Lovely Substitute Bride



Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen thought that Duo Duo had really lost her. Now that they saw her, they rubbed their eyes in disbelief. When Duo Duo jumped into their arms, they realized that they were not hallucinating!    


"Aiyo, my little darling, where did you run off to? It made Grandma so anxious that she died! "    


"That's right, I don't know if I should tell your father and mother that it's time to call!"    


Luan Shen's big hand was about to land on one small butt after another. Although it looked like a heavy hand, it was actually very light and didn't hurt as much as Luan Zhi's hit just now.    


Duo Duo smiled and said:    


"Grandma, grandpa, an aunt said that she had something to talk to Mommy about, so Duo Duo brought her home first!"    


Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan were surprised. This little girl was too defenseless. She had left so easily with someone and even brought them home. Wasn't this leading a wolf into a house?    


He immediately turned pale with fright and said:    


"My darling, you can't just bring people home like this in the future! If we meet a bad person and kidnap Duoduo away, then Grandpa, Grandmother, and your father, Mommy, will die from grief! "    


Duo Duo nodded and whispered:    


"But Auntie Song is not a bad person!"    


"Auntie Song?" Mei Shanshan was puzzled. She looked at Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge and asked,    


"Is that the woman who just left?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded and said:    




In Mei Shanshan's mind, the image of that woman's face from before flashed across her mind. There was a faint sense of familiarity. She exchanged a glance with Luan Shen and said hesitantly:    


"I feel somewhat familiar with that person! I just don't know when I've seen it before. "    


Luan Shen also nodded, indicating that he felt the same.    


Luan Zhi said with a smile:    


"Mom, it's normal for you to feel that way! The first time I met her, I felt very familiar, but I couldn't remember where. What do you think happened in the end? "    


"What is it?"    


Mei Shanshan asked.    


Luan Zhi said mysteriously:    


"I only found out later that she was the wife of Mayor Jiang Guowei. Her name is Soong Yaru. Now do you know where this familiarity comes from? "    


Mei Shanshan chewed on the three words "Soong Yaru" repeatedly, but she had no impression of Soong Yaru at all. However, the familiarity of Soong Yaru was just barely discernible.    


It didn't seem to be because she was familiar with Mayor's wife!    


Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan had only been in the country for a short time, but because Luan Shen was busy managing the Luan Group, he did not have the time to interact with any important figures in the political world. Mei Shanshan, on the other hand, rarely watched the news, so she naturally did not know what the mayor and Mayor's wife looked like!    


But where did that feeling of familiarity come from?    


Mei Shanshan couldn't figure it out, so she could only ponder about it in her heart. She didn't say it out loud.    


Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan slept in the villa that day, and Duo Duo insisted on sleeping with her grandpa and grandma. The two elders naturally agreed, and Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were defeated by Duo Duo's coquettish actions.    


The beautiful flowers slept exceptionally well tonight!    


Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen beside her weren't so lucky! Especially Mei Shanshan, her mind was filled with Soong Yaru's figure all night long.    


The next day, Mei Shanshan's face did not look good. Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge even personally sent her to the hospital to have a look.    


A few days later, Luan Zhi's side had a new problem.    


According to Lee Dong, when a resident's car entered the underground car park, due to the overturning of the ramp and the ground being too slippery, the car slipped away and almost crashed into a Porsche parked at the bottom of the ramp.    


However, although the resident's car did not crash into the expensive Porsche, it still slammed into the wall, causing the front part of his car to become deformed!    


When Luan Zhi rushed to the underground parking lot, Lee Dong was ordering the people in the property office to pull up a cordon to prevent any random people from entering.    


"You did well!" What about the owner? "    


Luan Zhi complimented Lee Dong at first, then asked.    


Lee Dong pointed at the owner of the car, who was looking left and right in pain.    


"Are you hurt?"    


Luan Zhi asked.    


"There's only a scratch on my arm. The bleeding has stopped!"    


After hearing Lee Dong's words, Luan Zhi walked towards the car owner and said,    


"Hello! "I am currently the person in charge of this building, we will take care of this matter for you as soon as possible. Our people are here to take photos and look after the car, the insurance company will be here soon!"    


