Lovely Substitute Bride



"The doctor said my knee won't heal and I won't be able to leave the wheelchair for the rest of my life. "Third Grandpa, you must avenge me!"    


Third Master Luan nodded and said:    


"Don't worry!"    


Luan Feixian saw that the others didn't say anything, so he continued to advocate:    


"Leaving such a stranger in the family will become a disaster sooner or later! I might as well throw her out earlier. "    


Some in the crowd echoed, but there were also others who said:    


"But I think Luan Zhi is still useful to the family. Didn't she sell her house well last time?"    


Luan Feixian found the person who said that and said to her,    


"Auntie, I know you think she can bring benefits to the company! However, the company would not be able to operate without her! Don't look at the fact that she had earned a lot of money for Luan Group. Once she controls the company and obtains the inheritance right of the group, she will bring the money from Luan Family and run over to her own real parents! "    


These words were said with logic and basis, it really wasn't what Luan Feixian could say.    


Actually, he didn't think of this himself. It was just that Luan Fei'ann used to whisper to him like this often. He only remembered most of the times and that was about it.    


Anyway, Luan Fei'ann had already become a vegetable, so it was not a waste of his effort to say those words for him.    


Thinking of this, Luan Feixian looked longingly at Fourth Master Luan and said:    


"Grandfather, get Luan Zhi out of here as soon as possible!" I think, if my brother could open his eyes, he definitely wouldn't want to see this woman! I also heard that even if the vegetable did not wake up, they would still be able to hear the sounds coming from the outside world! If she knew that Luan Zhi didn't get punished, my brother might be so angry! "    


He tried his best to persuade Fourth Master Luan, and people around them also tried to encourage him.    


Fourth Master Luan's eyebrows creased tighter and tighter.    


Amongst those people, there were a few relatives who were good friends with Luan Shen, Mei Shanshan, and even Luan Zhi. However, now, they were all silent!    


Mei Shanshan slowly woke up, pointed at a woman with her head lowered and said:    


"Big sis, please say something for us!"    


This big sister was Luan Shen's big sister.    


However, this elder sister lowered her head even more and didn't even dare to look in their direction.    


Mei Shanshan turned her gaze towards a slightly younger boy. This boy and Luan Zhi could be considered to have played a little bit when they were young. The two of them would often meet at each other's home to do homework together!    


She said, "Haoze, you know Zhi best, quickly say something!"    


The one called "Haoze" had no choice but to open his mouth when the surrounding people were looking at him. With a bitter face, he said:    


"Aunt Mei, that was many years ago. People change."    


Luan Zhi looked at Hao Ze as well, but this playmate of her childhood didn't even have the slightest intention of helping her. He had decisively abandoned her!    


Looking at them one by one, all of them lowered their heads, not daring to make eye contact with Luan Zhi. Those who had received benefits from Luan Zhi, those who had received promotions from her and those who had reaped benefits from her, didn't stand up and speak up for her!    


Luan Zhi's heart was getting colder and colder by the second!    


Min Ann'ge quietly held her hand and supported her with his actions.    


Fourth Master Luan looked at Luan Zhi with a sullen face and said:    


"What else do you have to say?"    


Luan Zhi said, "I have nothing to say."    


"Then from today onwards, you are no longer a member of the Luan Family! Get lost! " Fourth Master Luan said it slowly. In the end, he had still reached this step.    


Luan Shen, who was standing at the side, could not help but say:    


"Fourth Uncle, please, for my sake, don't do this! This is the only child Shan and I have! "    


How could Fourth Master Luan listen to him? He snorted and said.    


"How is this your child? Our Luan families value bloodlines the most! He absolutely could not allow outsiders to enter. She has to go! "    


Mei Shanshan's tears flowed down her face. She suddenly knelt down and said to Fourth Master Luan:    


"Fourth uncle, third uncle, I beg of you, please don't chase my Zhi away!"    


Luan Zhi's tears flowed unobediently as she went forward to pull her mother up. However, Mei Shanshan did not allow her to do as she wished. She remained kneeling on the ground, looking at the indifferent people before her.    


