Lovely Substitute Bride





Luan Zhi stood up and wanted to hug Min Ann'ge, but the pain coming from her ankle forced her to kneel down.    


"Where are you hurt?"    


Min Ann'ge hurried forward to support Luan Zhi while looking at her.    


There were no wounds on Luan Zhi's body. Because she was wearing thick clothes, it was impossible to tell from her appearance that she had sustained any injuries. However, judging from the sweat on her forehead, her injuries were not light!    


"I twisted my leg …"    


Luan Zhi said in a low voice, feeling wronged.    


Min Ann'ge lowered his head and checked her ankle. Seeing that there was no swelling, he was slightly relieved. He picked her up and said helplessly:    


"Why did you come here by yourself without waiting for me? Do you know how worried I am about you? "    


Luan Zhi knew she was in the wrong, so she wrapped her arms around Min Ann'ge's neck and whispered:    


"Got it!"    


"What a tormenting demoness!"    




"No? Do you know how dangerous this place is? If something were to happen to you, I wouldn't let you go. "    


"Alright, nothing happened to him!"    


Min Ann'ge held her easily, looked at the route back, and walked towards the car park.    


Seeing that he was very familiar with this area, Luan Zhi said,    


"Have you been here before?"    


Min Ann'ge shook his head and said,    


"The first time."    


Luan Zhi pouted and said, unconvinced:    


"Then why are you so familiar with it? "I've lost my way …"    


"That's why I said you're an idiot! Hold me tight and don't fall down! "    


Min Ann'ge said as he tightly hugged her hands.    


Luan Zhi's body, which was not fat, became lighter after working so hard for a while. If this went on, her hands would not feel good!    


Min Ann'ge thought evilly and asked again:    


"What are you doing here?"    


Luan Zhi said:    


"Looking for someone!" "Who would have thought that it would be so hard to find here!"    


"Is it for Fann Leeming?"    


Min Ann'ge said with an unhappy tone. He had always been not optimistic about Fann Leeming, but after finally getting rid of him, he appeared like a ghost again.    


Luan Zhi nodded and said:    


"You know all about it?"    


Min Ann'ge declined to comment and did not say anything. His anger towards Fann Leeming had not yet subsided. He was just trying to discern the way back under the dim light.    


Luan Zhi said hesitantly.    


"I want to find out why he betrayed me!"    


It turned out that he still couldn't get over it!    


Min Ann'ge sighed. He stopped and looked down at Luan Zhi who was in his arms.    






Luan Zhi didn't react for a moment as she stared blankly at Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge saw her confused expression and felt the anger in his heart dissipate.    


"Aren't you looking for someone? Since you've come, let me fulfill your wish! Otherwise, you probably won't be able to sleep again tonight! "    


That way, his heart would ache!    


Luan Zhi happily jumped down from his embrace, hugged Min Ann'ge's waist, rubbed her face against his chest and said:    


"I knew you were the best! "Hehe!"    


"Don't say something nice!" Give me the address, and I'll accompany you. "    


Min Ann'ge said.    


Luan Zhi giggled as she opened up the paper slip that she held in her hand for a long time and handed it to Min Ann'ge.    


As the lights nearby were very dim, Min Ann'ge looked up after a while. Then, he looked at the road under the dim light and pointed to a fork in the road.    


"This way. We should be there soon."    


"Ah?" I've already walked a few rounds around here! "    


Luan Zhi scratched her head and said. This place must be teasing her. How could Min Ann'ge be able to find her so easily?    


It was too unfair!    


Min Ann'ge wanted to pick Luan Zhi up again, but was rejected by Luan Zhi. She said:    


"It's not too painful! I can walk. "    


He didn't expect that Min Ann'ge would directly carry her and directly walk towards that fork in the road without saying a word.    


"Ann'ge, this is too tiring for you!" It really doesn't hurt anymore! "    


Min Ann'ge said lightly:    


"Don't move, or I'll carry you."    


"Ugh …"    


Luan Zhi stopped struggling, but she was still worried that Min Ann'ge would be tired because of her, so she paid attention to his expression.    


