning sign appeared in front of them!    


The front of Luan Zhi's driveway was blocked!    


However, he hadn't realized it just now. His attention was completely focused on Luan Feixian's words. He was paying attention to their cars, afraid that they would crash into him at any time.    


Now that he suddenly saw that he could no longer move tens of meters ahead of him, he quickly stepped on the brakes, wanting to slow down and stop.    


However, he had already stepped on the brakes and kept his speed at the original number of yards!    


"This is bad!"    


Luan Zhi stepped on the brakes a few times, but it was to no avail. Only then did she realize that the brakes had failed!    


This is bad!    


Luan Zhi's expression changed drastically, and the color of her face instantly faded. She looked straight ahead, unsure of what to do.    


Luan Feixian had been paying attention to Luan Zhi's expression the whole time. Now, seeing that her car's brakes had failed and she was driving at such a high speed, he immediately laughed complacently.    


"Hahaha!" You must be scared! "Bitch, this is what happens when you provoke us!"    


"Exactly! Go to hell! "Haha!"    


While Luan Fei'ann controlled the car, he didn't forget to mock Luan Zhi.    


How could Luan Zhi have the mood to bicker with them now? Although he knew that he definitely had something to do with these two, the most important thing was for him to stop.    


Behind that barricade was a parked tanker. From the rear, one could only see that the tanker was very tall, almost twice the height of Luan Zhi's Rolls Royce!    


At the side of the tanker, someone was still lying on the ground with only his legs exposed. It seems like there was a problem with the car and it's in the process of being repaired!    


However, Luan Zhi's car had already lost control and was charging straight over. If she were to hit the gas tank, it would definitely cause an explosion. Even if she managed to survive, she wouldn't be able to escape the gas tank's explosion!    


"Hahahaha!" "Go to hell!"    


Luan Feixian's maniacal laughter was still howling in his ears, as if it was magnified infinitely, and there was no other sound that could be heard.    


The Fragrant River Bridge only had four lanes. Other than the one she took with Luan Zhi, there was only the one that Luan Feixian and the others took.    


Now, Luan Feixian and co. purposely wanted Luan Zhi to run into the tanker car and keep her car's speed parallel to hers. They didn't want to give her the chance to switch lanes at all.    


The brake had failed again!    


Seeing that she was about to hit the gas tank, Luan Zhi fiercely turned the steering wheel to the left and the car turned left. Immediately, the car grazed Luan Feixian's Lamborghini.    


Boom! *    


The two cars crashed into each other.    


Luan Zhi's Rolls-Royce was just outside Luan Feixian's front passenger seat.    


"What are you doing?" Are you crazy? " Luan Feixian shouted.    


Luan Fei'ann felt a strong force pushing the car to the left. It was too late for him to turn right!    


"Fuck your grandmother!" Luan Feixian took out a baseball bat from behind the seat and threw it towards the windshield of the Rolls Royce!    


The windshield of Luan Zhi's car shattered!    


Because the car was still moving at high speed, the broken glass directly pierced into Luan Zhi's arm.    


Luan Zhi only felt a sharp pain. She could only grit her teeth and control the steering wheel.    


Lamborghini drove along the fence in the middle of the bridge, Rolls-Royce at his side.    


The old master, who was busy repairing the car, heard an ear-piercing scraping sound. He quickly stuck his head out and saw two luxury cars jostling forward. The Rolls Royce that was closer to him barely missed him!    


Luan Zhi came to a sudden realisation. In order to avoid an explosion and also to avoid the car repairman in front, she had no choice but to ram into Luan Feixian's car.    


The car controlled by Luan Fei'ann was sent flying.    


Even though Luan Fei'ann had stepped on the brake to its lowest point, he could only watch helplessly as the car fell down the river from the gap in the middle of the bridge.    


Luan Zhi's Rolls-Royce slowed down after being blocked by Lamborghini for a while and stopped at the edge of the bridge. The front half of the car had already stuck out of the bridge's road surface.    


The rear half of the car swayed up and down a few times before finally falling back to the ground.    


Luan Zhi's heart was about to stop beating!    


The car stereo was still singing, "I want to take you to romantic Turkey..."    


And now Turkey could not go!    


Right in front of her eyes, Luan Fei'ann's Lamborghini fell straight down.    


"Ah!" I don't want to die! " Luan Feixian shouted.    


In a few seconds, he heard the sound of the car hitting the water! After that, he could no longer hear anything.    


Wu LI Dong did not dare to move as she sat in the driver's seat. She held onto the steering wheel with both hands, afraid that she would accidentally move the weight forward a little and take the back route of the Lamborghini!    


He could only wait for now!    


When the mechanic saw that Rolls-Royce hadn't fallen off, he rushed over and saw Luan Zhi sitting inside the car.    


"Don't move first! I'll call a few people over. "    


He ran back to his car, looking for something to tie Luan Zhi's car with.    




The screeching of tires stopped.    


Before Min Ann'ge could stop the car, he opened the car door and jumped out.    




Luan Zhi, who was in the car, heard Min Ann'ge's shout. Fear and nervousness surged in her heart. She wanted to answer him, but she was afraid that she would lose her balance if she used too much strength.    


Min Ann'ge ran to her side and said nervously:    


"Zhi!" Don't be afraid, I'm here! "    


He looked at Luan Zhi's driver seat. It was already suspended in the air. He didn't dare to touch her recklessly, but the car suddenly started to shake again.    


Hearing the vibrations coming from the surface of the bridge, they guessed that a large carriage had arrived.    


"This is bad!" Do you believe me? " Min Ann'ge said.    


Luan Zhi didn't dare to move, she slowly turned her head to look at Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge continued:    


"Give me your hand! I can catch you. "    


However, Luan Zhi didn't even dare to move her fingers. If she let go of Min Ann'ge's hand, she might fall down with the car!    


"No!" It's too dangerous! " Luan Zhi called out softly. She was afraid of implicating Min Ann'ge.    


"Trust me!" Min Ann'ge said as he looked at the shaking car.    


Now that the car was about to lose its balance, he could only grab onto Luan Zhi. It was already too late to find a rope trailer!    


The car was gradually going down!    


The moment Luan Zhi made a move, the entire car would instantly fall off.    


There was no longer time to hesitate!    


"Zhi!" Min Ann'ge stretched out his hand to grab Luan Zhi's hand. He said, "Come here, be careful. It will be fine."    


He lowered his voice, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. His face was calm, but only he knew how nervous and scared he was.    


"Trust me."    


Min Ann'ge gave another dose of medicine.    


Luan Zhi looked at him. At this moment, the car had completely lost its shackles. It no longer fell to the ground and instead slid diagonally towards the bridge.    


"Faster!" Min Ann'ge shouted, his heart jumping out of his throat.    


Luan Zhi steeled her heart, let go of the steering wheel, and jumped towards Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge was quick. He leaned forward and finally grabbed Luan Zhi's hands!    


"I got you!" "Don't let go!"    


Boom! *    


The Rolls-Royce Gust had finally welcomed its final stop! He heavily crashed into the surface of the river, then slowly sank into the water.    


Most of Min Ann'ge's body was hanging on the outside, only his legs were still on the bridge.    


Luan Zhi raised her head to look at him and saw that his brows were tightly furrowed. Sweat kept rolling down his forehead as his body gradually started to decline. Even so, she was still unwilling to let go of her hand!    


"You …"    


"Luan Zhi was interrupted by Min Ann'ge the moment she started." Don't talk, I can hold you back. "    


His voice was firm. Without any hesitation, he did not allow Luan Zhi to say the word "No".    


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