Lovely Substitute Bride



When the reporters swarmed over to interview Luan Zhi, Min Ann'ge did not try to cover it up. He directly stated that Kun Ze's Ten Mile City was his present to Luan Zhi!    


Although there were a few people who doubted the origin of his assets and wanted to thoroughly investigate him, most people still held some trust in this matter!    


Especially the fans of Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, they all said that they were a couple that loved each other and made people envious!    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge also took the opportunity to explain the recent improvements in Kunze City in detail. At the same time, they also spread the news that there would be many awards for the opening day of the auction.    


Among them, the most eye-catching was the special prize! One of the luckiest buyers will be selected on the same day to carry out a one-off campaign! In other words, he only needed to pay the full price of a suite to receive a set of items of the same size!    


This heavyweight news made the entire city boil over!    


People rushed to tell each other that they were going to wait until that day to buy a house together!    


If he didn't have enough money, there would just be two of them. If he drew the lottery that day, then wouldn't each of them have a set?    


In fact, those who were not planning to buy a house had already made up their minds to go and watch the show!    


However, there was a group of people who were not happy at all! Back then, when this building was still a Luan Building, Luan Zhi had been in charge of opening it. That Liu swindler had come over to cause trouble, and a portion of the residents had believed his slanderous words and checked out on the spot!    


At that time, Luan Zhi had already made it clear that these people would never be accepted into this building ever again! Even if he couldn't sell a single house in Kunze City, he wouldn't sell one to these people!    


Of course, with the current situation that everyone was looking forward to, it was impossible to sell even one set!    


Seeing how everyone's greeting changed from "have you eaten" to "Have you gone to the house?" Those people's intestines all turned green with regret!    


But there was nothing he could do!    


A few people asked about Luan Zhi's attitude and got the answer: "I'm not selling!    


This group of people no longer dared to give up hope on others!    


Everyone's attention was focused on Kunze City. Finally, the auction had begun!    


Not only was the sales department packed with people, even the area within the ten miles of Kun Ze city was overcrowded! The huge residential garden suddenly felt like it could no longer move!    


You want to buy a house with money? You can squeeze in first!    


When Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge arrived, they saw this scene!    


Min Ann'ge quickly called for a lot of bodyguards to keep order with the property company. Only then did they avoid any riots.    


There was no need to elaborate on the opening ceremony! From the opening in the morning till the afternoon, the building had already sold for four fifths of its value! There were still a lot of people who refused to leave the sales office after buying the rooms, leaving all of them stuck inside. Those who did not buy a room outside could not enter, which resulted in a fifth of the rooms being emptied!    


But the prize had not even been opened, who would be willing to leave?    


He was afraid that if he wasn't careful, he would miss it!    


When it was almost evening, Luan Zhi personally took out today's special prize from the lottery box!    


Everyone held their breath as they watched. They were so nervous that they could only hear the sound of gulping.    


Luan Zhi stood on the second floor and looked at the numbers on the ping pong ball. She then looked at the crowd of people who were looking up expectantly and announced loudly:    


"Today's special prize will be a suite, number 89!"    


Everyone was relieved and shook their heads regretfully.    


Luan Zhi continued:    


"We still have other awards. Everyone, look around at the windows and you'll see a lot of staff holding a lottery box. Only those who buy a house today can draw a lottery!"    


Only then did some of the haze in the hall dissipate as the crowd rushed towards the smiling staff members.    


After all, there was only one special prize. Although everyone hoped that they would win, with such a low chance, choosing one out of hundreds might not be so lucky.    


The crowd cheered for the gift they drew!    


Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, who were standing on the second floor, looked at each other and smiled.    


The Kun Ze city once again regained its liveliness, and was even more explosive than before!    


As for Luan Zhi, she had fallen into her most beloved profession — design!    


After more than half a year, Luan Zhi was preparing to hold another fashion show!    


Because it was held in winter this time, the theme chosen was Autumn and Winter Fur Series! Coupled with Luan Zhi's philosophy, the addition of more elements made it even more attractive!    


This time, there was a small problem at the venue of the press conference! Because it was winter, many outdoor places could not be used!    