Min Ann'ge was very relaxed. As he looked at the houses on both sides of the road, he explained:    


"Quickly finish everything and return home! Duo Duo has already asked the driver to pick her up. "    


From Luan Zhi's point of view, she could only see Min Ann'ge's firm chin and his Adam's apple moving up and down slightly as Min Ann'ge spoke. It was slightly protruding and looked extremely sexy!    


Luan Zhi looked directly at Min Ann'ge and saw him suddenly lower his head. Luan Zhi, who was caught red-handed, frantically lowered her head and purposely said,    


"Eh? Why did you stop? "    


Min Ann'ge pointed to a rusty iron plate on the wall and said,    


"We're here."    


Luan Zhibei looked at the words written on the sign, which were exactly the same as her own paper. She hurriedly jumped down and said:    


"Right here! This is the place! "    


This house was somewhat different from the others. Although it was also low and simple, there was a small garden two meters in diameter in front of the door. There were some cabbages and beans growing inside the garden. It was tidily arranged!    


The light from a small window proved that the house was occupied!    


"That's great! The teacher's family has not been moved away! "    


Luan Zhi limped forward and knocked on the door.    


Min Ann'ge saw Luan Zhi's eagerness and shook his head. He walked up and stood behind her, looking at the middle-aged man who opened the door.    


"You are?"    


The man's hair was shoulder-length and hung in a disorderly fashion around his face. A pair of thick, old-fashioned glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, obscuring his lifeless eyes.    


His clothes were patched up, but it was still clean!    


Luan Zhi slightly bent her waist and said with a smile:    


"Excuse me, are you Teacher Lee Dong's family member?"    


When the middle-aged man heard Luan Zhi's question, his listless eyes suddenly opened wide as he said in fear,    


"Who are you people? "What do you want to do?"    


Luan Zhi saw the man's reaction and explained that he did not directly answer her question:    


"Don't worry, we have no ill intentions. We just want to ask what exactly happened back then."    


The middle-aged man was even more scared and started to tremble. He waved his hand and muttered:    


"I don't know, I don't know."    


His hands were about to close the narrow door.    


Min Ann'ge held the door open and looked coldly at the man.    


The man was frightened by the vicious gaze. He unexpectedly fell behind and continuously shouted,    


"Don't, don't scold me, it has nothing to do with me."    


When Luan Zhi saw that this person had such a huge reaction and exchanged a glance with Min Ann'ge, the doubt in her heart deepened.    


Min Ann'ge pushed open the door and walked in. Luan Zhi followed closely behind and quickly reached out to help the man on the ground.    


However, that man seemed to have seen something terrifying as he continuously avoided Luan Zhi's hand and retreated backwards.    


Luan Zhi awkwardly withdrew her hand and looked at the man who had suddenly gone insane.    


At this moment, a curtain on the side was lifted and a seventeen or eighteen year old girl ran out.    


Seeing the man on the ground, he shouted to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge,    


"What did you do to my father?"    


Luan Zhi felt as if she had been caught red-handed and was at a loss of what to do. She hastily explained:    


"It's like this. We were just here to ask him something, but we didn't expect him to … I'm so sorry! "    


The girl helped her father up. After hearing Luan Zhi's words, she looked at the two of them and said:    


"Wait a moment."    


Then she supported the man to the room that was separated only by a curtain.    


Probably because she had comforted her father, the girl finally came out. She pointed at two stools and said:    


"Sit down!"    


Then he poured two bowls of boiled water and said:    


"What do you want to ask? Is it about that story from a few years ago? "    


Luan Zhi was staring at the porcelain bowl. Hearing the girl's words, she raised her head and asked,    


"How do you know?"    


How did she know before the two of them even spoke?    


The smile on the girl's face was very faint.    


"Ever since that happened, people have been coming to our house a lot, but a lot less in the last year or two. My dad got very excited when he saw this! "    


So that's how it was!    


No wonder that man was so scared when he heard Luan Zhi ask about it.    


It seemed that the netizens' flesh search for revenge had brought about a serious backlash to the teacher's family!    


"Those people always want to know exactly how my father beat up the child, but how could my father say that? He never did. "    


The girl was slightly agitated, but she was also angry for her father.    


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