The owner of the car was not a person who was hard to talk to. He looked at Luan Zhi and followed her out of the basement parking lot and into the lounge of the second floor of the building.    


While Luan Zhi's doctor was cleaning and bandaging the car's owner, an unexpected person appeared!    


Jiang Guowei was leading a few reporters towards the parking lot.    


Luan Zhi's heart was filled with doubt. She suddenly stood up, looked in the direction that the group had gone in, and said to the injured car owner,    


"Is this your first time in an underground car park?"    


The owner shook his head.    


"Alright, as for the compensation for your car, if the insurance company cannot pay it in full, we will compensate you!"    


Luan Zhi said.    


The car owner thought for a moment and said with hesitation:    


"Actually, it doesn't matter if it's money or not. It's just that I don't want that kind of thing to happen again in the future! After all, there's no one down here this time. If there's a next time, it'll be even harder to deal with them if they crash into someone else's body! "    


"Your words are very reasonable." I will immediately arrange for people to place a few more convex mirrors around the curve of the underground car park. At the same time, I will also install a few more lamps.    


Luan Zhi said.    


The owner of the car obviously hadn't expected Luan Zhi to come up with a solution in such a short amount of time, but it wasn't good either as it was already a perfect solution, so he nodded and said:    


"That's fine."    


Luan Zhi heaved a sigh of relief.    


Having obtained the client's understanding, Luan Zhi arranged for the driver to be sent to the hospital for tetanus shots and hurried to the underground parking lot.    


Arriving there, the reporters were all around Lee Dong, yelling that they must cross the police tape into the scene of the accident to make a live report.    


Behind the reporter, Jiang Guowei was standing there complacently.    


Luan Zhi sneered in her heart, but her face still had a warm smile. She walked up to Jiang Guowei and said:    


"Mr. Mayor, why are you here? "Why don't you go to the front office and have a cup of tea?"    


Jiang Guowei was unwilling to leave so easily.    


"No need for tea!" "Since there's been an accident and the reporters want to report it, they can't just hide it, can they? What's so shameful about that?"    


Luan Zhi smiled and said:    


"How is this possible? Actually, it was just a minor accident caused by a resident when he was parking the car. Now, it had all been taken care of! Please rest assured, Mr. Mayor. Our Luan will definitely put the safety of our families first! "    


Naturally, those reporters knew Luan Zhi. They quickly went over and took note of what Luan Zhi had said just now!    


Jiang Guowei asked in disbelief:    


"Is it really done?" "What about the wounded?"    


Luan Zhi had already been assured that Jiang Guowei wouldn't have anything to do with the accident, but she still smiled and said:    


"Yes!" The tenants also agreed on our approach. The insurance company's personnel will be here shortly. In order for the residents to appraise the losses, our Luan will also provide a certain amount of compensation to the residents. "    


As soon as he finished, a staff member wearing the insurance company uniform arrived. He greeted Luan Zhi and Lee Dong, then went into the police station and walked towards the parking lot.    


Jiang Guowei knew what Luan Zhi said was true. He snorted coldly, turned around, and walked outside.    


Luan Zhi loudly shouted from behind him:    


"Mayor Jiang, if it's convenient, let's go to the front for a cup of tea!"    


However, Jiang Guowei was so angry that he didn't turn around. Despite the reporters around, he pretended not to hear anything as he walked outside.    


Seeing that Jiang Guowei had left, the few reporters also left one after another.    


Lee Dong went up to Luan Zhi and said,    


"Leader, what are these people doing here?" The moment I came here, I had to rush in! "    


Luan Zhi patted his shoulder and decided to give him a raise.    


"Alright, you did the right thing!" After that, I will ask some construction teams to come over and add some things.    


"Yes!" "I guarantee that I will complete the mission!"    


Lee Dong stood at attention and even gave an exaggerated military salute!    


Luan Zhi smiled and sent a staff member to meet up with the insurance company before leaving.    


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