Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi's eyes shone with a beautiful radiance. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she was suddenly caught by Yin Wuli.    




Luan Zhi turned around in confusion, but her vision went black, her lips were blocked by Min Ann'ge!    


Her lips were kissed, sometimes lightly, sometimes deeply, causing people to involuntarily indulge in her.    


After a long while, he finally released her and looked at the person in front of him with a blushing face.    


"Let's go!"    


Luan Zhi was ambushed and looked at him with dissatisfaction. She said angrily, "Luckily I didn't put on lipstick today. Otherwise, you could start singing for someone else later!"    


"If it's Zhi, then I'll gladly accept it." Min Ann'ge smiled and let Luan Zhi leave first, closing the office door in a gentleman's manner.    


"Miss Luan, you're going out so soon?" The staff members teased him meaningfully.    


Luan Zhi still felt embarrassed in front of her employees. She didn't know if it was due to the kiss just now or now, but her cheeks were flushed red.    


Min Ann'ge brought Luan Zhi outside.    


When the staff in the office saw them, they all stood up and said in unison, "Brother-in-law, good morning!"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her employees seemed to have been bribed by Min Ann'ge to call her 'brother-in-law'! He was even more embarrassed. He quickened his pace and rushed out the door.    


Min Ann'ge, on the other hand, revealed a smile on his face as he chased after Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi got into Min Ann'ge's car. When she saw him get in, she said angrily, "Did you give them some benefits? "It seems like they are too idle!"    


Min Ann'ge laughed proudly.    


"It seems like such a good employee needs a raise. He should have let Assistant Cao learn more."    


Assistant Cao, who was checking his accounts at China Art Corporation, suddenly sneezed! While he was smoking a tissue, he asked in wonder:    


"Who's talking bad about me behind my back?"    


Luan Zhi disdainfully snorted and said:    


"Assistant Cao is your right-hand man. Are you willing to give it to me? My little design room can't hold this Buddha! Forget it! One day when these kids are really pissed off at me, I'll sell them to you. When that time comes, you'll give them the heaviest job! For example, carrying something heavy, or working overtime until you spit out blood! "    


The sound of grinding teeth could be heard. Min Ann'ge responded with a smile:    


"Fine, I'll listen to you." Fine, I'll listen to you!    


The two chatted and laughed along the way. They drove to the most bustling business center and parked the car. Min Ann'ge put on his mask and peaked cap and then pulled Luan Zhi into a high-end specialty store.    




The two clerk girls at the door said in unison, full of smiles.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge both nodded and walked into the highest quality clothing store in the whole mall. The moment the shop opened the door, the bright lights and spotless floor attracted everyone who passed by.    


However, not just anyone could casually enter!    


This store only receives regular customers! In other words, he had to become a member of this shop in advance in order to choose or customize clothes!    


There were still a few customers picking clothes inside the store. When they saw someone enter, they all raised their heads to take a look. After recognizing Luan Zhi, they no longer paid attention to her clothes and instead turned their heads to observe her every move.    


Another two noblewomen whispered:    


"Did you see that? This is Min Ann'ge's wife! " said the thin woman, her face full of sarcasm.    


The woman who had been asked was rather fat and unfamiliar with these flowery stories. She said,    


"Is that so? "He looks pretty good."    


"Don't be fooled by your outer appearance! This was a powerful woman! "It's both a drug addict and a live broadcaster. I can do anything!"    


The other woman disapproved and said:    


"Didn't you say that the drug issue had been clarified as a rumor?"    


"Flies do not bite seamless eggs! The upper class wasn't like she could just say a word of clarification and completely pretend that it didn't exist! Furthermore, don't forget, his surname is Luan! "    


The two of them had heard of the Luan Group's name and kept quiet without saying a word.    


Min Ann'ge was standing right in front of the two of them. His line of sight was blocked by a tall rack in the middle. He walked out from the other side with a sullen face and looked at the two long-tongued women in annoyance!    


When Luan Zhi entered, the two of them focused all their attention on her. They did not have much impression of the man with the low hat brim.    


"Oh wow, why is there no sound when you walk?" The skinnier woman rolled her eyes. She didn't realize they were talking about him!    


Min Ann'ge slightly raised his head and looked at the two women.    


The two women only saw a pair of deep eyes between the brim of the hat and the mask. They were very pretty, but they were filled with anger.    


Min Ann'ge didn't even speak to the two women and directly walked to the counter. He took out a black membership card from his wallet and said to the staff behind the counter:    


"Let's clear the shop now."    


The moment the neatly dressed staff behind the counter saw the black card, their eyes lit up!    


There were no more than 100 of these black cards in the world, they were the exclusive membership cards of this brand's store. The amount of money in this card would definitely not be less than 7 digits!    


Of course, not just any upstart could have such a black card. This was a symbol of status!    


"Yes, sir! Please wait a moment! "    


The staff immediately bowed respectfully, picked up the black card with both hands and ran into the manager's office.    


In less than a minute, the manager ran out and said respectfully to Min Ann'ge:    


"Sir, please wait for a moment. I will clear the shop for you now. Please come over here for a moment!"    


Min Ann'ge, who had his hands in his pockets lazily, sat down in a private booth under the manager's guidance. Soon, a worker served him a latte.    


The two neglected women had never seen such a black membership card and didn't know who this man was. They snorted and continued to pick out clothes.    


Just as he was about to pick up a piece of clothing that caught his eye, a shop assistant came up to him and said:    


"My two misses, we are going to clear the shop now. I'm very sorry, please come back next time!"    


Before the two women could react, she put the clothes rack back on the shelf.    


The thin woman had always been arrogant and despotic; she had never been treated like this before. She immediately scolded:    


"Hey, what's with your attitude? I am a member of your guild! "    


The clerk had already received instructions from the manager. The two women were the only customers that had come into close contact with the mysterious VIP.    


The problem lay with these two men. They must have offended that distinguished guest! Therefore, the shop assistant immediately said impolitely:    


"I know that you are all members, but I'm very sorry. We have to clear the field for that mister over there. Please leave immediately!"    


The two women followed her gaze and found that it was the man from before, looking at them.    


"On what basis?"    


The shop assistant was also a little fed up with this ruthless and unreasonable woman, so she reiterated again:    


"Please leave this shop now!"    


It was impossible for the two women to leave, it was even more impossible for them to stay! Seeing that the shop assistant didn't give up and was waiting for the two to leave, he could only leave the door angrily.    


"What service attitude? I want to file a complaint against you all! " The skinny woman said as she walked.    


The clerk smiled and said without the slightest bit of anger.    


"Welcome to the complaint!"    


When the two of them stepped out of the shop, they closed the glass door and hung a sign on the door handle that read "My Shop"!    


"What lousy store is this?" I don't care, I'll never come again! " The thin woman took out the membership card and threw it on the ground. She even stepped on it with her high heels.    


Another slightly plump woman advised:    


"Forget it!" "Let's go!"    


He walked away with his head held high and his chest held high.    


After a moment, the skinny woman rushed back and searched the floor for a long time before picking up the membership card and putting it away!    


After all, this normal membership card cost over ten thousand dollars to get!    


When Luan Zhi came out of the changing room, there was no one left in the shop! Only Min Ann'ge sat beside him and looked at him with a smile.    


"Hey, where are the others?"    


Luan Zhi asked.    


"Who is it?" Min Ann'ge replied as he looked up and down at the light yellow muslin dress Elaine was wearing.    


"Weren't there a few customers just now?" How come they're all gone? " It had only been ten minutes since Luan Zhi had gone in to change.    


"Un, it might be that they all have matters to attend to!" Min Ann'ge said lightly.    


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