Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge originally wanted to say that there was no need, but thinking about Luan Zhi's worry, he said:    


"Alright, I'll go check it out after the temperature has dropped."    


Luan Zhi said:    


"Duo Duo, I'm here! "You can't drag on with your injuries either. Otherwise, I won't serve you when I grow old!"    


"Good, good, good! If there's any problem, call me right away. "    


Luan Zhi agreed and Min Ann'ge walked out of the ward.    


Just as he turned the corner, a pained expression appeared on his face!    


Actually, it wasn't just the bruise. The worst injury was on his leg, which had been cut by the former assassin.    


Fortunately, her pants were black, otherwise, she would have been discovered by Luan Zhi a long time ago!    


All of this had been forcefully suppressed by him in order to save Luan Zhi and Duo Duo as soon as possible!    


When the doctor treated all of Min Ann'ge's wounds, he regretted it a little. He oversaid it just now. It seemed that it wasn't because they treated their children badly, but because they had no choice!    


The doctor instructed Min Ann'ge not to touch water in the near future and handed him a prescription.    


Holding the prescription in his hand, Min Ann'ge returned to Duo Duo's resting room with a smile on his face.    


In the ward, Assistant Cao had already bought something to eat.    


Luan Zhi didn't have time to eat either. Instead, she held onto the flowers with a dazed expression on her face.    


Min Ann'ge walked forward and touched each of their foreheads as he said:    


"It's not hot anymore! "Don't worry!"    


He handed the noodles on the table to Luan Zhi and said:    


"Eat some!" If Duo Duo woke up soon, who would carry her? I'm an injured person, do you have the heart? "    


Min Ann'ge pointed at his side and purposely said so.    


Luan Zhi took the noodle soup. She, who was already starving, smelled the hot air and suddenly felt a sour smell. She raised her head to think about Min Ann'ge. Seeing him nod at her, she started to eat seriously.    


He had finally saved Luan Zhi and Duo Duo!    


Min Ann'ge relaxed his nerves and ate the hot soup noodles. Then, he quickly fell asleep beside the bed.    


When he opened his eyes again, it was already a new day!    


Duo Duo had awoken and was eating a small dumpling with the spoon in Luan Zhi's hand.    


"Daddy, you're awake!"    


Seeing that Min Ann'ge had woken up, Duo Duo smiled sweetly.    


Min Ann'ge sat up on another nearby bed. Looking at Luan Zhi and Duo Duo, he suddenly felt that it wasn't real!    


Getting off the bed, Min Ann'ge went forward to hug the two of them and said:    


"Not bad!" That dream is fake! "    


Luan Zhi knew that he had a nightmare and asked:    


"What did you dream?"    


Min Ann'ge shook his head and said:    


"It was just a dream! Now that you are all by my side, this is the most important! "    


"Daddy, the bad guy from yesterday was so fierce!"    


Duo Duo interjected.    


Looking at how she complained, Min Ann'ge touched her little head and said:    


"Don't worry Duo Duo, Daddy has already chased away all the bad guys!"    


Duo Duo clapped her hands and laughed:    


"Daddy is the best! Duo Duo worships her daddy! "    


Min Ann'ge was a bit embarrassed by these words. If he was more careful, they wouldn't have been kidnapped!    


Luan Zhi saw his self-blame and raised her hand to touch his arm, consoling him.    


"Don't blame yourself! It's not your fault! If you have to blame anyone, blame them for not letting us off! "    


Luan Zhi didn't want to talk too much in front of Duo Duo, so she just ended the conversation and continued to scoop the Soup Dumplings next to her mouth.    


When Min Ann'ge walked out of the ward, Assistant Cao was waiting outside and hurriedly came to greet him.    


"Did you catch both of them?"    


Min Ann'ge asked.    


Assistant Cao immediately said.    


"We've caught them all. However, Jiang Guowei has run away, and Soong Yaru is also here. "    


Min Ann'ge also knew that at that time, he was fighting against the former member of the hitman organization, and those two saw that they lost, so they quickly ran away!    


"No worries!" He won't be able to escape for long! "    


Min Ann'ge said with certainty.    


Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen hurriedly ran over from the corridor. When they saw Min Ann'ge, they rushed over and asked while gasping for breath,    


"Where are Zhi and Duo Duo?"    


Min Ann'ge walked to the door and said:    


"Everything is fine now!"    


Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen walked in. The moment they saw their daughters and granddaughters, both of them started crying, especially Mei Shanshan. She went up to Luan Zhi, hugged her, and cried.    


"Look at my pitiful state! "What a sin!"    


"Mom, everything is fine now!"    


Luan Zhi said.    


Duo Duo also put her arms around Mei Shanshan and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She smiled sweetly and said,    


"Grandma, Duo Duo is fine!"    


She even used her small hands to wipe away the tears on Mei Shanshan's face.    


Mei Shanshan nodded vigorously as she fought back her tears.    


Luan Shen walked out and stood beside Min Ann'ge, asking him about what had happened.    


After Min Ann'ge told them everything, Luan Shen's face was filled with anger as he said,    


"This Jiang Guowei, let him take a step, he really thinks that we, Zhi, can be easily bullied!" "Humph!"    


Min Ann'ge said,    


"Dad, I won't let him off easy, don't worry!"    


Luan Shen nodded and returned to the ward to check on Luan Zhi and Duo Duo.    


That afternoon, Duoduo had fully recovered and left the hospital. Min Ann'ge's injuries would not recover for a while, but she did not intend to let Luan Zhi know. Thus, they went home together.    


"Ann'ge, I've decided to expose Jiang Guowei's true colors!"    


Luan Zhi said firmly.    


Wu Tie nodded. The evidence in his hands now was enough. If Soong Yaru still had her conscience and was willing to testify, then Jiang Guowei would definitely be imprisoned for a few years!    


"Soong Yaru brought me to your place. This cannot be denied! "    


Min Ann'ge said.    


Luan Zhi said in surprise,    


"Is that so? I thought she was already completely in cahoots with Jiang Guowei, seems like she's still human! "    


Min Ann'ge nodded and told Luan Zhi not to act rashly for the time being. She had to rest for a few days and observe Jiang Guowei's movements before deciding anything else!    


Although Jiang Guowei ran away in time, he did not run away without fear of his crimes. It seemed like he was reluctant to leave this piece of land, so he took the risk and stayed behind.    


Min Ann'ge was curious about this person's obsession. What supported him to survive until today?    


Could it be an invincible skill with thick skin?    


In the familiar dim basement, another two 'guests' were welcomed!    


It was Ol 'Three and his underling the moustache, known as the former international level hitman!    


The heavily injured captain threw down his whip, wiped the sweat off his forehead and said to the two:    


"What is it? "What about the bloodlust that beat me up two days ago?"    


As expected of someone who had once been a killer, Ol 'Three was now a prisoner.    


"Hmph, let me go if you have the guts. Let's practice alone!"    


As for the other moustache man, he was not so stubborn. After being beaten to the point where he only had half his life left, he humphed and said:    


"Spare me!" My mind is wandering! "    


Ol 'Three scolded:    


"No backbone!" Is he a man? "    


The moustache man's tears flowed down as he said in a sobbing tone:    


"It's not you, you have to accept this deal!"    


The leader of the bodyguards didn't care that much. He rested for a while because most of his injuries were superficial and after a few days, he was almost completely healed. After seeing the two complain to each other for a while, he walked up and said:    




And then there was the whipping!    


Min Ann'ge looked through the surveillance camera and said to a bodyguard beside him:    


"Switch the two of them into different rooms and separate the interrogation."    


The bodyguard immediately walked out.    


Sure enough, in less than two days, the moustache man was the first to relax, honestly explaining the deal between the two of them and Jiang Guowei!    


It turned out that Ol 'Three had suddenly returned to his hometown a few years ago. No matter what he did, it wouldn't last him ten days no matter what kind of job he was looking for, and he always left due to various reasons. His parents had both died a long time ago, so he could only rely on his relatives to help him out occasionally. It was also at this time that Ol 'Three was taken care of by Eight-shaped Mustache's mother.    


Not long after, someone went to look for him. From then on, Ol 'Three said he was going to do a lot of business! Eight-shaped Mustache's mother saw that Eight-shaped Mustache was also free, so she begged him to bring her son along.    


Who would have thought that after coming out with Ol 'Three, he would start a kidnapping business!    


"So you're saying, there's still Luan Feixian leading the way?"    


Min Ann'ge asked.    


Assistant Cao nodded and said yes on the side, then said hesitantly:    


"The other person still hasn't said anything. He's only one breath left."    


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