Some people could not bear it and said:    


"Get up! We can't afford it. "    


Someone leaned over, not daring to accept her salute.    


Finally, a soft-hearted woman raised her head and asked Fourth Master Luan in a low voice:    


"How about …"    


But before he could say anything, he was forcefully stopped by Fourth Master Luan. He said,    


"Shut up! Is there any place for you ladies to talk? "    


Although they were currently in the hospital ward, Fourth Master Luan had obviously treated this place as his own territory and was arrogantly giving out orders here!    


After all these years, his prestige within the family was not low. Very few people could suppress him! The people of the same generation as him were not as strong as him. Basically, people of his age had already retired and were in retirement. Only he was still busy with other things. In reality, he did not want to give up power!    


In the rich and powerful families, the status of women was usually lower!    


The woman who had been stopped no longer dared to speak. She lowered her head again.    


Mei Shanshan cried out in despair. Her body went limp as she fell into Luan Shen's arms.    


When Luan Zhi saw her mother crying so miserably, she also felt bad. However, she held back her tears. She held back the air in her chest and remembered everyone in the ward clearly!    


She could be considered to have seen all of these people clearly!    


Luan Zhi and Luan Shen helped Mei Shanshan up. Luan Zhi said to Luan Shen:    


"Dad, take Mom out first! I'll be right there. "    


Luan Shen looked at her worriedly, but he didn't say anything in the end. He supported the heartbroken Mei Shanshan out.    


Min Ann'ge stayed behind and stood beside Luan Zhi. He said:    


"I finally got to see the power of the Wealthy Class today!"    


Fourth Master Luan glanced at him and said:    


"Kid, who do you think you are? Luan Zhi is no longer a member of our Luan Family, and you are no longer our son-in-law! He didn't want this kind of actor to be his son-in-law in the first place. dirtying the door of our Luan Family! "    


Min Ann'ge laughed instead of getting angry and retorted:    


"You don't like plays like mine, but I still don't see a rich family like yours in my eyes! I just respect you for being older, but if you're still so aggressive, don't blame me! "    


"Oh? What do you want? It's been a long time since I've been back home. Are all the young people in this country this overconfident? " Fourth Master Luan said.    


"You will soon see if you are overestimating yourself." "But now, if you dare to say anything bad to my Zhi, don't blame me for immediately turning hostile!"    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fists so hard that they creaked.    


Fourth Master Luan sneered. This old martial artist did not realize the power of Min Ann'ge and said:    


"Unrecognizable? I never saw you as people! One is a bastard, the other is a playboy, he doesn't even have the qualifications to call me grandpa! "    


The corner of Min Ann'ge's mouth curled up. He looked around at the people around him and then said:    


"In my opinion, you are not even human beings!"    


"What did you say?" "You're courting death!" Luan Feixian shouted, then nodded towards the man in black, who was pushing his wheelchair behind him.    


The man in black immediately stood up and punched Min Ann'ge.    


At this moment, Luan Zhi was standing very close to Min Ann'ge and was pushed away by a strong force. She saw Min Ann'ge bend his waist to dodge the fist of the man in black.    


"Do you have to be so bullying?" Luan Zhi said as she looked at the covetous gazes of the crowd.    


"So what if they bully them with numbers? We are all people of the Luan Family, and you are an outsider, what right do you have to act pretentious? "    


Fourth Master Luan replied confidently. He was so domineering that he had already treated Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge as meat on the chopping board!    




On Min Ann'ge's side, the man in black had his jaw dislocated after taking such a heavy punch. He was in so much pain that his eyes were blurry. He held his chin with both hands and didn't dare to move forward.    


"Trash!" Luan Feixian swore softly.    


Min Ann'ge straightened his body, looked at Fourth Master Luan coldly and said:    


"Using numbers to bully the young? Would I be afraid of you? "    


Just as he finished his sentence, he saw a group of heavily armed men rushing in with guns. On their backs, they had the words' Military Police 'written on them!    


After the armed police arrived, they immediately surrounded all the Luan Family people, and pointed their black guns at them.    


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