Finally, Luan Zhi came up with the idea of renting a high-end bar. After making some modifications, she planned to hold her Autumn and Winter Fashion Expo here!    


"Hmm, not bad, but there are some modifications that are needed. For example, the stage needs to be broadened. Also, this backstage area also needs some space!"    


Under Luan Zhi's coaxing, Min Ann'ge appeared in this bar called "Xiaohe" under Luan Zhi's Military Advisor's identity!    


At this moment, it was in Chinese. The windows of the bar were wide open, but even so, the inside of the bar still appeared to be in darkness!    


Luan Zhi nodded after hearing Min Ann'ge's suggestion, pointed to the side of the stage and said:    


"I will add some ground lamps to these places! And above the stage, we must ensure that there are sufficient light sources to let the audience see the costumes! "    


Min Ann'ge also nodded.    


The two raised a lot of opinions regarding the characteristics of the bar, which were all recorded down by Xiao Lee behind Luan Zhi and the staff from the other design room!    


From now on, Luan Zhi only needed to finish the design work! As for the location, it was still up to the experienced Xiao Lee to decide!    


Luan Zhi only needed to make a final check!    


On the day of the press conference, there were a lot more people who came than the last time! Many of them were people that Luan Zhi couldn't name, and some of them were old customers who had brought their friends over.    


Among them were a few people who were deeply etched in Luan Zhi's memories.    


Jinhua Golden Age's Xiang Tai was as plump as ever, wearing a fur coat. From the back, he thought it was a big grizzly bear! However, from the front, he could tell that she was different!    


She was wearing a bright red short skirt and her two thick thighs were exposed, but she definitely didn't feel cold! Her hair was so hot that it matched well with her figure. Her makeup was also just right!    


It was just a rich lady who knew how to dress!    


He still treated Luan Zhi disdainfully and arrogantly, but he treated the handsome man beside him very well!    


Elder Ling also came! His spirit was strong and healthy, without even a hint of aging! In the cold winter, still wearing a thin down jacket, very simple came!    


However, no one dared to underestimate him! Even Xiang Tai treated him with utmost respect!    


When the show started, the bar lights went out, leaving only the lights at the top and around the table, and the model in Luan Zhi's winter dress as the only focus.    


This time, Luan Zhi did not go up personally. Instead, she stood with Min Ann'ge in a corner of the stage and watched from the audience's point of view.    


"Hmm, this place is much warmer than the rooftop from last time!"    


Min Ann'ge said.    


Hearing his mocking tone, Luan Zhi pinched his waist lightly and said in a displeased tone:    


"The last time was in the middle of summer! I gave you a cool breeze, but you said it's not warm? How fearful are you of the cold? Are you sick? It's not kidney deficiency! "    


Taking advantage of the darkness, Min Ann'ge extended his hand under Luan Zhi's down jacket and slowly slid it across her back and lower abdomen, causing Luan Zhi to shudder!    


"Stop messing around!"    


Luan Zhi stopped his claws and said.    


Min Ann'ge leaned close to her ear, indistinctly sighed, and said:    


"Didn't you say I have kidney deficiency?"    


The big hand was about to touch again.    


"Don't, don't, don't! I was wrong!"    


Luan Zhi didn't dare to speak out loud, nor did she dare to make any big movements. She didn't want the surrounding staff to see through her, so she could only hold on tightly to Min Ann'ge's hand.    


But after holding down this one, the other hand began to wantonly move about!    


What a headache!    


Min Ann'ge made a ruckus for a while. Seeing that Luan Zhi's breathing was unstable, he stopped and said to Luan Zhi:    


"Because this time, you accompanied me to watch it, so I feel very warm!"    


There was a touch of sadness in his tone. He looked pitiful! Most of all, it was his love for Luan Zhi!    


Luan Zhi's tears fell in the darkness, but no one saw it!    


Luan Zhi blinked her eyes as she tried to stop her tears. Thinking of that press conference, she had been too busy and ignored him, leaving him alone in a corner below the stage. She said:    


"I will always be with you! "Even if I'm not here anymore …"    


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