Lovely Substitute Bride



"Is it delicious?"    


Luan Zhi, who was sitting across Min Ann'ge with her hands on her cheeks, asked in anticipation.    


Min Ann'ge blew on it and ate a dumpling in one bite. The soup inside the dumpling was filled to the brim with his mouth, and the taste was just right. It was more delicious than any dumpling he had ever eaten when he was young!    


"That's right!" "Eh, why is this dumpling …"    


Min Ann'ge said with a strange dumpling between his chopsticks.    


This dumpling did not resemble the others at all, Min Ann'ge could tell at a glance.    


Luan Zhi's face was a little red as she said:    


"This is … my bag …"    


Seeing Mei Shanshan's dumpling, Luan Zhi was also curious. She washed her hands and mixed them with the dumplings, but this was the first time she did it.    


On the other hand, Duo Duo's small hands were very nimble. After having been taught by Mei Shanshan twice, she had already wrapped them up quite nicely!    


Even Duo Duo shook her head and sighed like a little adult when she saw her masterpiece.    


Min Ann'ge didn't mind. He bit down on it and finished it all without any leftovers. Then, he said:    


"Although the shape is a bit strange, but I like it!"    


Then he looked up at Luan Zhi and added without blinking:    


"Because it's yours!"    


Just one sentence was enough to make Luan Zhi feel embarrassed. She swore that she would make it even better next time!    


Although it was just a simple plate of dumplings, Min Ann'ge was more focused and happy than any other delicacy. This was because the dumpling contained love!    


Luan Zhi felt as if someone was following her when she went to the design room and the city of Kunze, but when she suddenly turned around, she couldn't find anyone suspicious at all.    


Even though Min Ann'ge was worried for a few days, nothing happened. Thus, he suspected that Min Ann'ge had arranged a bodyguard. Thus, he asked straightforwardly:    


"You have a bodyguard assigned to me?"    


Min Ann'ge embraced her and said:    


"How many bodyguards have you arranged? I'll do it myself! "    


Luan Zhi knew that he had deliberately misunderstood her meaning and said in a displeased tone:    


"Who wants your protection? You'd better protect yourself! "    


Min Ann'ge tightly wrapped his arms around her waist and said:    


"You really don't want it? You have also seen my skills! It's definitely not any worse than a bodyguard! "    


"I'm not Duo Duo. I still need so many people to protect me …"    


Luan Zhi said as she hooked her arms around Min Ann'ge's neck.    


Min Ann'ge didn't voice his worries, instead, he answered casually:    


"Duo Duo, I also have people on my side!"    


Luan Zhi felt that it wasn't necessary, but it wasn't good to retort Min Ann'ge, so she didn't say anything. She just stared at Min Ann'ge, as if she could see a flower on his face.    


"What is it? Did you suddenly realize that your husband is very handsome? "    


At the same time, he threw an eye flying at Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi smiled and said:    


"We discovered it long ago!"    


Then, thinking that his seductive eyes were too stiff, he said:    


"You're an idol celebrity, and it's so difficult for you to even wink at her. Shouldn't you reflect on yourself?"    


"Is there? "There's no need to think about it. In any case, I'll only throw it at you, so just watch and see!"    


As he said that, Min Ann'ge cast him an even bigger flirtatious glance.    


Luan Zhi hurriedly stopped him and said:    


"It's better if you're more normal. You're so deliberate!"    


Min Ann'ge never needed to do this kind of deliberate look. Even if it was just a straight face, his cool appearance had already conquered all of the fans.    


He, who had always been pursing his lips in front of the audience, was able to evoke a shriek from his fans by inadvertently curling his lips!    


Of course, there was no need to do things like flirting!    


Only when facing Luan Zhi would he want to curry favor with her.    


Under Min Ann'ge's strict protection, Luan Zhi and Duo Duo passed the next few days very safely.    


Min Ann'ge received a piece of paper from the bodyguard captain and said:    


"Did he let go?"    


The bodyguard captain rarely spoke, so he replied:    




Looking at what was written on the paper, a small flame ignited in Min Ann'ge's eyes. He couldn't wait to go in and beat that man to death right now!    


But after thinking about it, now that he thought about it, he also felt very uncomfortable, so he said:    


"So he's just a dog to Jiang Guowei?"    


The captain answered with silence.    


Min Ann'ge ruthlessly kneaded that piece of paper into a ball and coldly said:    


"Break his leg and throw him in front of the people he bullied before."    




The bodyguard lowered his head and quickly replied.    


After a few days of torture, Haozi finally admitted everything. Jiang Guowei found him, told him the time and place of the social meetup, and gave him a sum of money. He had to make sure that the woman in the photo was humiliated.    


However, he didn't expect Min Ann'ge to take the time out from his busy schedule to go to the fraternity with Luan Zhi.    


He also didn't expect Min Ann'ge to suspect him and capture Haozi.    


When Haozi reappeared in Kunze City, he couldn't even stand up. He fell to the ground and was surrounded by people who passed by.    


Luan Zhi happened to come over to inspect the work and saw this scene.    


At that time, people were clapping and cheering on the person who had finally gotten what he wanted. One of them said,    


"See!" This is retribution! "    


"Serves him right! How many girls have I harmed! "    


The crowd discussed, spitting out saliva that almost drowned him.    


As for the person in question, Hao Zi, he could only randomly say:    


"No, no, I'll tell you all about it!"    


It seemed like his brain was no longer clear!    


Luan Zhi didn't approach, she just glanced at the distance and left. When she returned home, she mentioned this to Min Ann'ge. Min Ann'ge only said that sooner or later, this person would end up like this!    


Luan Zhi also nodded and didn't have any doubts.    


Soon it would be New Year's Day, and she would receive an invitation early!    


It was sent over by Xiang Tai from Jinhua Golden Age!    


When she received the invitation, Luan Zhi became worried. Min Ann'ge said after he found out about it:    


"Don't go if you don't want to!"    


"But, Xiang Tai has a very high status in the design world, only second to Elder Ling! "If I don't give her this face, I'm afraid …"    


Luan Zhi was a little worried. It wasn't that she was afraid of Xiang Tai, but that although Xiang Tai wasn't a likeable person, she had some unique views about her!    


This was a very important resource for the developing design rooms!    


When she told the others in the design room, they were all very excited! However, Xiao Lee advised her not to feel wronged.    


Therefore, Luan Zhi had been hesitating in recent days.    


It was almost New Year's Day, time to make a decision! Was it for the future of the design room, or was it just a casual rejection?    


Min Ann'ge said very domineeringly:    


"Go, I'll accompany you!" "No, I'll raise you!"    


The meaning behind his words was that even if she didn't develop her design, she wouldn't die of hunger. However, Luan Zhi's design was her wish, and he was very clear that he could only do his best to support her.    


In the end, Luan Zhi decided to go to the banquet on time!    


Min Ann'ge naturally decided to protect her at close range!    


Duo Duo, on the other hand, was very obedient. She promised to stay at home and let the nanny take care of her for the time being.    


The banquet organized by Xiang Tai had been specially chosen for the New Year's Eve. It was a gathering of friends from the design world to exchange their feelings!    


A large conference like this one would always be able to recognize many talented people.    


This was Luan Zhi's only hope for tonight!    


"Is that all, my queen?"    


Min Ann'ge, who just parked the car, walked to the front passenger side, opened the door and asked.    


Luan Zhi put her hand on his and walked out of the car.    


Min Ann'ge looked at his wife. She was still as elegant and beautiful as when he first met her. He was regretting supporting her to this banquet, especially after seeing the shocked expressions around her.    


The moment Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge entered the hall, they heard a joyous voice getting closer and closer!    


"Miss Luan Zhi is here!"    


Xiang Tai walked over with a twist of her body, hiding some lumps of flesh that should not have appeared under the tight dress that wrapped around her plump butt.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but sigh. The quality of this material was really good!    


Smiling, Luan Zhi said,    


"I am very lucky to have received your invitation! This is my lover! "    


Xiang Tai quickly said,    


"Hey, is there even a need for you to introduce us? Little handsome brother, I've heard a lot about you! "    


Min Ann'ge slightly frowned, but did not refute him. He only politely nodded his head.    


Next to Xiang Tai stood a lean man. Luan Zhi looked a little familiar, but after thinking for a while, she remembered that this man was the one who accompanied Xiang Tai to the bar to attend Luan Zhi's press conference!    


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